Graph description: Distribution of residuals

This graph shows a histogram. The horizontal axis is labelled “Residuals (mm)” and numbered -50, 0, 50. The vertical axis is labelled “Frequency” and numbered 0, 10, 20, 30. There are vertical bars as follows, base then height: -40 to -30, 5; -30 to -20, 7; -20 to -10, 22; -10 to 0, 32; 0 to 10, 20; 10 to 20, 17; 20 to 30, 7; 30 to 40, 7; 40 to 50, 2; 50 to 60, 0; 60 to 70, 1.

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This page maintained by Martin Bland.
Last updated: 2 March, 2009.