PPCME2 Lite:
A Brief Introduction to the Syntactic Annotation System of the PPCME2

Ann Taylor
August 1999


The PPCME2 parsing scheme uses a limited tree representation in the form of labelled parentheses. All open parentheses have an associated label, either a phrase label (NP, ADJP, etc.) or a word label (N, ADJ, etc.), representing nodes in a tree. Word-level labels are provided for every word, but phrasal labels are not included in every case in which a fully labelled tree would require them. Intermediate levels of structure (N', ADJ', etc.) are never represented explicitly. Thus the trees are quite flat.

This approach has no theoretical import, but rather was adopted purely for practical reasons. Some phrases were omitted because their boundaries are too difficult to define. This is the case for VP, which, especially in Early Middle English where the order of the verb and its complements is still in flux (at least on the surface), cannot easily be included. Other phrases, such as DP, were omitted because in our opinion, the cost of including them outweighs their usefullness. Intermediate levels of structure are omitted for both reasons. In no case should the lack of any particular phrase label be taken as implying that we do or do not believe that Middle English syntax failed to include such a phrase. The trees are simply underspecified.

This introduction to our parsing scheme includes only a basic outline of the general principles we followed in parsing and details on the most common structures. All examples in the present document are made up and given in Modern English so as to be maximally accessible. For complete documentation of the system with Middle English examples, see the full documentation.

General parsing principles

  1. PPCME structure is very flat. Most nodes are multiply branching. A typical PPCME parse in tree form looks like this:

    Note that:

    1. IP (in this case, IP-MAT, a matrix IP) immediately dominates all verbs and sentence level constituents; that is, there are no intemediate I' levels or a VP.
      (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
              (HVP has)
              (BEN been)
              (VAG meaning)
              (IP-INF (TO to)
                      (VB go))
              (PP (P for)
                  (NP (D a) (N week))))
    2. In addition to verbs, a small number of other word-level constituents are immediately dominated by IP. These are: particles (RP), sentential conjunctions (CONJ) and single-word interjections (INTJ)
      (IP-MAT (CONJ And)                  <--- sentential conjunction
              (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
              (VBD looked)
              (RP up)                     <--- particle
              (NP-OB1 (NP-POS (NPR Jane) ($ 's))
                      (N number)))
      (IP-MAT-SPE (INTJ Alas)             <--- single-word interjection
                  (IP-MAT-PRN (VBD cried)
                              (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary)))
                  (NP-SBJ (PRO I))
                  (HVP have)
                  (VBD lost)
                  (NP-OB1 (PRO$ my) (NS glasses)))
    3. Within phrasal constituents, the phrasal node immediately dominates the head; there are no intermediate levels of structure (N', ADJ' etc.).
      (NP (D the ) (N girl))
      (PP (P in)
          (NP (D the) (N spring)))
      (ADJP (ADV very) (ADJ big))
    4. Pre-head modifiers do not project phrasal nodes when they consist of a single word, but do when they are multi-word. Because of the lack of intermediate levels of structure, all modifiers appear as sisters of the head.
      (NP (D a) (ADJ big) (N cat))
      (NP (D a)
          (ADJP (ADV very) (ADJ big)) 
          (N cat))
    5. Post-head constituents project phrasal nodes in all cases. Like pre-head modifiers, they are sisters to the head.
      (IP-MAT (PP (P From)
                  (ADVP (ADV above)))
              (MD shall)
              (VB come)
              (NP-SBJ (D +te) (N judge)
                      (ADJP (ADJ fierce) (CONJ and) (ADJ angry)))
              (. ;))
      (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (PRO He))
              (ADVP-TMP (ADV never))
              (VBD found)
              (NP-OB1 (D a) (N woman)
                      (ADJP (ADJ good))))
      (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D The) (N king))
              (VBD gave)
              (NP-OB2 (PRO him))
              (NP-OB1 (D an) (N island)
                      (RRC (VAN forsaken))))      <--- RRC = reduced relative clause
      (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (PRO$ Our) (N life)
                      (ADVP-LOC (ADV here)))
              (BEP is)
              (ADJP (ADV very) (ADJ comfortable)))
      (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (PRO She))
              (VBD came)
              (NP-TMP (D the) (ADJ fifth) (N day)
                      (ADVP-TMP (ADV+WARD afterward))))
  2. The PPCME labels for both form and function. In general, the basic label indicates the form of the constituent (NP, PP, ADJP, etc.), while additional labels (separated by a hyphen) indicate function (NP-SBJ = subject, ADVP-TMP = temporal adverb, CP-REL = relative clause, etc.). Not all constituents are marked for function; in most cases there is at most one additional label, but there may be more (IP-INF-PRP = purpose infinitive, IP-IMP-SPE = direct speech imperative, etc.).
    1. Among sentence level constituents (i.e., all phrases immediately dominated by IP), function is marked on all noun phrases (NP-SBJ = SUBJECT, NP-MSR = MEASURE NP, etc.). Bare NPs are either complements of a non-verbal head (e.g., a preposition), or part of a conjunction structure (see Section CONJUNCTION).
      (IP-MAT (NP-TMP (N Yesterday))
              (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
              (VBD told)
              (NP-OB2 (NPR Jane))
              (CP-THT (C that)
                      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO she))
                              (VBD studied)
                              (NP-MSR (QP  (ADVR too) (Q much)))
                              (PP (P during)
                                  (NP (D the) (N+N weekend))))))
    2. Argument and adjunct PPs are not distinguished, nor are any PPs marked for function.
      (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
              (VBD put)
              (NP-OB1 (D the) (N book))
              (PP (P on)
                  (NP (D the) (N table)))
              (PP (P on)
                  (NP (NPR Saturday))))
    3. Only locative, temporal and directional adverbs are marked for function; others are unmarked.
      (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
              (ADVP (ADV happily))
              (VBD put)
              (NP-OB1 (D the) (N book))
              (ADVP-LOC (ADV there))
              (ADVP-TMP (ADV+WARD afterward)))
    4. All clauses are labelled by type. Matrix clauses are labelled IP-MAT; they may be further characterized as direct speech (IP-MAT) or parentheticals (IP-MAT-PRN) Other IP clauses have their own labels, such as IP-IMP, imperative, IP-SMC, small clause, IP-INF, infinitive, etc. All CPs also have extended labels to indicate type: CP-THT, that clause, CP-ADV, adverbial clause, etc.
      (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
              (VBD forgot)
              (IP-INF (TO to)
                      (VB tell)
                      (NP-OB2 (NPR Jane))
                      (CP-THT (C that)
                              (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO she))
                                      (MD should)
                                      (VB buy)
                                      (NP-OB1 (N milk))))))
  3. In cases where the attachment level of constituents is ambiguous or difficult to determine, the default is always to attach high, rather than to embed.
    (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
            (VBD saw)
            (NP-OB1 (D the) (N man))
            (PP (P with)
                (NP (D the) (N telescope))))

Internal syntax of phrases

The internal syntax of all phrasal categories (excluding IP and CP) is fundamentally similar.
  1. The phrasal node (NP, PP, ADJP, etc.) immediately dominates the head category (N, P, ADJ, etc.); that is, there are no intermediate bar-levels indicated.
  2. With two exceptions, heads always project a phrasal node. First, certain heads, such as D (determiner), RP (particle) and all verbs, never project a phrase. Second, single-word pre-head modifiers do not project a phrasal node when that node is predictable on the basis of the head within the PPCME2 schema.
  3. Complements and post-head modifiers always project a phrasal node, whether they consist of a single word or not. Thus in the PPCME2 schema, both modifiers and complements are sisters of the head.

