Personal Details
Date of Birth:  15 November, 1971
Nationality:     German
Residency:      York, United Kingdom
Marital status: married (Catherine Heinemeyer) with three children (Conor Sebastian, 30th August 2004; Patrick Johannes, 2nd February 2007; Finn Emanuel, 4th May 2011)

Ph.D. University of York, Dept. of Biology, UK 1998/99-2002
Diplom Biologe University of
Göttingen, Germany 1995-1998 (first)
Vordiplom University of
Göttingen, Germany 1992-1995 (first)
A-levels (Biology, Chemistry, German, Art) (first)
Key Expertise

·  Ecologist with main expertise in the role of soils in the global carbon cycle, plant distribution and ecophysiology;
·  Excellent knowledge of mycorrhizas (i.e. AMs and EMs), their ecological function and potential role in soil carbon cycling in
    relation to environmental factors;
·  Wide knowledge of plant identification and basic knowledge of plant community structure and soil science;
·  Good experience in GIS work (e.g. mapping, overlays and query techniques);
·  Expertise in soil respiration gas chromatography and stable isotope tracer work (i.e. mass spectrometry)

·  Expertise in modelling terrestrial carbon dynamics (Century & MILLENNIA peatland model)

Professional Experience
2011 - 2016 PI on a Defra upland peatland project 'Restoration of blanket bog vegetation for biodiversity, carbon sequestration and water regulation',
                        Senior Researcher at the Stockholm Environment Institute/Environment Department at York, University of York.
2007 - 2011 Post-doctoral research associate Centre for Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics (CTCD) within the National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO),
                       Environment Department (since August 2010)/Stockholm Environment Institute at York, University of York.

2002 - 2007 Post-doctoral research associate Centre for Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics (CTCD),
                        Department of Biology/Stockholm Environment Institute at York, University of York.
2000 - 2001 Research associate, Department of Biology, University of York.
2000 - 2003 Course organiser and session leader of the York "Techniques in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Research" one-week short course (March),
                        Department of Biology/Belowground Research Unit, University of York.
1992 - 1998 Biology degree (botany, biochemistry and soil science) at the University of Göttingen, Germany (first)
                        Thesis on climatologically plant distribution boundaries (supervisor: Helge Bruelheide)

Research Interests

Global change ecology
: understanding the role of vegetation and soils to function as future carbon sink or sources under climate change scenarios (CTCD); importance of root associated symbionts in terrestrial carbon cycling and their community composition (PhD).

Terrestrial carbon cycle: investigating the contribution of key components of the soil respiration flux (e.g. mycorrhizas) and their link to canopy processes ('Overflow-tap') and responses to environmental change; use of the stable isotope 13C as a carbon tracer in ecosystem research and state-of-the-art soil respiration (Li-Cor 8100) and stable isotope (mobile gas chromatograph isotope ratio mass spectrometry unit) equipment.

Closed system science: making linkages between analogue and digital models of the earth carbon cycle system (SCALE-Ecotron) and to identify the underlying key process rules and incorporate those into available soil carbon models.

Methods and Model improvements: improving existing soil gas flux methodology (i.e. GasSnake) and soil C dynamics in SOM models (e.g. Century) and creating improved peatland C models (i.e. MILLENNIA).

Over 45 peer-reviewed publications in international journals (current H-index 17).

Countries of International Experience

United Kingdom, Germany (native)

UKPopNet (NERC) grant 'Uplands Breathing in and out' (£40k)
Carbon Crucible 2 x research project (£20k) 2009-2011

Defra project 'Restoration of blanket bog vegetation for biodiversity, carbon sequestration and water regulation' (£950k)

Evangelische Studienwerk e.V., Germany (1 year; PhD funding)
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Germany  (1 year; PhD funding)

Additional Skills

Computing:        Working knowledge of ArcView GIS, SAS statistical package, SPSS, Coral Draw, Microsoft Windows (Word, Excel, Power Point, Reference Manager etc.), some C++
Languages:         German (mother tongue), English (Fluent), French (Basic knowledge)
Driving License: Full and clean driving license
Presentational:   Exceptional presentation skills, including radio broadcasts (BBC4) and DVD contribution (Royal Society 2006)
Educational:       Numerous school and adult level teaching courses, talks; organizer of several international workshops (e.g. CTCD and ESF summer schools)

Languages and others:
German (mother tongue), English (fluent), French (basic knowledge),  Italian & Spanish (absolute beginner)
Driving Licence: Full and clean EU driving licence (but still prefer my bike and do not own a car!)

Special activities/outreach activities:
•    Disney M, Heinemeyer A & Quegan S. Forests, Carbon and Climate (2007). In: Catalyst a GCSE level
      science magazine
(eds. N Collins, D Moore, D Sang & J Taylor)
•    Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2006: “The Breathing Forest
•    Planet Earth, NERC magazine (Winter 2005/06; p.11): “Carbon Chasers
•    Remote Sensing and LULUCF carbon inventories in the UK (2003); G. Patenaude (with appendices from staff of the Centre for Terrestrial Carbon          
      Dynamics); University of Oxford, University of Sheffield etc.
•    Estimating Biogenic Carbon Fluxes from Flux tower measurements and Earth Observation data (2005); John  Grace (on behalf of: The Centre for
      Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics: Universities of Sheffield, Edinburgh, York, University College London, and Forest Research at Alice Holt)

Scientific involvements:
Regular MS reviewing of papers submitted to journals including:

(i) Proc. R. Soc. B
(ii) New Phytologist
(iii) Plant and Soil
(iv) FEMS Microbiology Ecology
(v) BioScience
(vi) Tree Physiology
(vii) Journal of Ecology
(viii) Global Change Biology
(ix) Oecologia
(x) Tellus B
(xi) Ecology

(xii) Climate Research

(xiii) Trends in Ecology & Evolution

(xiv) Soil Use & Management

(xv) Journal of Environmental Quality

(xvi) Biogeosciences

(xvii) European Journal of Soil Science
(xviii) Biogeosciences
(xix) Trends in Ecology and Evolution
(xx) Journal of Environmental Quality
(xxi) Geoderma
(xxii) Soil Biology and Biochemistry

(xxiii) Nature Communications

(xxiv) Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment

Review of NERC and BBSRC grants (UK), EU scientific grant proposals and the Kearney Foundation (USA). 

PhD (viva) external examiner (EU: Amsterdam; UK: Reading, Bangor).