Guest Speakers

Dr Roger Orpwood, Bath Institute of Medical Engineering

Following initial training as a Physiologist and research in Neurophysiology, I retrained as a Mechanical Engineer and worked in the aerospace industry as a designer. I returned to academia after a few years, doing research in medical engineering and have been involved ever since in the field, with design and development experience of a wide range of technologies, mostly on devices for disabled people, and including people with dementia. This work has mostly been with the Bath Institute of Medical Engineering, where I am currently Deputy Director.

Related Links for Roger Orpwood:

The Gloucester Smart House: This house is a demonstration house looking at EIB technology to assist people with dementia. The important aspect of this site is the new devices that have been developed by the research team such as the cooker shut off and tap shut off. 

: The center Dr Orpwood Works For.

Elizabeth Sergeant, Aberdeen City Council Social Work Department

Liz Sergeant has been a social work manager with Aberdeen City Council over the last five years. As part of her remit she has been responsible for commissioning and reshaping the community care response for services for people with a learning disability. In this role she has become interested in the use of technology to support people with autistic spectrum disorder and behaviours that challenge traditional services. This interest has been put into an operational reality with the first group of tenancies with individually tailored technology opening in 2002. Since then Liz has spent considerable time in ensuring that appropriate technology is used to support adults going into community placements, who have autistic spectrum disorder or challenging behaviours.

Related Links for Liz Sergeant:

Hometoys Article
from Liz and some of the organisers of HEAT

news from the Aberdeen City pages

Grammarian Care Data entry