bibtex file


Leading from the front? Social networks in navigating groups. N. W. F. Bode, D. W. Franks and A. Jamie Wood . Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. Online First (2012). [abs][pdf]

Social networks improve leaderless group navigation by facilitating long-distance communication N. W. F. Bode, A. Jamie Wood and D. W. Franks. Current Zoology: Special Column on Animal Social Networks. 58(2) 329-341 (2012). [abs][pdf]

Distinguishing social from non-social navigation in cohesive animal groups. N. W. F. Bode, D. W. Franks, A. Jamie Wood, Julius Piercy, Darren P. Croft and E. A. Codling. The American Naturalist, 179 621-632 (2012). [abs][pdf]


The impact of social networks on animal collective motion: a conceptual model. N. W. F. Bode, A. Jamie Wood and D. W. Franks. Animal Behaviour 82 29-38 (2011). [abs][pdf][focus]

Social networks and models for collective motion in animals. N. W. F. Bode, A. Jamie Wood and D. W. Franks. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65 117-130 (2011) DOI: 10.1007/s00265-010-1111-0. [abs][pdf]

Limited interactions are necessary for realistic movement in animal groups. N. W. F. Bode, D. W. Franks and A. Jamie Wood. J. R. Soc. Interface doi: 10.1098/rsif.2010.0397 8 301-304 (2011) [abs][pdf]


Making Noise. Emergent stochastic noise in a self propelled particle model. N. W. F. Bode, D. W. Franks and A. Jamie Wood. Journal of theoretical biology 267 292-299 (2010) doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.08.034 . [abs][pdf]

Perceived threat increases synchronization in collectively moving animal groups. N. W. F. Bode, Jolyon J. Faria, Jens Krause, D. W. Franks and A. Jamie Wood. Proc. R. Soc. B doi:10.1098/rspb.2010.0855 277 3065-3070 [video]. [abs][pdf]

Strategy selection under predation; evolutionary analysis of the emergence of cohesive aggregations. A Jamie Wood. Journal of Theoretical Biology doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.03.035 264 1102-1110 (2010). [abs][pdf]

Evolutionary Optimality in Stochastic Search Problems. Mark D. Preston, Jon W. Pitchford and A. Jamie Wood. J. R. Soc. Interfacedoi: 10.1098/​rsif.2010.0090 7 1301-1310 (2010). [abs][pdf]

Emergent patterns in space and time from daisyworld: a simple evolving coupled biosphere-climate model, G J Ackland and A Jamie Wood. Philosophical Transactions A, 368 161-179 (2010). [abs][pdf]

Exact results for the evolution of stochastic switching in variable asymmetric environments. B. Gaal, J. W. Pitchford and A. Jamie Wood. Genetics, Vol. 184, 1113-1119, April 2010. doi:10.1534/genetics.109.113431 [abs] [pdf]


Binding to DNA protects Neisseria meningitidis Fumarate and nitrate reductase regulator (FNR) from oxygen, James Edwards, Lindsay J. Cole, Jasper B. Green, Melanie J. Thomson, A. Jamie Wood, Jean L. Whittingham, James W. B. Moir. J. Biol. Chem. jbc.M109.057810, doi:10.1074/jbc.M109.057810 (2009). [abs] [pdf]

A totally asymmetric exclusion process with stochastically mediated entrance and exit, A Jamie Wood. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009) 445002 [abs] [pdf]


Daisyworld: A Review. Wood A. J., Ackland G. J., Dyke J. G., Williams H. T. P. and Lenton T. M. Reviews of Geophysics 46 1, (2008) doi: Rg1001 Artn rg1001


. Evolving the selfish herd: emergence of distinct aggregating strategies in an individual-based model. A.J.Wood and G.J.Ackland, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 274 1618, 1637-1642 (2007) doi: 10.1098/rspb.2007.0306 [abs][pdf]

Fitness Approach to Daisyworld. Wood A. J. and Coe J. B. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 249 190-197 (2007). [abs] [pdf]


Mutation of albedo and growth response produces oscillations in a spatial Daisyworld. Wood A. J., Ackland G. J., Lenton T. M. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 242 188 (2006). [abs] [pdf]


Equilibrium statistical mechanics of a grain boundary . D.B. Abraham, Ville Mustonen and A.J.Wood, Physical Review E 71, 036106 (2005) [abs] [pdf]


Relaxation dynamics of a system with a grain boundary. D.B. Abraham, Ville Mustonen and A.J.Wood, Physical Review E 70, 066138 (2004) [abs] [pdf]

Wetting at a grain boundary. D.B. Abraham, Ville Mustonen and A.J.Wood, Physical Review Letters 93 076101 (2004).[abs] [pdf]

Solid-on-Solid solution for wetting at a grain boundary. D.B. Abraham, Ville Mustonen and A.J.Wood, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37 L233 (2004).[abs] [pdf]


Exact Results for Wetting and Filling on a Triangular Lattice. D.B. Abraham, Ville Mustonen and A.J.Wood, International Journal of Thermophysics 25 1051 (2003). [abs] [pdf]

Triangular lattice solution for filling in a wedge. D.B. Abraham, Ville Mustonen and A.J.Wood. Europhys. Lett. 63 408 (2003). [abs] [pdf]


Drumhead model of wetting, filling and wedge covariance. D.B. Abraham, A.O.Parry and A.J.Wood. Europhys. Lett. 60 106 (2002).[abs] [pdf]

Wedge covariance for two-dimensional filling and wetting. A.O.Parry, M.J.Greenall and A.J.Wood. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 1169 (2002).[abs] [pdf]

Wittens Lectures on Crumpling. A.J.Wood (Editor), Physica A 313 83 (2002) [abs] [pdf]

PhD Thesis: Fluctuation effects at Filling transitions. A.J.Wood. University of London and Imperial College (2002).


Universal phase boundary shifts for corner wetting and filling. A.O.Parry, A.J.Wood, A. Drzewinski and Enrico Carlon. Physical Review Letters. 87 196103 (2001).[abs] [pdf]

Interfacial fluctuation effects at 3D wedge-wetting. A.O.Parry, A.J.Wood and C.Rascon, Fluid Phase Equilibria 185 139 (2001).

Wedge filling, cone filling and the strong fluctuation regime. A.O.Parry, A.J.Wood and C.Rascon, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Special Edition "Liquids at interfaces" 13 4591 (2001).[abs] [pdf]

A disorder point for filling transitions in 1+1 dimensions. A.J.Wood and A.O.Parry, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 34 L5 (2001).[abs] [pdf]


Two dimensional filling in ordered and disordered systems. A.O.Parry, A.J.Wood and C.Rascon. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12 7671 (2000).[abs] [pdf]

Critical effects at 3D wedge-wetting. A.O.Parry, C.Rascon and A.J.Wood. Physical Review Letters 85, 345 (2000). [abs] [pdf]


Universality for 2D wedge-wetting. A.O.Parry, C.Rascon and A.J.Wood. Physical Review Letters 83, 5535 (1999). [abs] [pdf]