Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Middle English, Second Edition

All Labels (Part-of-Speech and Syntactic)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Symbols

ADJ adjective
ADJP adjective phrase
ADJP-LOC locative adjective phrase
ADJP-SPR adjective phrase secondary predicate
ADJR adjective, comparative
ADJS adjective, superlative
ADJX adjectival constituent, ambiguous level (ADJ, ADJ', or ADJP)
ADV adverb
ADVP adverb phrase
ADVP-DIR directional adverb phrase
ADVP-LOC locative adverb phrase
ADVP-LOC-LFD left-dislocated locative adverb phrase
ADVP-TMP temporal adverb phrase
ADVR adverb, comparative
ADVS adverb, superlative
ADVX adverbial constituent, ambiguous level (ADV, ADV', or ADVP)
ALSO the words ALSO (except when = AS) and EKE
BAG present participle BE
BE infinitive BE
BED past BE (including past subjunctive)
BEI imperative BE
BEN perfect participle BE
BEP present BE (including present subjunctive)
C complementizer
CODE non-text material
CONJ coordinating conjunction
CONJP conjunction phrase
CP-ADV adverbial clause
CP-CAR clause-adjoined relative
CP-CLF it-cleft
CP-CMP comparative clause
CP-DEG degree complement
CP-EOP empty operator complementizer phrase
CP-EXL exclamation
CP-FRL free relative
CP-QUE question (direct or indirect)
CP-QUE-ADV adverbial WHETHER question
CP-QUE-LFD left-dislocated indirect question
CP-QUE-SBJ indirect question subject
CP-REL relative clause
CP-THT that clause
CP-THT-LFD left-dislocated that clause
CP-THT-SBJ that clause subject
CP-TMC tough-movement complement
D determiner
DAG present participle DO
DAN passive participle DO (verbal or adjectival)
DO infinitive DO
DOD past DO (including past subjunctive)
DOI imperative DO
DON perfect participle DO
DOP present DO (including present subjunctive)
ELSE the word ELSE (in the collocation OR ELSE)
E_S end of sentence (parsed files)
EX existential THERE
FOR infinitival FOR
FOR+TO cliticized FOR TO
FP focus particle
FRAG sentence fragment
FRENCH French text
FW foreign word
GREEK Greek text
HAG present participle HAVE
HAN passive participle HAVE (verbal or adjectival)
HEBREW Hebrew text
HV infinitive HAVE
HVD past HAVE (including past subjunctive)
HVI imperative HAVE
HVN perfect participle HAVE
HVP present HAVE (including present subjunctive)
ID sentence identification
INTJ interjection
INTJP interjection phrase
IP-ABS absolute clause
IP-IMP imperative
IP-INF complement infinitive
IP-INF-ABS infinite absolute
IP-INF-ADT adjunct infinitive
IP-INF-DEG degree infinitive
IP-INF-LFD left-dislocated infinitive
IP-INF-PRP purpose infinitive
IP-INF-SBJ infinitival subject
IP-MAT declarative matrix clause
IP-PPL participial clause
IP-PPL-SBJ participial clause subject
IP-SMC small clause
IP-SUB subordinate clause
LATIN Latin text
LB line break
-LFD added to a left-dislocated constituent
MAN indefinite subject pronoun (ME, MAN)
MD modal verb
MD0 untensed modal verb
N noun
N$ possessive noun
NEG negation
NODE printed in output when nodes_only is true
(see Understanding the Output in the CorpusSearch documentation for details)
NP noun phrase
NP-ADT adjunct noun phrase
NP-ADV noun phrase adverb
NP-COM noun phrase complement
NP-DIR directional noun phrase
NP-DPS dative of possession
NP-LFD left-dislocated noun phrase
NP-LOC locative noun phrase
NP-MSR measure noun phrase
NP-OB1 first object
NP-OB2 second object
NP-POS possessive noun phrase
NP-PRN parenthetical or appositive noun phrase
NP-RFL reflexive noun phrase
NP-SBJ noun phrase subject
NP-SPR noun phrase secondary predicate
NP-TMP temporal noun phrase
NP-VOC vocative noun phrase
NPR proper noun, singular
NPR$ possessive proper noun
NPRS proper noun, plural
NPRS$ possessive plural proper noun
NS common noun, plural
NS$ possessive plural noun
NUM cardinal number
NUM$ genitive or possessive number
NUMP number phrase
NX nominal constituent, ambiguous level (N, N', or N)
ONE the word ONE (except as focus particle)
ONE$ possessive ONE
OTHER the word OTHER (except as conjunction)
OTHER$ possessive nominal use of OTHER
OTHERS plural nominal use of OTHER
OTHERS$ possessive OTHERS
P preposition or subordinating conjunction
PP prepositional phrase
PP-LFD left-dislocated prepositional phrase
-PRN added to an appositive or parenthetical constituent
PRO personal pronoun
PRO$ possessive pronoun
Q quantifier
Q$ possessive quantifier
QPquantifier phrase
QR quantifier, comparative (MORE, LESS)
QS quantifier, superlative (MOST, LEAST)
QTP quotation phrase
QX quantifier phrase, ambiguous level (Q, Q', or QP)
REF reference
RP adverbial particle
RRC reduced relative clause
-RSP added to a resumptive element
-SPE added to IPs and CPs to indicate direct speech
SUCH the word SUCH
TO infinitival TO, AT, and TIL
VAG present participle
VAN passive participle (verbal or adjectival)
VB infinitive, all other verbs
VBD past (including past subjunctive)
VBI imperative
VBN perfect participle
VBP present (including present subjunctive)
VP verb phrase
WADJP wh- adjective phrase
WADV wh-adverb
WADVPwh- adverb phrase
WARD the morpheme WARD
WD wh-determiner
WNP wh- noun phrase
WPP wh- prepositional phrase
WPRO wh-pronoun
WPRO$ possessive wh-pronoun
WQ WHETHER introducing indirect questions
WQPwh- quantifier phrase
X unknown
, non-final sentence punctuation
. sentence-final punctuation (pos files only)
" quotation mark
$ possessive ending or clitic