Draft Perpetual Calendar, Department of Mathematics

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Autumn Term
1 Friday Lectures start
2 First year tutorials start
3 Monday Seminars start (years 2,3,4)
Wednesday 2.15 BoS meeting
4 Wednesday January examination papers to checkers
BoE procedural meeting
5 Teaching Committee meeting
Wednesday January examination papers to office for typing (if required)
6 Wednesday January examination papers to External Examiners
10 Wednesday 2.15 BoS meeting
Spring Term
1 January Examinations all week
2 Monday Lectures start
3 Monday Seminars start
First year January examination marks to office
Wednesday 2.15 BoE meeting for first year January marks, followed by BoS meeting
Friday Non-first year January examination marks to office
4 Wednesday Week 1 Summer Term examination papers to checkers
5 Teaching Committee meeting
Wednesday Week 1 Summer Term examination papers to office for typing (if required)
6 Wednesday Week 1 Summer Term examination papers to External Examiners
7 Moderating Committee meeeting
8 Friday Undergraduate project choices frozen
10 Wednesday 2.15 BoS meeting
Summer Term
-2 Wednesday Late summer examination papers to checkers
-1 Wednesday Late summer examination papers to office for typing (if required)
0 Like rule 6, there is no week 0
1 Early summer examinations all week
Monday Students given access to snapshot of project database
2 Monday Lectures start
Wednesday 2.15 BoS meeting
Wednesday Late summer examination papers to Externals
3 Early summer examination marks to office
4 Monday 12.00 BA/BSc and MMath project writeups to be submitted
5 Teaching Committee meeting
Moderating Committee meeeting
Third year MMath lectures end
6 Monday BA/BSc and MMath projects to second markers
7 Friday First and second year lectures end
8 Monday Agreed BA/BSc and MMath project marks to office
9 Moderating Committee meeeting
10 Wednesday 2.15 BoS meeting
Thursday 9.15 BoE meeting for non-finalists, BoS meeting to ratify
Friday 11.15 Internal BoE meeting for finalists
11 Monday External examiners present
Tuesday 9.15 Final BoE meeting with external examiners, BoS meeting to ratify, combined Board meetings
12 Degree Day
Summer Vacation
Varies Teaching Committee meeting to consider student feedback
Varies Course review meeting
Week before August bank holiday Resit Examinations
Wednesday after August bank holiday Marked resit scripts to office
Friday after August bank holiday BoE meeting for resits followed by BoS to ratify BoE recommendations