Andrews Lab - Publications



Watson DM & Andrews TJ (2025) Functional connectivity of the scene processing network at rest does not reliably predict human behaviour on scene processing tasks. eNeuro (in press)


Zhu X, Watson DM, Rogers D & Andrews TJ (2025) View-symmetric representations of faces in humans and artificial neural networks. Neuropsychlogia 207: 109061


Watson DM & Andrews TJ (2025) A data-driven analysis of the perceptual and neural responses to natural objects reveals organising principles of human visual cognition. Journal of Neuroscience 45(2):e1318242024



Epihova G, Cook R & Andrews TJ (2024) Global changes in the pattern of connectivity in developmental prosopagnosia. Cerebral Cortex 34(11): bhae435


Wang A, Quinn BPA, Gofton H & Andrews TJ (2024) No evidence for an other race effect in dominance and trustworthy judgements of faces. Perception 03010066241258204


Noad KN, Watson, DM, & Andrews, TJ (2024) Familiarity enhances functional connectivity between visual and non-visual regions during natural viewing. Cerebral Cortex 34(7): bhae285


Quinn BPA, Watson DM, Noad KN & Andrews TJ (2024) Idiosyncratic patterns of interhemispheric connectivity in the face and scene networks of the human brain. Imaging Neuroscience 2: 1-20


Noad KN & Andrews TJ (2024) The importance of conceptual knowledge when becoming familiar with faces during naturalistic viewing. Cortex 177: 290-301


Watson DM & Andrews TJ (2024) Mapping the functional and structural connectivity of the scene network. Human Brain Mapping 45:e26628



Noad KN, Watson DM, & Andrews TJ (2023). Game of Thrones - A naturalistic viewing dataset. OpenNeuro. [Dataset] doi: doi:10.18112/openneuro.ds004848.v1.0.0


Wang A, Sliwinska MW, Watson, DM, Smith S & Andrews TJ (2023) Distinct patterns of neural response to faces from different races in humans and deep networks. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 18: 1-15


Andrews TJ, Rogers D, Mileva M, Watson DM, Wang A, Burton AM (2023) A narrow band of image dimensions is critical for face recognition. Vision Research 212: 108297


Watson DM & Andrews TJ (2023) Connectopic mapping techniques do not reflect functional gradients in the brain. Neuroimage 277: 120228


Epihova G, Cook R & Andrews TJ (2023) Recognition of animal faces is impaired in developmental prosopagnosia. Cognition 237: 105477



Watson DM & Andrews TJ (2022) An evaluation of how connectopic mapping reveals visual field maps in V1. Scientific Reports 12: 16249


Coggan DD, Watson DM, Wang A, Brownbridge R, Ellis C, Jones K, Kilroy C & Andrews TJ (2022) The representation of shape and texture in category-selective regions of ventral-temporal cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience 56: 4107-4120


Wang A, Laming C, Andrews TJ (2022) Covariation in the recognition of own-race and other-race faces argues against the role of group bias in the other race effect. Scientific Reports 12:13088


Rogers D & Andrews TJ (2022) The emergence of view-symmetric neural responses to familiar and unfamiliar faces. Neuropsychologia 172: 108725


Epihova G, Cook R & Andrews TJ (2022) Recognition of pareidolic objects in developmental prosopagnosic and neurotypical individuals. Cortex 153: 21-31


Rogers D, Baseler H, Young AW, Jenkins R & Andrews TJ (2022) The roles of shape and texture in the recognition of familiar faces. Vision Research 194: 108013



Baker DH, Vilidaite G, Lygo FA, Smith AK, Flack TR, Gouws AD & Andrews TJ (2020) Power contours: Optimising sample size and precision in experimental psychology and human neuroscience. Psychological Methods 26(3): 295-314



Coggan DD, Giannakopoulou A, Ali S, Goz B, Watson DM, Hartley T, Baker DH & Andrews TJ (2019) A data-driven approach to stimulus selection reveals an image-based representation of objects in high-level visual areas. Human Brain Mapping 40: 4716-4731


