Tom Hartley: Publications involving Virtual Reality Methods

Note these are articles which involve VR methods, but they do not focus on methodological issues.

Journal Articles

King JA, Hartley T, Spiers HJ, Maguire EA, Burgess N (2005) Anterior prefrontal involvement in episodic retrieval reflects contextual interference. Neuroimage 28(1):256-67.

Hartley T, Trinkler I, Burgess N (2004). Geometric Determinants of Human Spatial Memory. Cognition 94(1):39-75. Download PDF.

Hartley T, Maguire EA, Spiers HJ, Burgess N (2003). The well-worn route and the path less traveled: distinct neural bases of route following and wayfinding in humans. Neuron 37:877-888 Download PDF. See also commentary by McNamara and Shelton (Science Direct).

King JA, Burgess N, Hartley T, Vargha-Khadem F, O'Keefe J (2002). The human hippocampus and viewpoint dependence in spatial memory. Hippocampus 12(6):811-20. Download PDF

Spiers HJ, Burgess N, Maguire EA, Baxendale SA, Hartley T, Thompson PJ, O'Keefe J (2001a). Unilateral temporal lobectomy patients show lateralized topographical and episodic memory deficits in a virtual town. Brain 124(12):2476-89. Download PDF

Spiers HJ, Burgess N, Hartley T, Vargha-Khadem F, O'Keefe J (2001b). Bilateral hippocampal pathology impairs topographical and episodic memory but not visual pattern matching. Hippocampus 11(6):715-25. Download PDF

Book Chapters

Hartley T, King JA, Burgess N (2003). Studies of the neural basis of human navigation and memory. In KJ Jeffery (Ed) The Neurobiology of Spatial Behaviour. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Download PDF preprint (internal UCL Psychology/ICN/FIL Only)

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