Programme of

EPSRC International Network for Spintronics Research Symposium

"From Material Development to Novel Energy Efficient Technologies"

York Tohoku Kaiserslautern Manchester Leeds Spintec

Day 1 (Monday, 7 June)



Prof. Atsufumi Hirohata (Department of Electronic Engineering, University of York)
"Introduction to the EPSRC International Network for Spintronics"


Session 1:
Antiferromagnetic Spintronics

Each talk will consist of 25 min. and 5 min. discussion.

Dr Vincent Baltz (Spintec)
"Spin and charge transport in antiferromagnets"

Dr Thomas Moore (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds)
"Pt/Co/X multilayers with antiferromagnets and strain"

Dr Gonzalo Vallejo-Fernandez (Department of Physics, University of York)
"Anisotropy in antiferromagnets"

Dr Joseph Barker (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds)
"Atomistic modelling of antiferromagnets"


Chair: Atsufumi Hirohata




Session 2:
Magnetic Memories and Sensors

Each talk will consist of 25 min. and 5 min. discussion.

Prof. Shigemi Mizukami (WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University)
"Laser-induced magnetization dynamics in synthetic antiferromagnets"

Dr Kévin Garello (Spintec)
"Spin-orbit torque MRAM: Fundamentals, technology integration and perspectives"

Prof. Shunsuke Fukami (Research Institute of Electrical Communications, Tohoku University)
"Nanosecond probabilistic bit with stochastic magnetic tunnel junction"

Dr Robert Carpenter (IMEC)
"Approaches to overcome the challenge of low power MRAM"

Prof. Sara Majetich (Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University)
"Superparamagnetic tunnel junctions"


Chair: Vincent Baltz


Session 3:
Funding Opportunities

Each talk will consist of 25 min. and 5 min. discussion.

Dr Sarah Newman (Senior Portfolio Manager - Physical Sciences, EPSRC, UKRI)
"Overview of UKRI EPSRC programmes"

Mr Yu Hirayama & Ms Tomoka Miyoshi (International Programme Associate, JSPS London)
"Overview of JSPS International Programmes" JSPS presentation


Chair: Atsufumi Hirohata

Day 2 (Tuesday, 8 June)


Session 4:
Spintronic Device Concepts

Each talk will consist of 25 (*18) min. and 5 (*2) min. discussion.

Dr Paul Nutter (School of Computer Science, University of Manchester)
"THz spintronic emitters"

Prof. Andrii Chumak (Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna)
"Inverse-design magnonics"

* Dr Nathan Satchell (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds)
"Superconducting spintronics"

Dr Naoyuki Narita (Toshiba)
"Microwave-assisted magnetic recording technologies"

Dr Yukiko Takahashi (Magnetic Materials Unit, National Institute for Materials Science)
"Current status and future prospects in heat-assisted magnetic recording media"


Chair: Tom Thomson




Session 5:
Low-Dimensional Spintronics

Each talk will consist of 25 (*18) min. and 5 (*2) min. discussion.

Dr Oscar Cèspedes (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds
"A hybrid metal oxide-molecular magneto-optic memory"

* Mr Takemi Kato (Department of Physics, Tohoku University)
"Dirac electronic states of topological insulator/ferromagnet heterostructure studied by ARPES"

Prof. Benjamin Stadtmüller (Department of Physics, Technical University of Kaiserslautern)
"Imaging the ultrafast spin carrier dynamics of low dimensional hybrid structures in energy, momentum space and time"

* Mr Ivan Vera Marun (School of Computer Science, University of Manchester)
"From spin-orbitronic effects to transistors"

* Mr Badala Viswanatha (Department of Physics, Technical University of Kaiserslautern)
"Spin-filtering effects at chiral metal-organic interfaces"

Prof. Thomas Thomson (School of Computer Science, University of Manchester)
"Spintronics research at Manchester"

Prof. Caroline Ross (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
"Magnetic insulators for spintronic and photonic devices"


Chair: Chris Marrows

Day 3 (Wednesday, 9 June)


Session 6:
Spintronic Materials and Dynamics

Each talk will consist of 25 (*18) min. and 5 (*2) min. discussion.

Prof. Philipp Pirro (Department of Physics, Technical University of Kaiserslautern)
"Exchange spin waves as probe and tool"

Dr Daria Gusakova (Spintec)
"Three-dimensional magnetization textures"

* Dr Kévin Franke (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds)
"Switching between magnetic Bloch and Néel domain walls with anisotropy modulations"

* Mr Will Griggs (School of Computer Science, University of Manchester)
"Depth selective magnetic phase coexistence in FeRh thin films probed using polarized neutron reflectivity (PNR)"

Prof. Satoshi Okamoto (Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University)
"Spin dynamics of magnetic devices"


Chair: Tom Thomson




Session 7:
Interfaces and Topology

Each talk will consist of 25 (*18) min. and 5 (*2) min. discussion.

Prof. Sandrine Heutz (Department of Materials, Imperial College London)
"Structure-dependent photoinduced spin couplings in molecular semiconductors"

* Dr Ye Du (Department of Materials Science, Tohoku University)
"Disentangling the spin-orbit torques in platinum/cobalt bilayers in the presence of spin Hall effect and Rashba-Edelstein effect"

* Mr Michael Wißmann (Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW-Dresden) & Spintec)
"Intrinsic magnetic topological insulators"

Dr Christoforos Moutafis (School of Computer Science, University of Manchester)
"Magnetic skyrmions for neuromorphic computing"

* Mr Luis Flacke (Walther-Meißner Institute)
"Robust formation of nanoscale magnetic skyrmions in easy-plane thin film multilayers with low damping"

* Dr Fatima Ibrahim (Spintec)
"Tailoring spin-orbit phenomena at interfaces: first-principles calculations and beyond"

Dr Keith McKenna (Department of Physics, University of York)
"Spintronics research at York"


Chair: Satoshi Okamoto