Tian Gan, Claire Hinton, Alexander C. McDonnell, Susan Stepney, Martin A. Trefzer.
Multi-input Multi-output (MIMO)
Delay-Feedback Reservoir Computing:
Model-free Control of Van der Pol Oscillator.
(in preparation).
David Griffin, Susan Stepney.
DebugNS: Novelty Search for Finding Bugs in Software.
(in preparation).
David Griffin, Susan Stepney, Guru Venkat, Ian T. Vidamour.
Entropy Transformation Measures for Evaluating Reservoir Computers.
Ian Vidamour, Luca Manneschi, Kilian Stenning, Charles Swindells, Guru Venkat, Dana Hariga,
David Griffin, Susan Stepney, Will Branford, Jack Gartside, Thomas Hayward, Matthew Ellis, Eleni Vasilaki.
Noise-Aware Training of Neuromorphic Dynamic Device Networks.
Ian T Vidamour, Guru Venkat, Charles Swindells, David Griffin,
Paul W. Fry, Richard M. Rowan-Robinson, Alexander Welbourne, Francesco Maccherozzi, Sarnjeet S. Dhesi,
Susan Stepney, Dan A. Allwood, Thomas J. Hayward.
RingSim: An Agent-based Approach for Modelling Mesoscopic
Magnetic Nanowire Networks.
accepted / in press
Susan Stepney.
Towards Origins of Virtual Artificial Life: an overview.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
(in press).
Chester Wringe, Susan Stepney, Martin Trefzer.
Reservoir Computing Benchmarks: a tutorial review and critique.
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed SystemsarXiv:2405.06561 [cs.ET]
Matthew Dale, David Griffin, Richard F. L. Evans, Sarah Jenkins, Simon O'Keefe, Angelika Sebald, Susan Stepney, Fernando Torre, Martin Trefzer.
Reservoir Computing with Magnetic Thin Films.
Int. J. Unconventional Computing19(1):63-92, 2024
Luca Manneschi, Ian Vidamour, Kilian D. Stenning, Jack C. Gartside,
Charles Swindells, Guru Venkat, David Griffin, Susan Stepney, Will R. Branford,
Thomas J. Hayward, Matthew O. Ellis, Eleni Vasilaki.
Optimising network interactions through device agnostic models,
arXiv:2401.07387 [cs.LG].
Daniel West, Susan Stepney, Y. Hancock.
Unsupervised self-organising map of prostate cell Raman
spectra shows disease-state subclustering,
arXiv:2403.07960 [q-bio.QM].
Dan A. Allwood, Matthew O. A. Ellis, David Griffin, Thomas J. Hayward, Luca Manneschi,
Mohammad F. Kh. Musameh, Simon O'Keefe, Susan Stepney, Charles Swindells, Martin A. Trefzer,
Eleni Vasilaki, Guru Venkat, Ian Vidamour, Chester Wringe.
A perspective on physical reservoir computing with nanomagnetic devices.
Applied Physics Letters122:040501, 2023.
David Griffin, Susan Stepney, Ian T. Vidamour.
DebugNS: Novelty Search for Finding Bugs in Simulators.
12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement, GI@ICSE 2023, Melbourne, Australia, May 2023, pp17-18. IEEE 2023.
Penn Faulkner Rainford, Aalap Mogre, Victor Velasco-Berrelleza,
Charles J. Dorman, Sarah Harris, Carsten Kröger, Susan Stepney.
A π-calculus model of Supercoiling DNA Circuits.
ALife 2023, Sapporo, Japan, July 2023, pp59-67. MIT Press 2023.
Riversdale Waldegrave, Susan Stepney, Martin Trefzer.
Developmental Graph Cellular Automata.
ALife 2023, Sapporo, Japan, July 2023, pp386-394. MIT Press 2023.
Chester Wringe, Susan Stepney, Martin Trefzer.
Modelling and Evaluating Restricted ESNs.
UCNC 2023, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, March 2023,
LNCS 14003:186–201. Springer 2023.
Matthew Dale, Julian F. Miller, Susan Stepney, Martin Trefzer.
Reservoir Computing in Material Substrates.
in Kohei Nakajima, Ingo Fischer, eds, Reservoir Computing: Theory, Physical Implementations and Applications, pp.141–166,
Springer, 2021
Marina Sanz Orell, James Bown, Susan Stepney, Richard Walsh, Alan Winfield.
