Graph description: Head circumference, sex, and height, scatter plot of residuals

This is a scatter plot of residuals against predicted head circumference.

A graph with the horizontal axis labelled “Predicted head circumference (mm)” and numbered 540, 560, 580, 600. The vertical axis is labelled “Residual (mm)” and numbered -50, 0, 50, 100. Each student’s predicted head circumference and residual is shown as a point, represented by a little hollow diamond shape. The points form a roughly oval cloud with the highest density of points in the middle. When predicted head circumference is 550 mm, residuals range from about -40 to +50 mm. When predicted head circumference is 570 mm, residuals range from about -40 to +60 mm. When predicted head circumference is 590 mm, residuals range from about -50 to +60 mm.

There are a few outliers both with low and with high residuals at the high head circumference end, with one residual of 100 for a head circumference = 580 mm.

Apart from these outliers, there is nothing to suggest that residual is related to predicted head circumference.

Back to Head circumference, sex and height, answer 4.

This page maintained by Martin Bland.
Last updated: 20 March, 2007.