Lord Kelvin Lectures

Lord Kelvin Lectures

title: Quantum teleportation
by: Dr Samuel Braunstein
from: School of Informatics, University of Wales, Bangor
date: 2001, Glasgow
abstract: Presentation defining teleportation and explaining what it means, why it's exciting and how the speaker has implemented it experimentally. Oriented to a broad audience.

title: Sizing up the Universe
by: Dr Andrew Liddle
from: University of Sussex
date: 2000, London
abstract: The big bang theory is proving to be a very good way of describing our universe. But what might have happened at the very early stages when the Universe was tiny, and present physical laws might not have applied? Might it have undergone a period of extraordinarily rapid expansion, known as inflation? Could such an expansion be related to the structures, such as galaxies and voids, that we see around us today? And what chances do we have of making observations to test whether such ideas might be correct?

title: Fireworks, Stink-Bombs, and Magic Bullet Medicines
by: Professor Patrick Bailey
from: Organic Chemistry, Heriot-Watt University
date: 1999, Sheffield
abstract: What is the connection between fireworks and medicines? Demonstrations will try to show how 'fun' chemistry is linked to the design of modern drugs.

title: Designer Magnetic Materials
by: Dr Sarah Thompson
from: Department of Physics, University of York
date: 1998, Cardiff
abstract: Using the latest technology, magnetic materials can now be created one atomic layer at a time giing us the ability to design and control their magnetic properties.

title: What to ask an Alien
by: Dr Adrian McKenny
from: Brunel University
date: 1997, Leeds
abstract: The topic addresses the question of truly univbersal conventions, and is introduced by considering what one should ask an alien before letting it land on earth. One needs to know if they are left-handeed or right-handed, and if they are made of matter and anti-matter. Our conventions of left and right are arbitrary - physics looks the same if we swop left and right - as in a mirror. But at a fundamental level nature distinguishes between left and right. The Standard Linear Detector experiments's investigation into this difference is discussed. The same equivilance was thought to exist for matter and anti-matter - but there is a tiny fundamental difference. This will be investigated by the BaBar experiment at the Stanford Linear Detector and BaBar will also be mentioned.

title: Polymers, Peptides and Pondweed; The Simplicity of Complex Fluids
by: Dr R S Lehrle
from: University of Birmingham
date: 1996, Birmingham
abstract: Many fluids contain fascinating hidden complexities below the surface. By exploiting sensitive interactions between molecules that cause them to aggregate together, new structures and new science emerges. Fluids and memory, fluids and elasticity, fluids that are also solids are examples of these unusal materials. Complex they may be, but the key to understanding them is to spot their inherent simplicity.

title: Atoms, Electrons and Light
by: Dr Stephen Price & Dr Andrea Sella
from: University College London
date: 1995, Newcastle
abstract: Using pratical demonstrations we will explain the chemistry surrounding the absorption and emission of light by molecules. The demonstrations involve the chemistry of polos, fireflies, flash photography and onions.

title: Good Vibrations: the Acoustics of Musical Instruments
by: Dr Bernard Richardson
from: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Wales, Cardiff
date: 1994, Loughborough
abstract: This talk brings to life the tiny, unseen vibrations of the wooden bodies of violins and guitars and explains how the maker can control the sound quality of the instrument throughout its manufacture.

title: Molecular Modelling and Drug Design
by: Dr Peter Murray-Rust
from: Glaxo
date: 1993, Keele

title: The Origin of Galaxies
by: Professor George Efstathiou
from: University of Cambridge
date: 1992, Southampton
abstract: How did galaxies form? This talk will describe how surveys of the Universe can tell us about the first instants after the Big Bang, which hold the key to this question.

title: Spinning Stars and Vibrating Spheres
by: Dr Mark Roberts
from: University of Warwick
date: 1991, Plymouth
abstract: Shapes of rotating, deformable spheres: from Newton's proof that the Earth is flattened at the poles, via Riemann's classification of ellipsoidal equilibria, to new results on chaotic quadrupole vibrations.

title: Photochemistry in Action
by: Dr Andrew Mills
from: University College of Swansea
date: 1990, Swansea
abstract: A demonstartion lecture featuring a wide range of experiments which highlight the importance of photochemistry to the modern world. In the final section of the lecture, demonstrations will be used to illustrate Dr Mill's research into the use of sunlight to produce fuel from water.

The Lord Kelvin lectureships are sponsored by The BA.

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