YouTube videos

Videos that explain concepts well

A few basic concepts from statistics and probability by Mohamed Noor
Relevant to modules: BIO00047I, BIO00056I, BIO00074H, BIO00081H

Genetic diversity in populations and Tajima's D by Mohamed Noor
Relevant to modules: BIO00056I, BIO00074H, BIO00081H

Measuring Genetic Variation and the FST statistic by Sarah Tishkoff
Relevant to modules: BIO00056I, BIO00074H, BIO00081H

Human evolution, genetic drift, population bottlenecks by Sarah Tishkoff
Relevant to modules: BIO00056I, BIO00074H, BIO00081H

Molecular arms races - host evolution by Harmit Malik
Relevant to modules: BIO00056I, BIO00074H, BIO00081H

Measuring Selection – Purifying vs. Diversifying by Harmit Malik
Relevant to modules: BIO00056I, BIO00074H, BIO00081H

Protein translation by the ribosome
Relevant to modules: BIO00056I, BIO00074H

Genetics and Evolution playlist by Mohamed Noor.
63 videos that cover:

1 Evidence for Evolution
1.1 Starting Point
1.2 Debate and Misconceptions
2 Genetics I
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Inheritance, Genetic Scales, and Cell Division
2.3 Inheritance II
3 Genetics II
3.1 Recombination
3.2 Genetic Mapping
3.3 Genetic Markers
4 Genetics III
4.1 Single Gene Variation
4.2 Mutation and Complex Traits
4.3 Association Studies
5 Heritability and Population Growth
5.1 Genes vs Environment
5.2 Population Growth and Capacity
6 Population Genetics I
6.1 Allele Frequency and Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
6.2 Gene Flow
7 Population Genetics II
7.1 Fundamentals
7.2 Types
7.3 Sampling Error
7.4 Neutral Molecular Evolution and Examples
8 Molecular Evolution
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Signatures of Natural Selection
8.3 Searching for Natural Selection
9 Adaptive Behaviours and Sexual Selection
9.1 Behaviour
9.2 Sexual Selection
10 Speciation and Phylogenetics
10.1 Geography
10.2 Evolutionary Trees
11 Applied Evolution

Just for fun:
The Origin of Cellular Life on Earth by Jack Szostak
A beautiful video about evo-devo by acapellascience

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