Asymmetric quantum hypothesis testing with Gaussian states

Asymmetric quantum hypothesis testing with Gaussian states

  • Spedalieri, G. and Braunstein, S.L. (2014): Physical Review A 90, 052307-1/8. (PDF)

    ABSTRACT: We consider the asymmetric formulation of quantum hypothesis testing, where two quantum hypotheses have different associated costs. In this problem, the aim is to minimize the probability of false negatives and the optimal performance is provided by the quantum Hoeffding bound. After a brief review of these notions, we show how this bound can be simplified for pure states. We then provide a general recipe for its computation in the case of multimode Gaussian states, also showing its connection with other easier-to-compute lower bounds. In particular, we provide analytical formulas and numerical results for important classes of one- and two-mode Gaussian states.