Books : reviews
S. G. Hoggar.
Mathematics for Computer Graphics.
CUP. 1992
(read but not reviewed)
- Isometries
- How isometries combine
- The braid patterns
- Plane patterns & symmetries
- The 17 plane patterns
- More plane truth
- Archimedean tilings Coxeter graphs Wythoff's
- Matrix and vector algebra
- Isometries in 3-space
- Quaternions and rotations
- complex numbers quaternion in-betweening Bezier
- Fractals and nature
- snowflakes self-similarity topological dimension
Cantor Sierpinski
- Basic topology
- metric spaces subspaces and product spaces limits
and closed sets continuity quotient spaces
- Compact sets, connected sets, holes and homeomorphisms
- The existence and uniqueness of fractals
- Hausdorff distance Fixed Point theorem winding
- Iterated function systems
- affine maps factorising rotations into shears
finding an IFS condensation attractors
- Addresses, measures, and the random iteration algorithm
- Julia, Mandelbrot, and beyond
- dynamics of iterated complex functions