    (XP (Y single_word_modifier) (X head)
        (ZP complement_or_post_head_modifier))
    (XP (W single_word_modifier) (Y single_word_modifier) (X head)
        (ZP complement_or_post_head_modifier))
    (XP (YP multi_word_modifier)
        (X head)
        (ZP complement_or_post_head_modifier))
    (NP (D the) (NS girls)
        (PP (P on)
            (NP (D the) (N beach))))
    (NP (Q many) (ADJ happy) (NS girls)
        (PP (P on)
            (NP (D the) (VAN overcrowded) (N beach))))
    (NP (ADJP (ADJ happy) (CONJ and) (VAN excited))
        (NS girls))
    (NP (Q many)
        (ADJP (ADV very) (ADJ happy))
        (NS girls)
        (PP (P on)
            (NP (D the) (VAN overcrowded) (N beach))))
    (NP (QP (ADV very) (Q many))
        (ADJP (ADV very) (ADJ happy)) 
        (NS girls)
        (PP (P on)
            (NP (D the) (N beach)
                (PP (P with)
                    (NP (D the) (ADJ big) (NS dunes))))))

    Other phrases have the same structure as NPs.

    (ADJP (ADV very) (ADJ happy))
    (ADJP (ADJ full)
          (PP (P of)
              (NP (N water))))
    (PP (ADV especially)
        (P on)
        (NP (NPRS Saturdays)))
    (PP (ADV right)
        (P up)
        (NP (D the) (N street)))
    (ADVP (ADV very) (ADV slowly))
  4. In general the head of a phrase will be overt and match the category of the phrase level. In certian cases, however, there is no matching head. In some cases this is because the head is actually empty (by elision, etc.), which we do not indicate; in other cases, it may be an artifact of the PPCME schema in which some words receive a more specific label than simply N, ADJ, etc. For example, pronouns are labelled PRO, but act as heads of NPs. Most instances of the word "one" are labelled ONE and in some cases this word may be the head of the constituent. Thus, the lack of a word-level constituent that matches the phrase in category indicates either (1) the head has been elided; or (2) the head has a more specific label than its general category label.

    Most cases of the latter are found in NPs and ADJPs. The most common types of correspondences are the following:
    1. nominal elements not labelled N (NS, etc.)
      PRO, EX, MAN, OTHERS, ?PRO$, ?ONE, ?OTHER, ?D, ?Q (QR, etc.)
    2. adjectival elements not labelled ADJ (ADJS, etc.)
      VAN, VAG, (HAN, HAG, etc.), SUCH, QR, ?ONE, ?OTHER 
    As indicated by the question marked elements in the above lists, it is not always clear in some cases whether the word is the head or the head is elided. It is mainly for this reason that we do not make this distinction for these words. The most common elision case is of the NPs containing only an adjective or, more commonly, a determiner and adjective.
    (IP-MAT (IP-MAT-1 (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
                      (VBD gave)
                      (NP-OB2 (NPR Jane))
                      (NP-OB1 (D a) (ADJ red) (N ribbon)))
            (CONJP (CONJ and)
                   (IP-MAT=1 (NP-OB2 (NPR Lucy))
                             (NP-OB1 (D a) (ADJ blue)))))   <--- elided head noun

Sentence constituents

This section discusses the constituents that occur immediately dominated by IP (i.e., at sentence level).

Word-level constituents

The following word classes are or may be immediately dominated by IP: all verbs and modals, particles (RP and FP), conjunctions (CONJ) and interjections (INTJ).

Verbs and modals

Verbs and modals are always dominated by IP.
        (MD will)
        (VB want)
        (IP-INF (TO to)
                (VB see)
                (NP-OB1 (D that) (N movie))
                (ADVP (ADV too))))

        (HVP has)
        (BEN been)
        (VAG buying)
        (NP-OB1 (NS groceries))
        (ADVP-LOC (ADV there))
        (PP (P for)
            (NP (NS years))))

Adverbial particles (RP)

Adverbials particles (RP) generally are dominated by IP, but they can appear in other configurations as well, the most common being as specifiers of PP.
        (VBD woke)
        (RP up)
        (ADVP-TMP (ADV late))
        (NP-TMP (D this) (N morning)))

        (VBD walked)
        (PP (RP up) (P to)
            (NP (D the) (N beach))))

(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D The) (N raising) (RP up)
		(PP (P of)
		    (NP (D the) (NS walls))))
	(VBD took)
	(NP-MSR (NUM three) (NS days)))

Focus particles (FP)

Focus particles when they focus the verb are dominated by IP.
        (FP even)
        (VBP likes)
        (NP-OB1 (ADJ green) (N jelly) (NS beans)))

Sentential conjunctions (CONJ)

Sentential conjunctions are immediately dominated by IP. For other types of conjunction, see Section CONJUNCTION.
        (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
        (VBD wanted)
        (NP-ACC (QR more)))

        (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
        (VBD left)
        (ADVP-TMP (ADV early)))

Single-word interjections (INTJ)

Finally, single word interjections are immediately dominated by IP. For interjections phrases (INTJP), see section INTERJECTION PHRASES.
            (NP-SBJ (D this))
            (BEP is)
            (ADJP (ADVR too) (ADJ small))
            (IP-MAT-PRN (VBD said)
                        (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))))

Phrasal constituents

All other constituents of the IP are always treated as phrasal.

Noun phrases (NP)

Every noun phrase at sentence level is labelled for function. Bare NP labels only occur within non-clausal constituents (e.g., as the complements of prepositions, in conjunction structures, etc.)

Subjects (NP-SBJ)

Subjects are labelled NP-SBJ. Most clause types are required to have a subject. The exceptions are: imperatives (see Section IMPERATIVES), non-ECM infinitives (see Section INFINITIVES and participial clauses (see Section PARTICIPIAL CLAUSES). In any other type of clause, if the subject is missing, an empty subject is supplied.

There are four types of empty subjects: (1) subjects elided under conjunction (NP-SBJ *con*); (2) arbitrary PRO subject in ECM infinitives (NP-SBJ *arb*); (3) empty expletive subjects (NP-SBJ *exp*); and (4) missing subjects that do not fall into any of the other categories (NP-SBJ *pro*). Empty expletives are used much more widely in Middle English than in Modern English; for the details on the environments in which an empty expletive subject is added, see EMPTY EXPLETIVE SUBJECTS in the full documentation. The last category is a "kitchen sink" category that includes a number of different kinds of cases including, but not limited to, potential cases of "small pro", i.e., pro-drop. For details and examples, see OTHER EMPTY SUBJECTS in the full documentation.

