
Books : reviews

Chris Lintott.
The Crowd and the Cosmos: adventures in the zooniverse.
OUP. 2019

Discovering planets, counting penguins: where humans can beat computers.

Astronomer Chris Lintott describes the exciting discoveries made through the Zooniverse project, which allows thousands of volunteers to contribute to research. It builds on a long history of ‘citizen science’, now more effective than ever thanks to the power of the web. The study of astronomical objects, from galaxies to exoplanets, or of penguin behaviour is no longer only in the remit of scientists in specialist labs. We can all take part, and human curiosity can note things even smart algorithms miss. You too can help explore the Universe in your lunch hour.

Chris Lintott.
Our Accidental Universe: stories of discovery from asteroids to aliens.
Penguin. 2025

Our view of the universe is changing. And yet, many of the greatest breakthroughs have been the least expected.

In Our Accidental Universe, BBC presenter of The Sky at Night and Gresham Professor of Astronomy, Chris Lintott, takes us on an astonishing tour of accidents and human error in pursuit of asteroids, radio waves, new stars and alien life as he tells the story of some of the most important yet serendipitous astronomical discoveries of the past hundred years.

As newly built telescopes stand ready to transform our view of the universe once more, he also makes an urgent and compelling argument for why keeping an open mind can benefit us all: whatever might still be out there for us to find,