Robot Narratives.
in Andrew Adamatzky, ed, Handbook of Unconventional Computing volume I: theory and algorithms, pp.221-246.
World Scientific, 2021
Hiromi Yasuda, Philip R. Buskohl, Andrew Gillman, Todd D. Murphey,
Susan Stepney, Richard A. Vaia, Jordan R. Raney.
Mechanical computing.
Nature, 598:39–48, 2021.
Susan Stepney.
Modelling and measuring open-endedness.
The Fourth Workshop on Open-Ended Evolution (OEE4),
at ALife 2021, Prague, Czech Republic (online), 2021
Susan Stepney.
Computing with Open Dynamical Systems (keynote paper).
2021 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA),
May 2021, Tallin, Estonia (online), pp139–143, IEEE, 2021.
Susan Stepney.
R.U.R. a zkouška času.
In Jitka Cejkova (ed) Robot 100: Sto rozumů,
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, 2020. (Czech translation)
Susan Stepney.
Digital Emergence.
in: Sophie Gibb, Robin Findlay Hendry, Tom Lancaster, editors.
Routledge Handbook of Emergence. Chapter 26, pp.329–338. Routledge, 2019
Susan Stepney, Ada Diaconescu, René Doursat, Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Julian F. Miller, Antoine Spicher.
Evolving, Growing, and Gardening Cyber-Physical Systems In Rachel Armstrong (editor), Experimental Architecture, pp.89–101.
Routledge, 2019
Susan Stepney, Andrew Adamatzky, editors.
Inspired by Nature.
Springer, 2018
Susan Stepney, Fiona A. C. Polack,
Kieran Alden, Paul S. Andrews, James L. Bown,
Alastair Droop, Richard B. Greaves, Mark Read,
Adam T. Sampson, Jon Timmis, Alan F. T. Winfield.
Engineering Simulations as Scientific Instruments.
Springer, 2018
Penelope Faulkner, Mihail Krastev, Angelika Sebald, Susan Stepney.
Sub-Symbolic Artificial Chemistries.
in Susan Stepney, Andrew Adamatzky, eds, Inspired by Nature, Springer, 2018
Susan Stepney, Steen Rasmussen, Martyn Amos.
Introduction to Computational Matter in Susan Stepney, Steen Rasmussen, Martyn Amos, editors.
Computational Matter. Chapter 1, pp.1-8.
Springer, 2018
Susan Stepney, Richard Walsh.
From Simplex to Complex Narrative?.
in Richard Walsh, Susan Stepney, eds, Narrating Complexity, Chapter 23, pp.319-322.
Springer, 2018
Richard Walsh, Leo Caves, Ana Teixeira de Melo, Susan Stepney, Emma Uprichard.
Discussion and Comment (Time Will Tell).
in Richard Walsh, Susan Stepney, eds, Narrating Complexity, Chapter 20, pp. 285-287.
Springer, 2018
Richard Walsh, Susan Stepney.
Introduction and Overview: Who, What, Why.
in Richard Walsh, Susan Stepney, eds, Narrating Complexity, Chapter 1, pp.3-9.
Springer, 2018
Richard Walsh, Susan Stepney.
Commentary on contributions.
in Richard Walsh, Susan Stepney, eds, Narrating Complexity, Chapter 22, pp.295-318.
Springer, 2018
refereed workshop and conference papers
Timothy Atkinson, Detlef Plump, Susan Stepney.
Evolving Graphs by Graph Programming EuroGP 2018, Parma, Italy, April 2018. LNCS 10781:35–51, Springer 2018
Susan Stepney.
Introduction to Unconventional Computing in Eduardo Reck Miranda, ed,
Guide to Unconventional Computing for Music, chapter 1, pp.1-21, Springer, 2017
journal papers
Andrew Adamatzky, Selim Akl, Mark Burgin, Cristian S. Calude,
José Félix Costa, Mohammad M. Dehshibi, Yukio-Peggio Gunji,
Zoran Konkoli, Bruce MacLennan, Bruno Marchal,
Maurice Margenstern, Genaro J. Martínez, Richard Mayne,
Kenichi Morita, Andrew Schumann, Yaroslav D. Sergeyev,
Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis, Susan Stepney, Karl Svozil, Hector Zenil.
East-West Paths to Unconventional Computing,
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 131:469-493, 2017.
Matthew Dale, Julian F. Miller, Susan Stepney, Martin Trefzer.
Reservoir Computing in materio with LEDs Poster abstracts, UCNC 2017, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA, June 2017
Susan Stepney.