For examples of overt subjects, see examples throughout.
        (VBD bought)
        (NP-OB1 (D a) (N cat)))
(IP-MAT (CONJ and)
        (NP-SBJ *con*)      <--- subject elided under conjunction
        (VBD took)
        (NP-OB1 (PRO it))
        (NP-DIR (N home)))

        (VBD helped)
        (IP-INF (NP-SBJ *arb*)   <--- an "arbitrary pro" subject is added in  
                (VB buy)              ECM cases without a specified subject
                (NP-OB1 (D the) (N car))))

(IP-MAT (PP (P On)
            (NP (D the) (N corner)))
        (NP-SBJ-1 *exp*)    <--- empty expletive in locative context
        (BEP is)
        (NP-1 (D a) (N bank)))

(IP-MAT (NP-OB2 (PRO me))
        (NP-SBJ-1 *exp*)    <--- empty expletive in impersonal context
        (VBP thinketh)
        (CP-THT-1 (C that)
                  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
                          (BEP is)
                          (ADJP (ADJ late)))))

Objects (NP-OB1, NP-OB2)

The PPCME2 distinguishes two objects, labelled NP-OB1 and NP-OB2. These correspond roughly, but not exactly, to accusitive and dative/genitive objects, or to direct and indirect objects. For details on how the objects are distinguished, see FIRST OBJECT AND SECOND OBJECT in the full documentation.
        (VBD gave)
        (NP-OB2 (NPR Jane))
        (NP-OB1 (D a) (N present)))

        (VBD bought)
        (NP-OB2 (NPR Jane))         <--- benefactives are labelled NP-OB2
        (NP-OB1 (D a) (N present)))

        (VBD told)
        (NP-OB2 (NPR Jane))
        (IP-INF (TO to)
                (VB buy)
                (NP-OB1 (NS vegetables))))

        (VBD encouraged)
        (NP-OB1 (NPR Jane))
        (IP-INF (TO to)
                (VB buy)
                (NP-OB1 (NS vegetables))))

        (VBP behooves)
        (NP-OB2 (NPR Mary))         <--- objects of impersonal verbs are NP-OB2
        (IP-INF-1 (TO to)
                  (BE be)
                  (ADJP (QR more) (ADJ careful))))

Possessive and genitive noun phrases (NP-POS, NP-COM)

Multi-word possessive NPs are labelled NP-POS. For single word possessives the phrasal level is not indicated, following general principles (cf. Section GENERAL PARSING PRINCIPLES). In addition, the label NP-COM is used to indicate relations between nouns or noun phrases where no preposition or other overt indication of the relationship is present. Note that in Middle English, the possessive is generally indicated by -S rather than 'S. When 'S or HIS is used as the possessive morpheme, it is separated from the head word and labelled $.
(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NPR$ Marys) (N cat))
        (VBD ran)
        (ADVP-DIR (ADV away)))

(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NP-POS (NPR Mary) ($ 's))
                (N cat))
        (VBD ran)
        (ADVP-DIR (ADV away)))

(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NP-POS (NPR Mary) ($ his))
                (N cat))
        (VBD ran)
        (ADVP-DIR (ADV away)))

(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NP-POS (D the) (ADJ tall) (N$ girls))
                (N mother))
        (BEP is)
        (ADJP (ADV very) (ADJ smart)))

Most non-possessive uses of NP-COM are not possible in Modern English. The most common one is bare NP complements of HALF, MANNER, and SIDE.
(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NPR Arthur))
        (VBD ruled)
        (PP (P on)
            (NP (D this) (N half)
                (NP-COM (NPR Humber)))))

(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NUM Two) (N manner)
                (NP-COM (NS men)))
        (BEP are)
        (PP (P in)
            (NP (ADJ holy) (NPR Church))))

Reflexives (NP-RFL)

Only inherent reflexives are given the reflexive NP label NP-RFL. Reflexive objects of transitive verbs (Mary washed herself) are not labelled as reflexive, but just as regular objects (NP-OB1 or NP-OB2). Emphatic reflexives (Mary wrote the book herself) are labelled as appositives (see Section APPOSITIVES AND PARENTHETICALS). Most of these inherent reflexive uses are no longer current in Modern English.
        (VBD went)
        (NP-RFL (PRO her))
        (PP (P to)
            (NP (N church))))

        (VBD prayed)
        (NP-RFL (PRO her))
        (PP (P to)
            (NP (NPR God))))

        (VBD washed)
        (NP-OB1 (PRO+N herself)))      <--- reflexive object of transitive verb

                (NP-PRN (PRO+N herself)))  <--- emphatic reflexive
                (VBD wrote)
                (NP-OB1 (D the) (N book)))

                (NP-PRN *ICH*-1))
        (VBD wrote)
        (NP-OB1 (D the) (N book))
        (NP-PRN-1 (PRO+N herself)))         <--- emphatic reflexive

Vocative noun phrases (NP-VOC)

Vocatives are labelled NP-VOC.
            (RP on)
            (NP-VOC (NPR Mary))
            (IP-MAT-PRN (VBD shouted)
                        (NP-SBJ (NPR Jane))))

Left-dislocated noun phrases (NP-LFD)

Left-dislocated NPs are labelled NP-LFD. The resumptive element has -RSP as its last element. There is no coindexing as there is only ever one dislocated-resumptive pair per sentence. The connection between the two may be quite loose.
        (NP-SBJ-RSP (PRO she))
        (ADVP-TMP (ADV always))
        (VBP wins))

                (CP-REL (WNP-1 (WPRO who))
                        (C 0)
                        (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
                                (HVP has)
                                (NP-OB1 (NS ears)))))
        (VBI let)
        (IP-INF (NP-SBJ-RSP (PRO him))
                (VB hear)))

Measure noun phrases (NP-MSR)

Only NP measure phrases are labelled as such. PP measure phrases ( during the night, etc.), in keeping with our policy not to mark function on PPs, are not indicated. Quantifiers and quantifier phrases indicating measure are labelled as NPs. The internal structure of some measure phrases is fairly complex. For details, see MEASURE PHRASES in the full documentation.
        (VBP loves)
        (NP-OB1 (PRO$ her) (NS cats))
        (NP-MSR (QP (ADV very) (Q much))))

        (VBD worked)
        (NP-MSR (Q all) (N night)))

        (VBD walked)
        (NP-MSR (NUM ten) (NS miles))
        (PP (P during)
            (NP (D the) (N night))))

Directional noun phrases (NP-DIR)

NPs indicating direction are labelled NP-DIR. These are not very common, the only frequent ones being HOME and phrases including WAY.
        (VBD went)
        (NP-DIR (N home))
        (PP (P at)
            (NP (N noon))))

        (VBD went)
        (NP-DIR (D that) (N way))
        (IP-INF-PRP (TO to)
                    (VB avoid)
                    (NP-OB1 (D the) (N traffic))))

        (VBD went)
        (NP-DIR (N south))
        (IP-INF-PRP (TO to)
                    (VB enjoy)
                    (NP-OB1 (D the) (N sun))))

Adverbial noun phrases (NP-ADV)

The label NP-ADV is used for a number of cases (see Section NP ADVERBS in the full documentation for an exhaustive list). Some common ones are exemplified here.
        (VBD bound)
        (NP-OB1 (PRO her))
        (NP-ADV (N hand) (CONJ and) (N foot)))

        (DOD did)
        (NP-OB1 (PRO it))
        (NP-ADV (PRO$ her) (N way)))

(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (PRO They) (Q all))
        (VBD came)
        (RP in)
        (NP-ADV (NP (ONE one))
                (PP (P at)
                    (NP (D a) (N time)))))

                        (C 0)
                        (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
                                (VBP happens))))
        (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
        (MD will)
        (NEG not)
        (VB give)
        (RP up))

Noun phrase secondary predicates (NP-SPR)

NP secondary predicates are labelled NP-SPR. The most common type can be paraphrased with AS. Adjectival secondary predicates are also indicated; see Section ADJECTIVE PHRASES.
        (VBD died)
        (NP-SPR (D a) (N martyr)))

Datives of possession (NP-DOP)

In early texts the dative of possession occassionally appears. The clear cases always immediately precede a PP, and are represented as filling the specPP position (i.e., precede the head). Only datives which can not be interpreted in any other way are labelled NP-DOP; other potential cases are simply labelled as second object NP-OB2.
        (VBP falls)
        (PP (NP-DOP (D the) (NPR devil)) <--- ``he falls into the devil's hand''
            (P into)
            (NP (N hand))))

Adjunct Noun phrases (NP-ADT)

The label NP-ADT is used in any case where none of the labels given above applies. It is not a unified category. For some examples of the kinds of NPs labelled this way, see Section NON-ARGUMENT NP in the full documentation.

