Special Words

Possessive ONE (ONE$)
Table of Contents


The word ELSE in the sequence OR ELSE is tagged ELSE. When it clearly means something like OTHERWISE or OTHER, it is tagged ADV or ADJ.
        that_D shall_MD be_BE with_P a_D sherpe_ADJ spere_N 
        othir_CONJ ellis_ELSE with_P a_D sherpe_ADJ swerde_N

        whenne_P his_PRO$ gyves_NS were_BED unloke_VAN by_P
        virtue_N of_P God_NPR ,_, o+ter_CONJ elles_ELSE by_P 
        +te_D same_ADJ keyes_NS

        and_CONJ ellis_ADV shall_MD we_PRO never_ADV macche_VB them_PRO

        +tey_PRO answerde_VBD nou+gt_NEG elles_ADV

        for_CONJ he_PRO hadde_HVD nou+gt_Q elles_ADJ at_P honde_N


The word ONE is tagged ONE in all meanings except
  1. as a focus particle equivalent to ONLY (see Section ONE AS A FOCUS PARTICLE)
  2. as an adjective equivalent to ALONE (see Section ANE/ONE (ADJECTIVE))
        the_D one_ONE hyght_VBD Tyntagil_NPR and_CONJ the_D '
        other_OTHER castel_N hyght_VBD Terrabyl_NPR

        Thenne_ADV alle_Q the_D barons_NS by_P one_ONE assent_N 
        prayd_VBD the_D kynge_N of_P accord_N betwixe_P the_D lady_N 
        Igrayne_NPR and_CONJ hym_PRO

        sir_NPR Brastias_NPR smote_VBD one_ONE of_P them_PRO on_P 
        the_D helme_N

When it is not clear whether the word is ONE or AN (i.e., the indefinite determiner) the default is to tag it as a determiner.

Possessive ONE (ONE$)

ONE occurs occasionally in the possessive and in these cases is tagged ONE$.
        and_CONJ in_P +tat_D onys_ONE$ wombe_N honoure_VBI 
	+tyn_PRO$ husbonde_N Criste_NPR ,_,


TONE (i.e., THE + ONE) is tagged D+ONE even when another determiner is present.
        and_CONJ zygge+t_VBP ofte_ADV ._, on+tank_N +tan_D+ONE :_, 
        and_CONJ +te_D o+tren_OTHER |_, '_' huet_WPRO wyle_MD god_NPR 
        me_PRO do_DO ._.

        tay_PRO +tat_C may_MD noght_NEG ete_VB of_P +te_D tane_D+ONE ,_, 
        lat_VBI +taim_PRO ete_VB of_P +te_D to+tir_D+OTHER


Forms of the word OTHER are tagged as follows. If modifying a noun, OTHER is used in all cases. When being used nominally, four forms are distinguished: OTHER (singular), OTHER$ (genitive singular), OTHERS (plural) and OTHERS$ (genitive plural). In its conjunctive use, OTHER is tagged CONJ (see Section COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS).
        In_P o+tir_OTHER stede_N

        His_PRO$ dedis_NS az_HVP at_TO be_BE suilke_SUCH 
        als_P he_PRO cumandis_VBP til_P o+tir_OTHER

        Vor_CONJ +te_D dyeuel_NPR |_, ne_NEG hate+t_VBP |_, 
        bote_FP o+tres_OTHER$ guod_N

        ase_ADVR moche_Q blisse_N he+t_HVP ech_Q of_P o+tres_OTHER$ 
        guode_N :_, ase_P of_P his_PRO$ o+gene_ADJ

        +tai_PRO desaiue_VBP +tamself_PRO+N and_CONJ 
        o+tir_OTHERS ba+te_CONJ

	bi_VB21 wepe_VB22 +tin_PRO$ achne_ADJ &_CONJ 
	o+dre_OTHERS$ sunnen_NS


ANOTHER and TOTHER are tagged D+OTHER even when another determiner is present.
        tay_PRO +tat_C may_MD noght_NEG ete_VB of_P +te_D tane_D+ONE ,_, 
        lat_VBI +taim_PRO ete_VB of_P +te_D to+tir_D+OTHER

        for_P hir_PRO$ neccligence_N man_MAN sal_MD say_VB ane_ONE 
        tyme_N ,_, and_CONJ ano+tir_D+OTHER tyme_N

