The information is introduced incrementally so that you don't get bogged down with unknown terms or concepts. Learning Git is ideal for anyone who needs to use Git for personal or professional projects: coding bootcamp students, junior developers, data professionals, and technical writers, to name just a few!
This book covers how to:
• Download Git and initialize a local repository
• Add files to the staging area and make commits
• Create, switch, and delete branches
• Merge and rebase branches
• Work with remote repositories including
cloning, pushing, pulling, and fetching
• Use pull requests to collaborate with others
I’ve recently decided to bite the bullet and move my source code control method over to Git. I’d heard it was a bit arcane, so I wanted a book that would give me a good mental model, with enough detail to actually use it, without drowning me in obscure details. This is that book. It walks through the process step by step, with a simple worked example (I skipped the exercises, I confess), first focussed on local commands, then on remote ones. It doesn't cover everything, but what it does, it does well. Everything is explained through figures, which is how I built my model, and it provides a solid foundation for later learning more complex commands. I’m now happily using Git.