Graph description: Figure 2. Comparison of steroids with placebo for prevention of re-intubation

This figure has three panels side by side. The first and third panels are all text, the second panel is a graphic.

The first panel is a table with three columns. The first column shows the six study names. Column 2 shows the number of participants who developed laryngeal oedema, a slash, and the number of participants in the steroid group. Column 2 shows the number of participants who developed laryngeal oedema, a slash, and the number of participants in the placebo group. At the bottom of the table is an additional row with Total and 95 percent confidence interval in the first column, in column 2 the numbers 11 slash 984, and in column 3 the numbers 30 slash 939. Below this is a row which reads test for heterogeneity: chi-squared = 5.76, degrees of freedom = 5, P = 0.33, I squared = 13.2%, and a row which reads Test for overall effect: z = 3.49, P < 0.001.

The second panel is headed odds ratio (random) and 95% confidence interval. It has for each row of the first panel a horzontal line with a square in the middle of it. The squares vary in size and the lines very in length, the larger studies having bigger squares and shorter lines than the smaller studies. The line for row 3 has an arrow head at the leftt end, the line for row 4 has an arrow head at the right end. At the bottom, in the total row, is a diamond shape. Below this is a scale labelled 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, and 100, at equal intervals.

The third panel is a table with two columns. The first column is headed weight percent and the second column is headed odds ratio (random) and 95% confidence interval. In the first column, there is for each row of the first panel a number between 0 and 100. In the second column, there is a number bewteen 0 and 6, then brackets containing two more numbers separated by the word "to".

These are the study names, weight percent, odds ratios, and 95% confidence intervals: Cheng, 30.27, 0.27, 0.08 to 0.90, Darmon, 14.82, 0.41, 0.08 to 2.12, Francois, 42.98, 0.07, 0.01 to 0.51, Gaussorges, 1.49, 5.07, 0.24 to 106.65, Ho, 4.54, 0.32, 0.01 to 8.01, Lee, 5.90, 0.49. 0.04 to 0.58. At the bottom of the table, the total row has 100.0 and 0.29, with 0.15 to 0.58 in brackets.

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This page maintained by Martin Bland.
Last updated: 18 February, 2009.