Adjective phrases (ADJP)

An ADJP at sentence level without any further specification is the primary predicate. Two other types of ADJPs are distinguished: secondary adjectival predicates ADJP-SPR and locative adjectives ADJP-LOC. A locative ADJP may also be the primary predicate.

        (BEP is)
        (ADJP (ADV very) (ADJ intelligent)))

        (VBD arrived)
        (ADJP-SPR (ADJ alone)))

        (VBD sat)
        (ADJP-LOC (ADJ near)
                  (NP (NPR Jane))
                  (PP (P at)
                      (NP (N lunch)))))

(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NPR Washington))
        (BEP is)
        (ADJP-LOC (ADJ far)
                  (PP (P from)
                      (NP (NPR Houston)))))

Adverb phrases (ADVP)

Locative, temporal and directional adverbs are labelled for function; all others (mostly manner and sentential adverbs) are left bare.
        (ADVP (ADV so))
        (ADVP-TMP (ADV+WARD afterwards))
        (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
        (BED was)
        (ADJP (ADJ sorry)
              (PP (P for)
                  (NP (PRO$ her) (NS actions)))))

        (VBD lived)
        (ADVP-LOC (ADV there))
        (ADVP (ADV happily))
        (PP (P for)
            (NP (NUM ten) (NS years))))

(IP-MAT (ADVP (ADV again))
        (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
        (VBD went)
        (ADVP-DIR (ADV thither)))

Prepositional phrases (PP)

Argument and adjunct PPs are not distinguished because of the difficulty of making these judgements consistently. PPs are not labelled for function.
        (VBD went)
        (PP (P to)                  <--- argument PP
            (NP (NPR London)))
        (PP (P on)                  <--- adjunct PP
            (NP (NPR Saturday))))

        (VBD put)
        (NP-OB1 (D the) (N book))
        (PP (P on))                 <--- argument PP
        (NP (D the) (N table))
        (PP (P for)                 <--- adjunct PP
            (NP (NPR Jane))))

Interjection phrases (INTJP)

The INTJP label is used in two cases: In general the INTJ label is used only for words which cannot easily be labelled in any other way. Thus ALAS is always labelled INTJ but, GOD is labelled NPR, even when it is used as an interjection. In the latter case, however, it projects an INTJP phrasal label. Multi-word interjections, whether the parts are labelled INTJ or not, are INTJPs. See section SINGLE-WORD INTERJECTIONS for interjections not dominated by INTJP.
        (NP-SBJ (D that))
        (BED was)
        (NP-OB1 (D a) (ADJ long) (N lecture)))

       (CP-QUE (WADVP-1 (WADV how))
               (C 0)
               (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D the) (ADJ mighty))
                       (HVP have)
                       (VBN fallen))))

(IP-MAT (INTJP (INTJ Alas) (CONJ and) (INTJ welladay))
        (NP-SBJ (PRO$ my) (N cat))
        (HVP has)
        (VBN run)
        (ADVP-DIR (ADV away)))


There are basically two types of punctuation: final and non-final. Any non-final punctuation is tagged with a comma, while all final punctuation is tagged with a period. Final in this context means sentence-final as defined by PPCME.

Non-linguistic labels

The following non-linguistic labels are used to distinguish parts of the text:
quotation phrase    QTP
Latin sequences     LATIN (or other language FRENCH, HEBREW, etc.)
references          REF
meta-text material  CODE

Quotation phrase (QTP)

The label QTP is used to enclose non-sentential sequences that are quoted, either as direct speech or when "mentioned" rather than "used". Speech made up of a full IP-SPE or CP-SPE is indicated with the extended label -SPE.
                        (NP-SBJ (PRO we))
                        (VB go)
                        (PP (P to)
                            (NP (D the) (N park))))
            (, ?)
            (IP-MAT-PRN (VBD asked)
                        (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))))
     (IP-MAT-PRN (VBD answered)
                 (NP-SBJ (NPR Jane)))
     (PP (P to)
         (NP (D the) (N beach))))

            (IP-SUB-SPE (ADVP *T*-1)
                        (DOD did)
			(NP-SBJ (PRO you))
			(DO do)
			(NP-OB1 (PRO it))
			(, ?)
			(IP-MAT-PRN (VBD asked)
				    (NP-SBJ (NPR (Mary))))))
        (VBD answered)
        (ADVP (ADV shortly))
        (QTP (NP (Q no) (N reason))))

(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NPR Esther))
        (VBP means)
        (" ")
        (QTP (VAN hidden))
        (" ")
        (PP (P in)
            (NP (NPR English))))

(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (NPR Saint) (NPR Augustine))
        (VBD said)
        (QTP (LATIN (FW Caveat) (FW emptor))))

Latin and other foreign language sequences (LATIN)

Foreign language sequences of more than a single word are labelled with the name of the language. This is overwhelmingly LATIN, but FRENCH and HEBREW also occur occasionally. A unknown foreign language sequence is labelled LATIN. Direct speech is additionally labelled QTP (see Section QUOTATION PHRASE). Latin (or other foreign language) words or phrases clearly functioning in some role in the sentence (subject, object, etc.) are additionally labelled with their function.
(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D The) (ADJ third))
        (BEP is)
        (NP-OB1 (LATIN (FW cordis) (FW grauitas)))
        (. .))

(IP-MAT (CONJ but)
        (PP (P in)
            (NP (NPR Latin)))
        (NP-SBJ (PRO it))
        (VBP highte)
        (NP-OB1 (LATIN (FW Centesimus) (FW fructus)))
        (. .))

References (REF)

If the source of a passage or quotation is given without any explicit relationship to the rest of the text, it is labelled REF. When possible these are separated from the text (i.e., if they occur at the beginning or end of the relevant portion of text).
(REF (LATIN (FW Augustinus) 
            (, ,)
            (FW De) (FW Civitate) (FW libro) (FW nono))
     (. .))

(IP-MAT (CONJ and)
        (PP (ADV+P therfore))
        (VBP seith)
        (NP-SBJ (NPR Seint) (NPR Paul))
        (REF (LATIN (FW Ad) (FW Ephesios) (FW quinto))) <--- ``in Ephesians 5''
        (, ,)
        (CP-THT (C that)
                (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D an) (ADJ avaricious) (N man))
                        (BEP is)
                        (PP (P in)
                            (NP (D the) (N thraldom)
                                (PP (P of)
                                    (NP (N ydolatrie)))))))
        (. .))

Meta-textual material (CODE)

Any material included in the file that is not part of the ``text'' such as page numbers, some headers, comments, etc. are labelled CODE. Note that in searching such material is automatically omitted.