The Art of Penrose Life.
in Andrew Adamatzky, Genaro Juarez Martinez, eds,
Designing Beauty: The Art of Cellular Automata, pp.103-109, Springer, 2016
Matthew Dale, Julian F. Miller, Susan Stepney, Martin Trefzer.
Evolving Carbon Nanotube Reservoir Computers.
UCNC 2016, Manchester, UK, July 2016, LNCS 9726:49–61, Springer, 2016
Simon Hickinbotham, Susan Stepney.
Augmenting Live Coding with Evolved Patterns EvoMusArt, Porto, Portugal, March 2016, LNCS 9596:31–46, Springer, 2016
[best paper award nominee]
Richard B. Greaves, Sabine Dietmann, Austin Smith, Susan Stepney, Julianne D. Halley.
CellBranch CoSMoS model : increments 1, 2 and 3,
Technical report YCS-2016-501, University of York, 2016
Susan Stepney.
Afterword: Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow.
in Martyn Amos, Ra Page, eds,
Beta-Life: Stories from an ALife Future, Comma Press, 2015
D. Horsman, Susan Stepney, Viv Kendon.
When does an unconventional substrate compute? In 13th International Conference on Unconventional Computation &
Natural Computation (UCNC 2014), London, Ontario, Canada, July 2014, Poster Proceedings.
University of Western Ontario Technical Report #758, 2014
Susan Stepney.
Unconventional Computing.
in Werner Dubitzky, Olaf Wolkenhauer, Kwang-Hyun Cho, Hiroki Yokota
(eds) Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, pp.2311-15, Springer, 2013
Michael A. Lones, Alexander P. Turner, Luis A. Fuente, Susan Stepney,
Leo S. D. Caves, Andy M. Tyrrell.
Biochemical Connectionism Natural Computing, 12(4):453-472, 2013
Alexander P. Turner, Michael A. Lones, Luis A. Fuente, Susan Stepney,
Leo S. D. Caves, Andy M. Tyrrell.
The Artificial Epigenetic Network.
SSCI, Malaysia, April 2013, pp.66-72, IEEE, 2013
James Bown, Paul S. Andrews, Yusuf Deeni, Alexey Goltsov, Michael
Idowu, Fiona A. C. Polack, Adam T. Sampson, Mark Shovman, Susan Stepney.
Engineering simulations for cancer systems
Current Drug Targets. 13(12):1560-1574, 2012
Paul S. Andrews, Susan Stepney, Jon Timmis.
Simulation as a Scientific
CoSMoS workshop, Orleans, France, September 2012, pp1-10.
Luniver Press 2012
Benjamin Russell and Susan Stepney.
Applications of Optimal Control Theory to Constrained Analogues
of the Margolus-Levitin Theorem (abstract).
Physics and Computation 2012, Swansea, UK, August 2012.
Susan Stepney, Samson Abramsky, Matthias Bechmann, Jerzy Gorecki, Viv
Kendon, Thomas J. Naughton, Mario J. Perez-Jimenez, Francisco J.
Romero-Campero, Angelika Sebald.
Heterotic computing examples with
optics, bacteria, and chemicals.
11th International Conference on Unconventional Computation &
Natural Computation 2012 (UCNC 2012), Orleans, France, September 2012.
LNCS 7445:198-209, Springer, 2012
Susan Stepney, Ada Diaconescu, René Doursat, Jean-Louis Giavitto,
Taras Kowaliw, Ottoline Leyser, Bruce MacLennan, Olivier Michel, Julian
F. Miller, Igor Nikolic, Antoine Spicher, Christof Teuscher, Gunnar
Tufte, Francisco J. Vico, Lidia Yamamoto.
Gardening Cyber-Physical Systems.
11th International Conference on Unconventional Computation &
Natural Computation 2012 (UCNC 2012), Orleans, France, September 2012.
LNCS 7445:237-238, Springer, 2012
Susan Stepney, Viv Kendon, Peter Hines, Angelika Sebald.
A Framework for Heterotic Computing.
8th workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2011) Nijmegen,
Netherlands, October 2011EPTCS95:263-273, 2012
Susan Stepney.
Unconventional Computer Programming.
Symposium on Natural/Unconventional Computing and Its
Philosophical Significance, Birmingham, UK, July 2012 pp.12-15, 2012
Paul S. Andrews, Susan Stepney, Tim Hoverd, Fiona A. C. Polack, Adam
T. Sampson, Jon Timmis.
CoSMoS process, models, and
CoSMoS workshop, Paris, France, August 2011, pp.1-13.
