Graph description: Kappa statistics

The graph shows seven curves for seven different probabalities than an observer will be correct. The horizontal axis shows probablility of a true yes from zero to one. The vertical axis shows the predicted kappa, also on a scale from zero to one. Each curve starts at probablility of a true yes = zero and predicted kappa = zero and rises to a maximum kappa at probablility of a true yes = one half, then falls symmatrically to predicted kappa = zero at probablility of a true yes = one. The curve for 99% chance correct rises steeply until probablility of a true yes = 0.1, then rises slowly to maximum kappa = 0.95 approximately, representing very good agreement between probablility of a true yes = 0.05 and 0.95. The curve for 95% chance correct rises steeply until probablility of a true yes = 0.2, then rises slowly to maximum kappa = 0.8 approximately, representing good agreement between probablility of a true yes = 0.1 and 0.9. The curve for 90% chance correct rises steeply until probablility of a true yes = 0.3, then rises slowly to maximum kappa = 0.65 approximately, representing moderate agreement between probablility of a true yes = 0.1 and 0.9. The curve for 80% chance correct rises less and less steeply to maximum kappa = 0.35 approximately, representing fair agreement between probablility of a true yes = 0.15 and 0.85. The curve for 70% chance correct rises less and less steeply to maximum kappa = 0.15 approximately, representing poor agreement throughout. The curve for 60% chance correct rises less and less steeply to maximum kappa = 0.05 approximately, representing poor agreement throughout.

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This page maintained by Martin Bland.
Last updated: 3 August, 2015.