Flack TR, Harris RJ, Young AW & Andrews TJ (2019) Symmetrical viewpoint representations in face-selective regions convey an advantage in the perception and recognition of faces. Journal of Neuroscience 39: 3741-3751


Andrews TJ, Smith RK, Hoggart RL, Ulrich PI & Gouws AD (2019) Neural Correlates of group bias during natural viewing. Cerebral Cortex 29: 3380-3389


Coggan DD, Baker DH and Andrews TJ (2019) Selectivity for mid-level properties of faces and places in the Fusiform Face Area and Parahippocampal Place Area. European Journal of Neuroscience 49:1587–1596


Cole E, Barraclough NB, Andrews TJ (2019) Reduced connectivity between mentalizing and mirror systems in autism spectrum condition. Neuropsychologia 122: 88-97



Weibert K, Flack TR, Young AW, Andrews TJ (2018) Patterns of neural response in face regions are predicted by low-level image properties. Cortex 103: 199-210


Fritz T, Mueller K, Guha A, Gouws A, Levita L, Andrews TJ, Slocombe KE (2018) Human behavioural discrimination of human, chimpanzee and macaque affective vocalisations is reflected by the neural response in the superior temporal sulcus. Neuropsychologia 111: 145-150  



Yan X, Young AW, Andrews TJ (2017) The automaticity of face perception is influenced by familiarity.  Attention, Perception and Psychophysics 79: 2202-2211


Watson DM, Hartley T & Andrews TJ (2017) A data driven approach to understanding the organization of high-level visual cortex. Scientific Reports 7: 3596


Watson DM, Hartley T & Andrews TJ (2017) Patterns of response to scrambled scenes reveal the importance of visual properties in the organization of scene-selective cortex. Cortex 92: 162-174


Coggan DD, Allen LA, Farrar ORH, Gouws AD, Morland AB, Baker DH & Andrews TJ (2017) Differences in selectivity to natural images in early visual areas (V1- V3). Scientific Reports 7: 2444


Yan X, Young AW, Andrews TJ (2017) Cross-cultural similarities and differences in the perception and recognition of facial expressions in Face Processing: Systems, Disorders and Cultural Differences (eds Bindemann M, Megreya A) Nova Science Publishers, NY.


Godbehere A, McDonald L, Baines F, Sutherland CAM & Andrews TJ (2017) A dissociation in judgments of confidence in people with dandruff based on self-reports compared to reports from other observers.  International Journal of Cosmetic Science 39: 457-464


Yan X, Young AW, Andrews TJ (2017) Differences in holistic processing do not explain cultural differences in the recognition of facial expression. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 70: 2445-2459



Baseler HA, Young AW, Jenkins R, Burton AM & Andrews TJ (2016) Face-selective regions show invariance to linear, but not to non-linear, changes in facial images. Neuropsychologia 93: 76-84  


Weibert K, Harris RJ, Mitchell A, Byrne H, Young AW, Andrews TJ (2016) An image-invariant neural response to familiar faces in the human medial temporal lobe. Cortex 84: 34-42


Andrews TJ, Baseler HA, Jenkins R, Burton AM & Young AW (2016) Contributions of feature shapes and surface cues to the recognition and neural representation of facial identity. Cortex 80: 280-291


Sormaz M, Young AW & Andrews TJ (2016) Contributions of feature shapes and surface cues to the recognition of facial expressions. Vision Research 127: 1-10


Coggan DD, Baker DH and Andrews TJ (2016) The role of visual and semantic properties in the emergence of category-specific patterns of neural response in the human brain. eNeuro 3(4): e0158-16.2016 1–10


Yan X, Andrews TJ, Jenkins R, Young AW (2016) Cross-cultural differences and similarities underlying other-race effects for facial identity and expression. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69: 1247-1254


