North British Mathematical Physics Seminar 50
The fiftieth meeting of the North British Mathematical Physics Seminar will take place on
Friday 12th May 2017
at the King's Manor, University of York.
Note: these people participated.
King's Manor is in the centre of the city,
5 minutes' walk from the railway station. To get there, turn left out of
the station, under the wall, left over the bridge over the river,
then left after 100m at the crossroads (see map). The King's Manor is in Exhibition Square, to the
left of the fountain and the city art gallery.
Refreshments will be in the refectory and lunch in cafes nearby. To
get to the refectory go through the porters' lodge and up the stone
staircase towards the end of the first court on the left. Talks will be
in K/133, entered either through the refectory (back of the
theatre) or at the far left-hand corner of the furthest court (which
brings you in at the front of the theatre).
Mirjam Weilenmann
Bell's theorem shows that our intuitive understanding of causation must be revisited in light of quantum correlations. Nevertheless, quantum mechanics does not permit signalling and hence a notion of cause remains. Understanding this notion is not only important at a fundamental level, but also for technological applications such as key distribution and randomness expansion. It has recently been shown that a useful way to determine which classical causal structures give rise to a given set of correlations is to use entropy vectors. We consider the question of whether such vectors can lead to useful certificates of non-classicality. We find that for a family of causal structures that include the usual bipartite Bell structure and the bilocality scenario they do not, in spite of the existence of non-classical correlations. Furthermore, we find that for many causal structures non-Shannon entropic inequalities give additional constraints on the sets of possible entropy vectors in the classical case. They hence lead to tighter outer approximations of the set of realisable entropy vectors, which we are able to supplement with inner approximations. This enables a sharper distinction of different causal structures. Whether our improved characterisations are also valid for the quantum case remains an open problem whose resolution would have implications for the discrimination of classical and quantum cause and would give novel insights into the question of whether there exist new inequalities for the von Neumann entropy.
Lennart Schmidt
This talk is based on work with Christian Saemann detailed in
In there, we argue that the relevant higher gauge group for the non-abelian generaliza-
tion of the self-dual string equation is the string 2-group. After deriving the corresponding
equations of motion we present explicitly the elementary solution to these, which is the
categorified analogue of the ’t Hooft–Polyakov monopole and passes the relevant
consistency checks; in particular, it is globally defined on R^4 and approaches the
abelian self-dual string of charge one at infinity. In this talk, I will aim to present the framework
of this solution and discuss its properties.
Arthur Jaffe
About two years ago I began a collaboration with Zhengwei Liu. We discovered that we could combine planar algebras (which he developed in his thesis on subfactor theory) with parafermions. This yielded an algebra that we call: planar para algebra. With Alex Wozniakowski, we then used these results to develop and understand 2D and 3D pictorial languages in order to solve some problems in quantum information. Now it has become clear that our 3D "Quon language" is interesting in its own right; it appears to have many potential applications in various fields of physics and mathematics, quite distinct from quantum information. So we have begun to focus on this question.
Robert Parini
Several 1+1 dimensional integrable PDEs permit point-like defects or impurities which do not break the integrability of the model. The effect of such an integrable defect on an incoming soliton (stable solitary wave) is well known but many nonlinear integrable PDEs also permit a class of algebro-geometric (or finite-gap) solutions which are more general than solitons. I will show how algebro-geometric solutions in the presence of integrable defects can be constructed using a Darboux transformation and discuss how they compare to the known soliton solutions which can all be recovered in a suitable limit. This is the subject of joint work with Ed Corrigan detailed in arXiv:1612.06904.
Yang-Hui He
We study various geometrical quantities for Calabi-Yau varieties realized as cones over Gorenstein Fano varieties, obtained as toric varieties from reflexive polytopes in various dimensions. We concentrate on reflexive polytopes up to dimension 4 and calculate the minimized volume of the Sasaki-Einstein base of the corresponding Calabi-Yau cone. By doing so we conjecture new bounds for the Sasaki-Einstein volume with respect to many topological quantities of the corresponding toric varieties. We give interpretations about these volume bounds in the context of associated field theories via the AdS/CFT correspondence.
Based on joint work with R.-K. Seong and S.-T. Yau.
Dinner, celebrating NBMPS 50
Practical Information
These maps
will get you from the railway station to King's Manor (the
university-provided one
doesn't show the station).
If you come by car I'm afraid you'll need to take your chances in the city centre car parks. Bootham Row is the closest council car park, but the much larger Marygate is the next closest.
Limited funds are available to help with travel expenses of those
with no other source of funding, especially postgraduate students and
postdocs. Please book early to take advantage of the cheaper
advance-purchase train fares. For how to claim please see
the main NBMPS page.
If you plan to attend the meeting, or for further questions, please email the
local organiser,
Eli Hawkins. Please mention if you wish to attend the dinner, so that we can estimate numbers.