Luniver Press 2011
Simon Hickinbotham, Susan Stepney, Adam Nellis, Tim Clarke, Ed
Clark, Mungo Pay, Peter Young.
Embodied genomes and metaprogramming.
ECAL 2011, Paris, France, August 2011, pp.334-341. MIT
Press 2011
Adam Faulconbridge, Susan Stepney, Julian Miller, Leo Caves
RBN-World: The hunt for a rich AChem.
ALife XII, Odense, Denmark, August 2010. pp261-268, MIT
Press 2010
Adam Faulconbridge, Susan Stepney, Julian Miller, Leo Caves
RBNWorld: Sub-symbolic Artificial
ECAL 2009, Budapest, Hungary, September 2009. LNCS
5777:377-384. Springer, 2011
Simon Hickinbotham, Ed Clark, Susan Stepney, Tim Clarke, Adam Nellis,
Mungo Pay, Peter Young
Molecular microprograms.
ECAL 2009, Budapest, Hungary, September 2009. LNCS
5777:297-304. Springer, 2011
Simon Hickinbotham, Ed Clark, Susan Stepney, Tim Clarke, Peter Young
Gene Regulation in a Particle Metabolome.
CEC 2009, Trondheim, Norway, May 2009, pp.3024-3031. IEEE
Press, 2009
Jon Timmis, Emma Hart, Andy Hone, Mark Neal, Adrian Robins, Susan
Stepney, Andy Tyrrell.
2nd IFIP International Conference on Biologically Inspired
Collaborative Computing, 20th IFIPWorld Computer Congress, Milan, Italy,
September 2008. IEEE Press 2008.
Matthias Bechmann, John A. Clark, Angelika Sebald, Susan Stepney.
Unentangling nuclear magnetic resonance
Unconventional Computing 2007, Bristol, UK, July 2007,
pp1-18. Luniver Press, 2007
Andrew Weeks, Susan Stepney, Fiona Polack.
Neutral Emergence: a proposal.
Symposium on Complex Systems Engineering, RAND Corporation,
Santa Monica, CA, USA, 11-12 January 2007
Susan Stepney, John A. Clark.
Evolving Quantum Programs and Protocols.
In Michael Rieth, Wolfram Schommers, eds. Handbook of
Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology, volume 3, chapter 3,
pp 113-160, American Scientific Publishers, 2006
Susan Stepney, Samuel L. Braunstein, John A. Clark, Andy Tyrrell,
Andrew Adamatzky, Robert E. Smith, Tom Addis, Colin Johnson, Jonathan
Timmis, Peter Welch, Robin Milner, Derek Partridge.
Journeys in Non-Classical Computation
II: Initial journeys and waypoints.
Int. J. Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems. 21(2):97-125,
April 2006
Susan Stepney, Samuel L. Braunstein, John A. Clark, Andy Tyrrell,
Andrew Adamatzky, Robert E. Smith, Tom Addis, Colin Johnson, Jonathan
Timmis, Peter Welch, Robin Milner, Derek Partridge.
Journeys in Non-Classical Computation
I: A Grand Challenge for computing research.
Int. J. Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems20(1):5-19,
March 2005
Susan Stepney, Robert E. Smith, Jonathan Timmis, Andy M. Tyrrell,
Mark J. Neal, Andrew N. W. Hone.
Conceptual Frameworks for Artificial
Immune Systems.
Int. J. Unconventional Computing. 1(3):315-338,
July 2005
refereed workshop and conference papers
Margaret Hill, Susan Stepney, Francis Wan.
Penrose Life: ash and oscillators.
ECAL 2005, Canterbury, UK, September 2005. LNAI 3630:471-480,
Springer, 2005
Matthew Russell, John A. Clark, Susan Stepney.
Using Ants to Attack a Classical Cipher.
(poster paper)
GECCO'03, Chicago, July 2003. LNCS 2723:146-147,
Springer, 2003
Susan Stepney.
Critical Critical Systems.
FASeC'02, London, December 2002. LNCS 2629:62-70,
Springer, 2003
Robin Milner, Susan Stepney.
Nanotechnology: Computer Science
opportunities and challenges.
Submission by the UK Computing Research Committee to the
Nanotechnology Working Group of the Royal Society and the Royal Academy
of Engineering. August, 2003