Coggan DD, Liu W, Baker DH and Andrews TJ (2016) Category-selective patterns of neural response in the ventral visual pathway in the absence of categorical information. Neuroimage 135: 107-114


Harris RJ, Rice GE, Young AW and Andrews TJ (2016) Distinct but overlapping patterns of response to words and faces in the fusiform gyrus. Cerebral Cortex 26: 3161-3168


Sormaz M, Watson DM, Smith WAP, Young AW & Andrews TJ (2016) Modelling the perceptual similarity of facial expressions from image statistics and neural responses. Neuroimage 129: 64-71


Watson DM, Young AW and Andrews TJ (2016) Spatial properties of objects predict patterns of neural response in the ventral visual pathway. Neuroimage 126: 173-183


Yan X, Andrews TJ and Young AW (2016) Cultural similarities and differences in perceiving and recognizing facial expressions of basic emotions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 42:423-40


Watson DM, Hymers M, Hartley M, Andrews TJ (2016) Patterns of neural response in scene-selective regions of the human brain are affected by low-level manipulations of spatial frequency. Neuroimage 124: 107-117



Weibert K and Andrews TJ (2015) Activity in the right fusiform face area predicts the behavioural advantage for the perception of familiar faces. Neuropsychologia 75: 588-596


Flack TR, Andrews TJ, Hymers M, Al-Mosaiwi M, Marsden SP, Strachan JWA, Trakulpipat C, Wang L, Wu T and Young AW (2015) Responses in the right posterior superior temporal sulcus show a feature-based response to facial expression Cortex 69: 14-23


Andrews TJ, Watson DM, Rice GE & Hartley T (2015) Low-level image properties of natural images predict topographic patterns of neural response in the ventral visual pathway. Journal of Vision 15(7):3, 1–12



Psalta L, Young AW, Thompson P, Andrews TJ (2014) Orientation-sensitivity to facial features explains the Thatcher illusion. Journal of Vision 14: 9, 1-10


Psalta L, Andrews TJ (2014) Inversion improves the recognition of facial expression in thatcherized images. Perception 43: 715-730


Watson DM, Hartley T & Andrews TJ (2014) Patterns of response to visual scenes are linked to the low-level properties of the image. Neuroimage 99: 402-410


Rice GE, Watson DM, Hartley T & Andrews TJ (2014) Low-level image properties of visual objects predict patterns of neural response across category-selective regions of the ventral visual pathway. Journal of Neuroscience 34: 8837-8844


Harris RJ, Young AW & Andrews TJ (2014) Brain regions involved in processing facial identity and expression are differentially selective for surface and edge information. Neuroimage 97: 217-223  


Mattavelli G, Sormaz M, Flack T, Asghar AUR, Fan S, Frey J, Manssuer L, Usten D, Young AW, Andrews TJ (2014) Neural responses to facial expressions support the role of the amygdala in processing threat. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 9: 1684-1689


Harris RJ, Young AW and Andrews TJ (2014) Dynamic stimuli demonstrate a categorical representation of facial expression in the amygdala. Neuropsychologia 56: 47-52


Baseler HA, Harris RJ, Young AW and Andrews TJ (2014) Neural Responses to Expression and Gaze in the Posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus Interact with Facial Identity Cerebral Cortex 24: 737-744


Psalta L, Young AW, Thompson P, Andrews TJ (2014) The Thatcher illusion reveals orientation-dependence in brain regions involved in processing facial expression.  Psychological Science 25: 128-136



Sormaz M, Andrews TJ, Young AW (2013) Contrast negation and the importance of the eye region for holistic representations of facial identity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 39: 1667-1677


Davies-Thompson J, Newling K & Andrews TJ (2013) Image-invariant responses in face-selective regions do not explain the perceptual advantage for familiar face recognition.  Cerebral Cortex 23: 370 - 377



Harris RJ, Young AW and Andrews TJ (2012) Morphing between expressions dissociates continuous from categorical representations of facial expression in the human brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109: 2116421169