Phrasal conjunction

The basic form of conjunction is as follows:
(XP (XP first_conjunct)
    (CONJP (CONJ conjunction)
           (YP second_conjunct)))

The conjunction phrase (CONJP) is sister to the first conjunct, while the head of the CONJP (the conjunction) takes the second conjunct as a complement. This applies to the conjunction of all phrasal categories except IP, which is a special case (see Section IP CONJUNCTION). Conjunction of word-level categories (e.g., verbs) and cases with potential shared modifiers are also treated slightly differently. See further below.
(NP (NP (D the) (N cat))
    (CONJP (CONJ and)
           (NP (D the) (N dog))))

(ADJP (ADJP (ADV very) (ADJ happy))
      (CONJP (CONJ or)
             (ADJP (ADV very) (ADJ sad)))))

(PP (PP (P on)
        (NP (N land)))
    (CONJP (CONJ or)
           (PP (P on)
               (NP (N sea)))))

        (VBD said)
        (CP-THT (CP-THT (C that)
                        (IP-SUB-(NP-SBJ (NPR Jane))
                                (MD should)
                                (VB go)
                                (PP (P to)
                                    (NP (D the) (N store)))))
                (CONJP (CONJ and)
                       (CP-THT (C that)
                               (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO she))
                                       (MD should)
                                       (VB demand)
                                       (NP-OB1 (PRO$ her) (N money))
                                       (ADVP (ADV back)))))))

Word-level conjunction

If both conjuncts are single words, all internal structure is omitted. The conjunction of word-level categories (e.g. verbs) is similar, except that the dominating category is also word-level.
(NP (NS cats) (CONJ and) (NS dogs))

(ADJP (ADJ happy) (CONJ and) (ADJ sad))

(ADVP (ADV quickly) (CONJ or) (ADV slowly))

(VBP (VBP sings) (CONJ and) (VBP dances))

(MD (MD could) (CONJ or) (MD would))

(RP (RP up) (CONJ and) (RP down))

Conjunction with potentially shared modifiers

In cases where the first conjunct includes modifiers which may or may not also apply to the second conjunct ( old women and men), and thus the phrase level of the second conjunct is not clear, the following structure is used where YX is NX, ADJX or ADVX. Note that in this case the CONJP is sister to the head of the first conjunct rather than to the first conjunct itself.
(XP (X first_conjunct)
    (CONJP (CONJ conjunction)
           (YX second_conjunct)))

(NP (ADJ old) (NS women)
    (CONJP (CONJ and)
           (NX (NS men))))

(ADJP (ADV very) (ADJ gloomy)
      (CONJP (CONJ and)
             (ADJX (ADJ sad))))

(ADVP (ADV very) (ADV slowly)
      (CONJP (CONJ and)
             (ADVX (ADV carefully))))

IP Conjunction

The conjunction of IPs is a special case. Each clause containing a tensed verb is treated as a separate token even if the clauses are conjoined. In these cases the conjunction itself is just treated as a sentence constituent, rather than heading a CONJP.
        (VBD came)
        (NP-DIR (N home)))

(IP-MAT (CONJ and)
        (NP-SBJ *con*)
        (VBD put)
        (NP-OB1 (PRO$ her) (NS feet))
        (RP up))

IPs are conjoined like other phrases In the first case the clauses are coindexed using equal-sign coindexing, which indicates that the clause with the equal-sign index is incomplete but may be reconstructed on the basis of the coindexed clause.
                  (BED was)
                  (VAG eating)
                  (NP-OB1 (N dinner)))
        (CONJP (CONJ and)
               (IP-MAT=1 (VAG reading)
                         (NP-OB1 (D a) (N book)))))

                  (MD will)
                  (VB buy)
                  (NP-OB1 (NS groceries)))
        (CONJP (CONJ and)
               (IP-MAT=1 (VB cook)          <--- note that no empty categories are 
                         (NP-OB1 (N dinner))     added in clauses with an equal-sign 
                         (PP (P after)           index
                             (NP (N work))))))

        (VBD said)
        (CP-THT (C that)
                (IP-SUB (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (NPR Jane))
                                (VBD bought)
                                (NP-OB1 (NS groceries)))
                        (CONJP (CONJ and)
                               (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *con*) <--- when only the subject is elided
                                       (VBD cooked)         under conjunction, an empty 
                                       (NP-OB1 (N dinner)))))))   subject is added

        (VBD said)
        (CP-THT (C that)
                (IP-SUB (IP-1 (NP-SBJ (NPR Jane))
                              (MD will)
                              (VB buy)
                              (NP-OB1 (NS groceries)))
                        (CONJP (CONJ and)
                               (IP=1 (VB cook)
                                     (NP-OB1 (N dinner)))))))

Empty categories

The following empty catgories are used in the PPCME2.
(NP-SBJ *con*)  subject elided under conjunction
(NP-SBJ *exp*)  empty expletive subject
(NP-SBJ *pro*)  "small pro" subject
(NP-SBJ *arb*)  arbitrary PRO subject in ECM infinitives

(XP *T*)        wh- trace (XP = NP, ADJP, or ADVP)
(XP *ICH*)      non-wh trace (XP = any phrase)

(XP *)          - without an index indicates elided or understood constituent

                - with an index indicates coreference of empty position with
                  a constituent in another clause

Empty subjects

Four types of empty subjects are distinguished. For details, see Section SUBJECTS above, or for more detail, SUBJECTS in the full documentation.

Wh-traces (XP *T*)

For details on wh-traces, see under the specific clause-types in which they occur.

Non-wh traces (XP *ICH*) (XP *)

Two types of non-wh traces are indicated: (1) traces of A'-bar movement ((XP *ICH*) where XP is any label); and (2) a limited number of traces of A-movement ((XP *) with an index, where XP is any category).

A'-bar movement is included in any case in which it has obviously occurred. In practice this generally means in any case in which one constituent has been moved out of another constituent, as, for example, an extraposed relative clause or degree clause leaves an A'-bar trace inside its antecedent. Cases in which sentence-level constituents may have been reordered (e.g., topicalization) are not indicated.
(IP-MAT (ADJP (ADVR So) (ADJ happy) <--- topicalization not indicated
              (CP-DEG *ICH*-1))     <--- extraposition of degree clause
              (BED was)                        indicated
              (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
              (CP-DEG-1 (C that)
                        (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO she))
                                (VBD danced)
                                (NP-OB1 (D a) (N jig)))))

A-bar movement is also only indicated in cases in which the moved element has been extracted from another constituent. Thus passivization is indicated if the passivized NP is extracted from an infinitive, small clause or PP, but not if it is simply passivized from object position.
(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ-1 (PRO She))
        (BED was)
        (VAN called)
        (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ *-1)
                (NP-OB1 (NPR Mary)))
        (PP (P after)
            (NP (PRO$ her) (N grandmother))))

For more details, see TRACES in the full documentation.

Generic empty category (XP *)

The generic empty category (XP *) (where XP is any label) is used for various other cases which do not fall into any of those listed above. For details, see A GENERIC EMPTY CATEGORY in the full documentation.