        +te_D to+tir_D+OTHER maner_N +tan_ADV ere_BEP ermites_NS


The word SUCH in all uses is tagged SUCH.
        of_P such_SUCH condicions_NS

        in_P soche_SUCH a_D maner_N

        but_CONJ in_P all_Q +gour_PRO$ lande_N beth_BEP non_Q soche_SUCH

        and_CONJ if_P +tai_PRO axend_VBD him_PRO eny_Q o+tere_OTHER ,_,
        ri+gt_ADV suche_SUCH he_PRO wolde_MD ham_PRO paye_VB

        and_CONJ oppon_P +tis_D couenant_N +tai_PRO shulde_MD 
        +geue_VB him_PRO to_P plegge_N ,_, gode_ADJ hostages_NS ,_, 
        &_CONJ soche_SUCH as_P +te_D Englisshemen_NPRS wolde_MD axen_VB


The words ALSO (ALSWA, ALSE, etc.) and EKE are tagged ALSO in conjunctive use. ALSO in all other cases is tagged according to function. See Sections SO, AS, and ALSWA ETC.
        lordes_NS of_P gret_ADJ honour_N ,_, &_CONJ 
        Also_ALSO power_N

        &_CONJ Brutes_NPR$ Sones_NS also_ALSO loueden_VBD 
        wonderly_ADV wel_ADV to-gydere_ADV

        &_CONJ also_ALSO +tey_PRO were_BED vnarrayed_VAN

        in-to_P mornyngge_N and_CONJ eke_ALSO in-to_P wepyngge_N

        to_P me_PRO byhoue+t_VBP gret_ADJ bysynesse_N
        and_CONJ eke_ALSO trauayle_N

        Of_P this_D roote_N eek_ALSO spryngeth_VBP a_D
        seed_N of_P grace_N

        And_CONJ eek_ALSO Job_NPR seith_VBP that_C in_P helle_NPR 
        is_BEP noon_Q ordre_N of_P rule_N


The pronominal use of ME as indefinite ONE is tagged MAN. If a given text clearly uses MAN as a pronominal, then all unmodified uses of MAN as a subject are tagged MAN. For MEN, however, which also has a pronominal use, it is too difficult to distinguish this use from other uses, and so it is never tagged MAN, but rather NS.
        for_P +dan_D +de_C me_MAN nett_VBD hem_PRO to_P +dan_D a+de_N ._.

        +Teih_P me_MAN niede_VBP me_PRO to_P +dan_D a+de_N ,_, 
        me_MAN ne_NEG net_VBP me_PRO noht_NEG te_TO forsweri+gen_VB

        For_CONJ +tar_ADV man_MAN ne_NEG can_VBP his_PRO$ 
        mu+des_N$ me+de_N 

        +Dis_D word_N credo_FW man_MAN mai_MD understonden_VB on_P 
        +tre_NUM wise_NS ._.


The morpheme WARD(S) is tagged WARD whether attached or separated from the preceding word. The two exceptions are
  1. prepositions including WARD (e.g. TOWARD, etc.) which are tagged simply as prepositions (see Section PREPOSITIONS IN -WARD)
  2. INWARD and OUTWARD used as adjectives (INWARD BEAUTY, etc.), which are tagged as adjectives (see Section INWARD, OUTWARD (ADJECTIVE))
        So_ADV as_P they_PRO rode_VBD to_P the_D justes_NS ward_WARD 
        sir_NPR Kay_NPR had_HVD lost_VBN his_PRO$ suerd_N

        for_CONJ thou_PRO goste_VBP to_P thy_PRO$ dethe_N warde_WARD

        and_CONJ sire_NPR Brastias_NPR was_BED maade_VAN 
        wardeyn_N to_TO wayte_VB upon_P the_D Northe_NPR
        fro_P Trent_NPR forwardes_ADV+WARD

        But_CONJ whotherward_WADV+WARD ryde_VBP ye_PRO ?_,

        he_PRO ledde_VBD the_D oste_N northwarde_N+WARD

        both_CONJ towarde_RP+WARD and_CONJ frowarde_ADV+WARD