Davies-Thompson J & Andrews TJ (2012) Intra- and interhemispheric connectivity between face-selective regions in the human brain. Journal of Neurophysiology 108: 3087-3095


Mattavelli G, Andrews TJ, Asghar AUR, Towler JR, Young AW (2012) Response of face-selective brain regions to trustworthiness and gender of faces.  Neuropsychologia 50: 2205-2211


Hancock S, Gareze L, Findlay JM, Andrews TJ (2012) Temporal patterns of saccadic eye movements predict individual variation in alternation rate during binocular rivalry. iPerception 3: 88-96


Andrews TJ & Holmes D (2011) Stereoscopic depth perception during binocular rivalry. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 5: 99.

Andrews TJ & Thompson P (2010) Face to face coalition. iPerception 1: 28-30.

Andrews TJ, Davies-Thompson J, Kingstone A, Young AW (2010) Internal and external features of the face are represented holistically in face-selective regions of visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 30: 3544-3552.

Lee LC, Andrews TJ, Johnson SJ, Woods W, Gouws A, Green GGR, Young AW. (2010) Neural responses to rigidly moving faces displaying shifts in social attention investigated with fMRI and MEG. Neuropsychologia 48: 477-90.

Andrews TJ, Clarke A, Pell P & Hartley T (2010) Selectivity for low-level features of objects in the human ventral stream. Neuroimage 49: 703-711.

Horner AJ & Andrews TJ (2009) Linearity of the BOLD response in category-selective regions of human visual cortex.  Human Brain Mapping. 30: 2628-2640.

Davies-Thompson J, Gouws A & Andrews TJ (2009) An image-dependent representation of familiar and unfamiliar faces in the human ventral stream.  Neuropsychologia 47: 1627-1635.

Ewbank  MP & Andrews TJ (2008) Differential sensitivity for viewpoint between familiar and unfamiliar faces in human visual cortex Neuroimage. 40: 1857-1870.

Hancock S, Whitney D & Andrews TJ (2008) The initial interactions in binocular rivalry require visual awareness. Journal of Vision 8:3, 1-9.

Ewbank MP, Smith WAP, Hancock ER & Andrews TJ (2008) The M170 reflects a viewpoint-dependent representation for both familiar and unfamiliar faces. Cerebral Cortex 18:364-370.

Hancock S & Andrews TJ (2007) The role of exogenous and endogenous attention in selecting perceptual dominance during binocular rivalry. Perception 36: 288-298.

Holmes D, Hancock S & Andrews TJ (2006) Independent binocular integration  for form and colour. Vision Research 46: 665-677.

Andrews TJ, Purves D, Simpson WA & VanRullen R (2005) The wheels keep turning: reply to Holcombe et al. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9: 560-561.

Ewbank MP, Schluppeck D & Andrews TJ (2005) FMR-adaptation reveals a distributed representation of inanimate objects and places in human visual cortex. Neuroimage 28: 268-279.

Andrews TJ (2005) Visual Cortex: How are objects and faces represented? Current Biology 15: 451-453.

Andrews TJ & Purves D (2005) The wagon wheel illusion in continuous illumination.  Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9: 261-263.

Andrews TJ & Ewbank  MP (2004) Distinct representations for facial identity and changeable  aspects of faces in human visual cortex. Neuroimage 23: 905-913.

Andrews TJ & Lotto RB (2004)  Fusion and rivalry are based on the perceptual meaning of visual stimuli.  Current Biology 14: 418-423.

Andrews TJ, Sengpiel F & Blakemore C (2004)  From contour  to object-face rivalry:   Multiple neural mechanisms resolve perceptual  ambiguity.  In Alais D & Blake  R (Eds) Binocular rivalry and  perceptual ambiguity.  Boston  MIT Press.

Andrews TJ &  Schluppeck D (2004) Neural responses to mooney images reveal  a modular representation  of faces in human visual cortex.  Neuroimage 21: 91-98.