The syntax of the matrix clauses

A matrix clause is labelled IP and includes one matrix verb. Because the system does not include a VP level, the IP is very flat (see Section GENERAL PARSING PRINCIPLES; all matrix constituents are represented at the same level as the verb and its auxiliaries if present.
        (VBP likes)
        (NP-OB1 (NS cats)))

        (BEP is)
        (VAG buying)
        (NP-OB1 (D a) (N cat)))

        (VBD bought)
        (NP-OB1 (D a) (N cat))
        (PP (P on)
            (NP (NPR Tuesday))))

        (MD might)
        (HV have)
        (VBN bought)
        (NP-OB1 (D a) (N cat))
        (PP (P on)
            (NP (NPR Tuesday))))

Cases of (potential) VP conjunction ( Mary bought a cat and took it home) are treated as two separate IPs with an elided subject, represented by (NP-SBJ *con*) in the second IP.
        (VBD bought)
        (NP-OB1 (D a) (N cat)))

(IP-MAT (CONJ and)
        (NP-SBJ *con*)
        (VBD took)
        (NP-OB1 (PRO it))
        (NP-DIR (N home)))

Conjoined intransitive verbs ( Mary sang and danced at the party) or conjoined transitive verbs which share a single object ( Mary wrote and directed the film) are conjoined at the word level and included in the same IP rather than being separated.
        (VBD (VBD sang) (CONJ and) (VBD danced))
        (PP (P at)
            (NP (D the) (N party))))

        (VBD (VBD wrote) (CONJ and) (VBD directed))
        (NP-OB1 (D the) (N film)))

Imperatives (IP-IMP)

Imperative clauses are labelled IP-IMP. They contain a subject only if there is an overt subject in the sentence.
(IP-IMP (VBI hurry)
        (RP up))

(IP-IMP (VBI gather)
        (NP-SBJ (PRO ye))
        (NP-OB1 (N+NS rosebuds))
        (PP (P while)
            (CP-ADV (C 0)
                    (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO ye))
                            (MD may)
                            (VB *)))))

Direct speech (-SPE)

IPs and CPs are additionally labelled with the tag -SPE when they are direct speech. Other phrases in direct speech are labelled QTP; see Section QUOTATION PHRASE.
        (VBD said)
        (IP-MAT-SPE (NP-SBJ (PRO I))
                    (VBP want)
                    (NP-OB1 (N cake))))

        (VBD said)
        (CP-QUE-SPE (WNP-1 (WPRO what))
                    (IP-SUB-SPE (NP-OB1 *T*-1)
                                (BEP is)
                                (NP-SBJ (D the) (N matter))
                                (NP-VOC (NPR Jane))))
        (. ?))

Appositives and parentheticals (-PRN)

The label -PRN is added to any constituent acting as an appositive or parenthetical. Some common types are appositives on NPs, explanatory sentences (that is..., that is to say...), speech parentheticals (he said, quoth she, etc.), and emphatic reflexives (see Section REFLEXIVES for the latter). For more details on other types, see APPOSITIVE OR PARENTHETICAL in the full documentation.
                (NP-PRN (NPR$ Janes) (N sister)))
        (VBD bought)
        (NP-OB1 (D a) (N car)))

(NP (D this) (N virtue)
    (, ,)
    (IP-MAT-PRN (NP-SBJ (D that))
                (BEP is)
                (IP-INF (TO to)
                        (VB say)
                        (NP-OB1 (N maidenhood) (CONJ or) (N chastity)))))

            (RP on)
            (IP-MAT-PRN (VBD cried)
                        (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))))

The syntax of the subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses which are headed by a complementizer (whether overt or not) are labelled CP. Clauses in which the verb is standardly assumed to have moved to the C position (direct questions, yes/no questions, V1 conditionals) are also labelled CP, although in the PPCME schema they lack a labelled C position and the movement of the verb to this position is not indicated. Clauses without a complementizer position are labelled IP. All clauses are further labelled for function (relative clause, adverbial clause, infinitive, small clause, etc.).

IP subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses labelled as IPs are the following:
complement infinitive    IP-INF    
purpose infinitive       IP-INF-PRP 
adjunct infinitive       IP-INF-ADT
small clause             IP-SMC
participial clause       IP-PPL
absolute                 IP-ABS

Infinitives (IP-INF)

The internal structure of an infinitive includes necessarily only the verb. It may also include an auxiliary TO or FOR TO and, following an ECM verb, a subject position. The controlled PRO subject position in regular infinitives is not represented. Complement infinitives are labelled IP-INF, purpose infinitives IP-INF-PRP and other adjunct infinitives IP-INF-ADT.
        (VBD wanted)
        (IP-INF (TO to)
                (VB go)
                (PP (P to)
                    (NP (NPR Paris)))))

        (VBD bought)
        (NP-OB1 (D the) (N car))
        (IP-INF-PRP (TO to)
                    (VB commute)
                    (PP (P to)
                        (NP (N work)))))

        (VBD helped)             <--- ECM verb 
        (IP-INF (NP-SBJ (NPR Jane))
                (VB buy)
                (NP-OB1 (D a) (N car))))

        (VBD helped)
        (IP-INF (NP-SBJ *arb*)   <--- an "arbitrary pro" subject is added in  
                (VB buy)              ECM cases without a specified subject
                (NP-OB1 (D the) (N car))))

        (DOD did)
        (NP-OB1 (N wrong))
        (IP-INF-ADT (TO to)
                    (VB steal)
                    (NP-OB1 (D the) (N car))))

Small clauses (IP-SMC)

Small clauses include only a subject and a predicate. Only small clauses in which the predicate is nominal or adjectival are represented as such.
        (VBP considers)
        (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ (NPR Jane))
                (NP-OB1 (D a) (N friend))))   <--- nominal predicate

        (VBP considers)
        (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ (NPR Jane))
                (ADJP (ADJ friendly))))       <--- adjectival predicate

        (VBP considers)
        (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ (D the) (N battle))
                (VAN lost)))              <--- adjectival participle predicate

(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (N People))
        (VBP call)
        (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ (PRO her))
                (NP-OB1 (NPR Mary))))

        (BEP is)
        (VAN called)
        (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ *-1)     <--- passivization of subject of small clause
                (NP-OB1 (NPR Mary))))

Participial clauses (IP-PPL)

Participial clauses are headed by a participle, present or past, and have a controlled PRO subject (not represented in our system). Participial clauses with an overt subject are treated as absolutes (see Section ABSOLUTE CLAUSES).
        (VBD ran)
        (PP (P down)
            (NP (D the) (N street)))
        (IP-PPL (VAG shouting)
                (IP-IMP-SPE (VBI Charge)))
        (. !))

        (VBD saw)
        (NP-OB1 (NPR Jane))
        (IP-PPL (VAG sitting)
                (PP (P under)
                    (NP (D a) (N tree)))))

(IP-MAT (PP (P On)
            (IP-PPL (VAG looking)
                    (PP (RP up) (P from)
                        (NP (PRO$ her) (N work)))))
        (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
        (VBD saw)
        (NP-OB1 (NPR Jane)))

(IP-MAT (IP-PPL (VAN lost)
                (PP (P in)
                    (NP (N thought))))
        (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
        (VBD missed)
        (NP-OB1 (PRO$ her) (N bus) (N stop)))

Absolute clauses (IP-ABS)

Absolutes are similar to participials but include an overt subject.
                (VAG having)
                (VBN fallen)
                (PP (P in)
                    (NP (D the) (ADJ third) (N lap))))
        (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
        (ADVP (ADV easily))
        (VBD won)
        (NP-OB1 (D the) (N race)))

(IP-MAT (PP (P With)
            (IP-ABS (NP-SBJ (NPR Jane))
                    (BAG being)
                    (VAN disqualified)))
        (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
        (ADVP (ADV easily))
        (VBD won)
        (NP-OB1 (D the) (N race)))

Sentence fragments (FRAG)

The label FRAG is used when the ``sentence'' is grammatical, but there is not enough structure present (for whatever reason) to construct an IP. FRAG is not used for ungrammatical material.
      (PP (P on)
          (NP (D a) (NPR Sunday))))

CP subordinate clauses

CP subordinate clauses can be divided into types on the basis of their internal syntax: those which are +WH and thus include a wh-position and those which are -WH and do not.

