Image:Lange Manzanar j8CC-802A.jpgL2 Phonology Reading Group       Autumn Term 2010-11

Meeting: Wednesday afternoons roughly every other week (see below for times/rooms)

Any queries please contact Sam Hellmuth. Sessions last 1½ hours approx. All welcome.



Start time/room


wk 2

Oct 20th

4.30pm V/C/026

Flege, J. (1995). Second-language Speech Learning: Theory, Findings, and Problems. In W. Strange (Ed) Speech Perception and Linguistic Experience: Issues in Cross-language research. Timonium, MD: York Press, Pp. 229-273. 

Plus other additional/optional readings – email for more information.

wk 4

Nov 3rd

4.15pm V/C/027

Brown, Cynthia. (2000). The interrelation between speech perception and phonological acquisition from infant to adult. In Archibald, John (ed.) Second language acquisition and linguistic theory. Oxford: Blackwell. pp.4-63. pdf

wk 6 Mon

Nov 15th


for 3pm start

Café Barista

We will read and discuss (all six!) papers from the ICPhS 2007 special session on ‘Second Language Acquisition and Exemplar Theory’:


Dec 1st



Rana will present her Accents 2010 talk ( on diphthongs:

How do speakers of a language like Arabic (with its limited diphthongal inventory) perceive and produce English vowels (with its rich diphthongal inventory)?


2008-9 sessions/papers (for reference):



Baker, Wendy; Trofimovich, Pavel (2005). Interaction of native- and second-language vowel system(s) in early and late bilinguals. Language and Speech 48,1:1-27 (download here)



Trofimovich, Pavel & Wendy Baker (2006) Effect of L2 Experience on Prosody and Fluency Characteristics of L2 Speech. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 28:1:1-30. doi:10.1017/S0272263106060013



Place of Articulation-Assimilation in the L2 English of Syrian Arabic Speakers. Visiting speaker: Rawya Ranjous (University of Leeds)



Munro, Murray J., (1993). Productions of English Vowels by Native Speakers of Arabic: Acoustic Measurements and Accentedness Ratings. Language and Speech, 36,1:39-66. [download here (from on campus)]

Mon 9th Feb


Zampini, Mary (2008) L2 speech production research: Findings, issues, and advances. In: Hansen Edwards, Jette G. and Mary L. Zampini (eds.), Phonology and Second Language Acquisition. pp. 219–249.  (hard copy available to borrow soon… outside V/C/211)

Flege J. E.-& Port, R. (1981) "Cross-language phonetic interference: Arabic to English", Language and Speech 24, 2: 125-146. download link

Mon 2nd Feb


Strange, W. & Shafer, V. (2008) Speech perception in second language learners: The re-education of selective perception. In: Hansen Edwards, Jette G. and Mary L. Zampini (eds.), Phonology and Second Language Acquisition. pp. 153–191. (hard copy available to borrow, outside V/C/211)

Ingram, John C. L. & See G. Park. 1997. Cross-language vowel perception and production by Japanese and Korean learners of English. Journal of Phonetics. 25(3). 343-370.


Mon 26th Jan


Yang, B. (1996). A comparative study of American English and Korean vowels produced by male and female speakers. Journal of Phonetics, 24, 245 - 261. doi:10.1006/jpho.1996.0013 

Strange, W., Yamada, R., Kubo, R., Trent, S., Nishi, K., & Jenkins, J. (1998). Perceptual assimilation of American English vowels by Japanese listeners. Journal of Phonetics, 26, 311-344. 

Tues 20th Jan


Deterding, D. (2001). The measurement of rhythm: a comparison of Singapore and British English. Journal of Phonetics 29, 2: 217-230.

White, Laurence & Sven L. Mattys (2007). Calibrating rhythm: First language and second language studies. Journal of Phonetics 35: 501–522  doi:10.1016/j.wocn.2007.02.003   

11th Dec

Munro, M. (2008) Foreign accent and speech intelligibility. In Hansen Edwards & Zampini. Phonology and second language acquisition. John Benjamins. (hard copy available to borrow outside V/C/211)

Murray J. Munro, Tracey M. Derwing. (1999). Foreign Accent, Comprehensibility, and Intelligibility in the Speech of Second Language Learners. Language Learning. 49, 1: 285-310.


8th Dec

John Archibald (1994) A formal model of learning L2 prosodic phonology. Second Language Research 1994; 10; 215.

Wayland, R.P., Guion, S.G., Landfair, D. Y Li, B.  (2006) Native Thai speakers’ acquisition of English word stress patterns. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 35, 285-304.


1st Dec

Cutler, A. (2001) Listening to a second language through the ears of a first. Interpreting 5, 1-23. (hard copy available to borrow, outside V/C/211)

Altenberg, E.P. (2005) The processing of word boundaries in a second language. Second Language Research 21, 325-358.

24th Nov

Leather, J. (1999) Second-language speech research: an introduction. Language Learning 49, 1-56.


Flege, James E., Ocke S. Bohn, & Sunyoung Jang. (1997) Effects of experience on non-native speakers' production and perception of English vowels. Journal of Phonetics. 25 (4). 437-470.


Last updated 5.10.2010.