Andrews TJ, Schluppeck D, Homfray D, Matthews P and Blakemore C  (2002)   Activity in the fusiform gyrus predicts perception when viewing  Rubin's  vase-face  stimulus.  Neuroimage  17: 890-901.

Andrews TJ & Blakemore C (2002) Integration of motion information during binocular rivalry. Vision Research 42: 301-309.

Andrews TJ, Glennerster A & Parker AJ (2001) Stereoacuity in the presence  of a reference surface. Vision Research 41: 3051-3061.

Andrews TJ (2001) Binocular rivalry and visual awareness. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 5: 407-9.

Andrews TJ & Schluppeck D (2000) Ambiguity in the perception of moving stimuli is resolved in favour of the cardinal axes. Vision Research 40: 3845-3493.

Andrews TJ & Blakemore C (1999) Form and motion have independent access to consciousness. Nature Neuroscience 2: 405-406.

Andrews TJ & Coppola DM (1999) Idiosyncratic characteristics of saccadic eye movements when viewing different visual environments. Vision Research 39: 2947-2953.

Halpern SD, Andrews TJ and Purves D (1999) Individual variation in human visual performance. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 11: 521-534.

Andrews TJ and Purves D (1997) Similarities in normal and binocularly rivalrous viewing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94: 9905-9908.

Purves D and Andrews TJ (1997) The perception of transparent 3-dimensional objects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94: 6517-6522.

Andrews TJ and McCoy AN (1997) Can illusory motion disrupt tracking real motion? Perception 26: 269-275.

Andrews TJ, Halpern SD and Purves D (1997) Correlated size variations in human visual cortex, lateral geniculate nucleus and optic tract. Journal of  Neuroscience. 17: 2859-2868.

Purves D, Paydarfar JA and Andrews TJ (1996) The wagon wheel illusion in movies and reality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93: 3693 - 3697.

Andrews TJ, White LE and Purves D (1996)Temporal events in cyclopean vision. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93: 3689 - 3693.

White LE, Andrews TJ, Hulette C, Richards A, Groelle M, Paydarfar J and Purves D (1996) Structure of the human sensorimotor system: I. Morphology and cytoarchitecture of the central sulcus. Cerebral Cortex 7: 18-30.

White LE, Andrews TJ, Hulette C, Richards A, Groelle M, Paydarfar J and Purves D (1996) Structure of the human sensorimotor system: II. Lateral symmetry. Cerebral Cortex 7: 31-47.

Andrews TJ, Thrasivoulou C, Nesbit W and Cowen T (1996). Target specific differences in the dendritic morphology and neuropeptide content of neurons in the rat SCG during development and aging. Journal of Comparative Neurology 368: 33-44.

Andrews TJ (1996) The autonomic nervous system as a model of neuronal aging: the role of target tissues and neurotrophic factors. Microscopy Research and Techniques 35: 2-19. 

Purves D, White LE, Zheng D, Andrews TJ and Riddle DR (1996) Brain size, behavior and the allocation of neural space. In: Individual development over the lifespan: biological and psychosocial perspectives, (Magnusson D, ed) Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press. 

Purves D, White LE and Andrews TJ (1994) Manual asymmetry and handedness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91: 5030-5032.

Andrews TJ and Cowen T (1994). Nerve growth factor enhances the dendritic arborisation of sympathetic ganglion cells undergoing atrophy in aged rats. Journal of Neurocytology 23: 234-241.

Andrews TJ and Cowen T (1994). In vivo infusion of NGF induces the organotypic regrowth of perivascular nerves following their atrophy in aged rats. Journal of Neuroscience 14: 3048-3058.

Andrews TJ, Li D, Halliwell J and Cowen T (1994). The effect of age on dendrites in the rat superior cervical ganglion. Journal of Anatomy 184 111-117.

Andrews T, Lincoln J, Milner P, Burnstock G and Cowen T (1993). Differential regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase activity in rabbit sympathetic ganglia after long-term cold exposure: altered responses in ageing. Brain Research 624: 69-74.


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