+WH subordinate clauses

The following types of CPs always inlcude a wh-operator (WNP, WADJP, WADVP, WPP) coindexed to a trace (*T*). The wh-operator may be overt or empty. When empty, its content is represented by 0 (i.e., zero). The trace is always the first element in the IP complement, no matter what its function. All these CPs except direct questions also include a complementizer position (C), which may be overt or empty. When empty, it is represented by 0.
wh-questions                  CP-QUE
relative clauses              CP-REL
free relative clauses         CP-FRL
clause-adjoined relative      CP-CAR
comparative clauses           CP-CMP
some adverbial clauses        CP-ADV
tough-movement complements    CP-TMC
it-cleft                      CP-CLF

Wh-questions (CP-QUE)

Both direct and indirect questions are labelled CP-QUE. Indirect questions include both a wh-position (technically specCP, represented implicitly in our system as the position immediately preceding the head) and a complementizer position, which may be empty. Direct question include only the wh-position. The complementizer position in direct questions is generally assumed to be filled by the tensed verb, an assumption we accept but do not represent in our system; rather, no complementizer position is included and the verb is first in the complement IP (following the trace if there is one). This applies to all constructions in which the verb is clearly in C, including yes/no questions and verb-first conditionals (see Sections YES/NO QUESTIONS and ADVERBIAL CLAUSES).

Direct questions

(CP-QUE (WNP-1 (WPRO What))
        (IP-SUB (NP-OB1 *T*-1)
                (DOP does)
                (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
                (VB want))
        (. ?))

(CP-QUE (WADVP-1 (WADV Where))
        (IP-SUB (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)
                (DOD did)
                (NP-SBJ (NPR Jane))
                (VB go)
                (. ?)))

Indirect questions

        (VBP knows)
        (CP-QUE (WADVP-1 (WADV why))
                (C 0)
                (IP-SUB (ADVP *T*-1)
                        (NP-SBJ (NPR Jane))
                        (VBD bought)
                        (NP-OB1 (D the) (N car)))))

        (VBD asked)
        (CP-QUE (WNP-1 (WD what) (N time))
                (C 0)
                (IP-SUB (NP-TMP *T*-1)
                        (NP-SBJ (NPR Jane))
                        (BED was)
                        (VAG coming))))

While in Modern English the complementizer position in indirect questions is always empty, in Middle English it could be filled ( Mary asked what time that Jane was coming).

Relative clauses (CP-REL)

Relative clauses have the same internal structure as indirect questions (see Section WH-QUESTIONS). Relative clauses are treated as post-modifiers of their antecedent. In simple cases the relative clause will be a sister of the head noun of its antecedent. While in Modern English it is usual for only the wh-operator or the complementizer to be overt, but not both, in Middle English both positions can be filled ( the cat which that Mary saw).
(NP (D the) (N cat)
    (CP-REL (WNP-1 0)
            (C that)
            (IP-SUB (NP-OB1 *T*-1)
                    (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
                    (VBD saw))))

(NP (NPR Mary)
    (CP-REL (WNP-1 (WPRO who))    <--- restrictive and non-restrictive 
            (C 0)                      relatives are not distinguished
            (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
                    (VBD saw)
                    (NP-OB1 (D the) (N cat)))))

When relative clauses are associated with conjoined NPs ( the cats and the dogs which play in the park), the attachment level of the relative can be difficult to distinguish. The general rule in these cases (lacking contextual evidence to the contrary) is that the relative clause attaches as high as possible; that is, it applies to the whole NP rather than any internal part of it. This is shown by making the relative a sister to the other constituents of the highest NP. (For the treatment of conjunction, see Section CONJUNCTION).
(NP (NP (D the) (NS cats))
    (CONJP (CONJ and)
           (NP (D the) (NS dogs)))
    (CP-REL (WNP-1 (WPRO which))
            (C 0)
            (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
                    (VBP play)
                    (PP (P in)
                        (NP (D the) (N park))))))

Free relative clauses (CP-FRL)

The internal structure of free relatives is the same as that of relatives and indirect questions (see Sections WH-QUESTIONS and RELATIVE CLAUSES). Free relatives, however, have no antecedent. The function of a free relative in the clause is indicated by enclosing it within an otherwise empty set of appropriately labelled parens.
        (VBD bought)
        (NP-OB1 (CP-FRL (WNP-1 (WPRO what))
                        (C 0)
                        (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO she))
                                (BED was)
                                (VAN told)
                                (IP-INF (NP-OB1 *T*-1)
                                        (TO to)
                                        (VB buy))))))

        (ADVP-TMP (ADV always))
        (VBP travels)
        (ADVP-LOC (CP-FRL (WADVP-1 (WADV where) (ADV ever))
                          (C 0)
                          (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO she))
                                  (VBP wants)
                                  (IP-INF (ADVP-LOC *T*-1)
                                          (VB *))))))

Free relatives can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from indirect questions. We distinguish them strictly as follows: If the verb can take an indirect question (test with a why question), then the construction is treated as a question; if not, it is treated as a free relative.

In Middle English, free relatives may be headed by THAT or THERE (or less commonly in the early texts by other th-words). For details on how these cases are treated, see NON-WH FREE RELATIVES in the full documentation.

Clause-adjoined relative clauses (CP-CAR)

Clause-adjoined relatives are either continuative relatives which refer back to the whole sentence ( Mary ate all the cake, which made Jane angry), or wh-demonstratives, which although matrix clauses, have the syntax of embedded wh-constructions ( The captain sank the ship; the which captain was court-marshalled). Because the antecedent of the wh-demonstrative is usually in the preceding sentence, we adjoin these relatives to the preceding sentence.
        (VBD ate)
        (NP-OB1 (Q all) (D the) (N cake))
        (CP-CAR (WNP-1 (WPRO which))
                (C 0)
                (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
                        (VBD made)
                        (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ (NPR Jane))
                                (ADJP (ADJ angry))))))

(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D The) (N captain))
        (VBD sank)
        (NP-OB1 (D the) (N ship))
        (CP-CAR (WNP-1 (D the) (WD which) (N captain))
                (C 0)
                (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
                        (BED was)
                        (VAN court-marshalled))))

Reduced relatives (RRC)

Reduced relative clauses are labelled but no effort is made to reconstruct their internal structure.
(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D The) (N girl)
                (RRC (VAG wearing)
                     (NP-OB1 (D the) (ADJ red) (N hat))))
        (VBD won)
        (NP-OB1 (D the) (N race)))

(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D The) (N candidate)
                (RRC (VAN elected)
                     (PP (P by)
                         (N panel))))
        (BED was)
        (NP-OB1 (D a) (N crook)))

Reduced relatives can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from adjunct participial clauses. See REDUCED RELATIVES in the General Introduction for details on how the two cases are distinguished.

