8 Lists

There are three basic types of list in HTML:

Ordered Lists
These lists are created using the <ol>...</ol> tags. Inside this ordered list environment each listed item is specified with <li>...</li> tags. Each item in an ordered list is numbered, e.g. try:
<li> Find plans. </li>
<li> Save world. </li>
<li> Get out of my house! </li>
Unordered Lists
These lists are created using the <ul>...</ul> tags, but other than that the syntax is the same as for an ordered list. Inside this unordered list environment each listed item is specified with <li>...</li> tags. The list items in an unordered list are not numbered, and are usually indicated with bullet points.
Definition Lists
These lists are created using the <dl>...</dl> tags. Inside this definition list environment the terms you want defined are enclosed in <dt>...</dt> tags, and the definition description is enclosed in <dd>...</dd>. Definition lists are used when you want a list of terms along with their definitions, such as this very list! E.g.:
<dt> HTML
<dd> HTML stands for Hypertext Mark-Up Language, and is the language of the World-Wide Web. </dd>
<dt> Frames
<dd> Frames are nasty, evil things some people put in their web pages. 
They are abhorrent and should be avoided at all costs.</dd>

Exercise 8

Use an unordered list to list your research interests. You might even like to nest lists inside each other.

Now your web page might look like this.

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