Empty Operator CP (CP-EOP)

The label CP-EOP is used to label non-wh infinitival relatives and purpose infinitives with a gap. These two cases are often difficult to distinguish and so we do not attempt to do so (even when it is possible). The antecedent of the trace receives the same index as the trace, rather than being contained within it as in the case of other relative clauses. Only infinitival relatives/purpose infinitives with an object or object of preposition gap are treated this way (currently) [POLICY UNDER REVIEW]. Thus Mary needs a plumber to fix the sink is treated as a simple purpose infinitive and labelled IP-INF-PRP.
        (VBD bought)
        (NP-OB1-1 (D a) (N wrench))
        (CP-EOP (WNP-1 0)
                (IP-INF (TO to)
                        (VB fix)
                        (NP-OB1 (D the) (N sink)
                                (PP (P with)
                                    (NP *T*-1))))))

        (HVP has)
        (NP-OB1-1 (Q+N nothing))
        (CP-EOP (WNP-1 0)
                (IP-INF (NP-OB1 *T*-1)
                        (TO to)
                        (DO do))))

Comparative clauses (CP-CMP)

Comparative clauses have an empty operator co-indexed to a trace indicating the function of what is being compared. They also have a complementizer position. They appear as complements to the prepositions AS and THAN. Often much of the comparative clause is elided. If the entire clause following the subject has been elided ( Mary is taller than Jane), the preposition is represented as taking an NP complement rather than a clause. Infinitives may likewise appear as the complement to these prepositions ( Mary likes to swim more than to ski). In other cases, in order to make the structure clearer the missing parts have been added (in Modern English) inside braces.
        (VBD ate)
        (NP-OB1 (QP (ADVR as) (Q much))
                (N cake))
        (PP (P as)
            (CP-CMP (WNP-1 0)
                    (C 0)
                    (IP-SUB (NP-OB1 *T*-1)
                            (NP-SBJ (NPR Jane))
                            (DOD did)
                            (VB *))))))

        (MD ought)
        (ADVP (ADV rather)
              (PP *ICH*-1))
        (TO to)
        (BE be)
        (VAN praised)
        (PP-1 (P than)
              (CP-CMP (WADVP-2 0)
                      (C 0)
                      (IP-SUB (ADVP *T*-2)
                              (CODE {she_ought_to_be})
                              (VAN yblamed)))))

WH Adverbial clauses (CP-ADV)

Some AS adverbial clauses contain a gap, which may be either adverbial or nominal. When adverbial, AS can be paraphrased as in the same way that. When nominal, AS can be paraphrased as WHICH, and the trace is a nominal argument.
        (VBP votes)
        (PP (P in)
            (NP (Q every) (N election)))
        (PP (P as)
            (CP-ADV (WADVP-1 0)
                    (C 0)
                    (IP-SUB (ADVP *T*-1)
                            (NP-SBJ (D a) (ADJ good) (N citizen))
                            (MD should)
                            (VB *)))))

                 (CP-ADV (WNP-1 0)
                         (C 0)
                         (IP-SUB (NP-OB1 *T*-1)
                                 (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
                                 (ADVP-TMP (ADV always))
                                 (VBP says))))
        (NP-SBJ (N tomorrow))
        (BEP is)
        (NP-OB1 (D+OTHER another) (N day)))

Tough-movement complements (CP-TMC)

Tough movement complements of adjectives ( Mary is easy to please) have the same structure as infinitival relatives. The relation between the subject of the matrix clause and the object of the infinitive (which is predictable) is not indicated.
        (BEP is)
        (ADJP (ADJ easy)
              (CP-TMC (WNP-1 0)
                      (IP-INF (NP-OB1 *T*-1)
                              (TO to)
                              (VB please)))))

It-clefts (CP-CLF)

It-clefts have the same internal structure as relative clauses (see Section RELATIVE CLAUSES).
        (BEP is)
        (NP-OB1 (NPR Mary))
        (CP-CLF (WNP-1 (WPRO who))
                (C 0)
                (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-1)
                        (VBP knows)
                        (NP-OB1 (D the) (N answer)))))

-WH subordinate clauses

In the remaining types of CP subordinate clauses the complementizer position is always indicated (whether over or empty) but the specCP position doesn't contain a wh-element.
yes/no questions         CP-QUE
that complements         CP-THT
adverbial clauses        CP-ADV
degree clauses           CP-DEG

Yes/no questions (CP-QUE)

YES/NO questions, like other verb-first constructions (see Sections WH-QUESTION and ADVERBIAL CLAUSES) where the verb has moved to C, are represented as having no C position and the verb first in IP (after any traces).
                (NP-SBJ (PRO you))
                (VAG coming))
        (. ?))

                (NP-SBJ (PRO you))
                (VB want)
                (IP-INF (TO to)
                        (VB go)))
        (. ?))

That clauses (CP-THT)

That clauses occur as complements to verbs, adjectives and nouns.
        (VBD said)
        (CP-THT (C that)
                (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO she))
                        (VBD liked) 
                        (NP-OB1 (NS cats)))))

        (VBD said)
        (CP-THT (C 0)
                (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO she))
                        (VBD liked) 
                        (NP-OB1 (NS cats)))))

(IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D the) (N fact)
                (CP-THT (C that)
                        (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D the) (N world))
                                (BEP is)
                                (ADJP (ADJ round)))))
        (HVD had)
        (NEG not)
        (VBN escaped)
        (NP-OB1 (NPR Mary)))

        (BEP is)
        (ADJP (ADJ happy)
              (CP-THT (C that)
                      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (NPR Jane))
                              (VBD won)
                              (NP-OB1 (D the) (N prize))))))

Adverbial clauses (CP-ADV)

In the PPCME2, most subordinators (subordinate conjunctions) are treated as prepositions, and thus many adverbial clauses are represented as PPs in which the preposition takes a clausal complement. While in Modern English the complementizer position in such clauses is generally empty, it was often filled in Middle English ( After that Mary arrived, we watched the movie).
(IP-IMP (PP (P If)
            (CP-ADV (C 0)
                    (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO you))
                            (VBP want)
                            (NP-OB1 (D a) (N ride)))))
        (VBI ask)
        (NP-OB2 (NPR Mary)))

(IP-MAT (PP (P When)
            (CP-ADV (C 0)
                    (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (D the) (N party))
                            (BED was)
                            (RP over))))
        (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
        (VBD went)
        (NP-DIR (N home)))

Bare adverbial clauses, i.e. headed by THAT, are common in Middle English and generally indicate purpose or result.
        (VBD invested)
        (ADVP (ADV wisely))
        (CP-ADV (C that)            <--- i.e., "so that"
                (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO she))
                        (MD might)
                        (VB retire)
                        (PP (P in)
                            (NP (N comfort)))
                        (NP-TMP (ONE one) (N day)))))

Verb-first conditionals are given the same structure as other constructions in which the verb is in C (see Sections WH-QUESTIONS and YES/NO QUESTIONS); i.e., the complementizer position is not represented and the verb is first in IP.
                        (NP-SBJ (PRO she))
                        (FP but)
                        (VBN known)))
        (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
        (MD would)
        (ADVP-TMP (ADV never))
        (HVP have)
        (VBN trusted)
        (NP-OB1 (NPR Jane)))

Degree clauses (CP-DEG)

Degree clauses are complements of SUCH and phrases containing degree words, usually SO. Degree clauses are generally extraposed if they are not underlyingly sentence final.
        (BEP is)
        (ADJP (ADVR so) (ADJ friendly)
              (CP-DEG (C that)
                      (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO she))
                              (ADVP-TMP (ADV always)
                                        (VBP stops)
                                        (IP-INF (TO to)
                                                (VB chat)))))))

        (BEP is)
        (NP-OB1 (ADJP (SUCH such)
                      (CP-DEG *ICH*-1))
                (D a) (ADJ good) (N player)
                (CP-DEG-1 (C that)
                          (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO she))
                                  (ADVP-TMP (ADV always))
                                  (VBP wins)))))

        (ADVP (ADVR so)
              (CP-DEG *ICH*-1))
        (VBD wanted)
        (IP-INF (TO to)
                (VB pass)
                (NP-OB1 (D the) (N exam)))
        (CP-DEG-1 (C that)
                  (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO she))
                          (VBD studied)
                          (NP-TMP (Q every) (N night)))))