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Barmby Moor Church Choir
Department of Economics and Related Studies
Journal of Health Economics
Anglican Chants
CV (short)
CV (full)
last update: November 2005
This is a mixed choir with senior and junior sections currently of 30 members, directed by David Truswell during my leave in Canada until September 2006. There are no auditions. Barmby Moor is in the East Riding, about two miles west of Pocklington on the A1079. Members are expected to commit themselves to weekly practices (Fridays at 6.45pm for juniors and 7.30pm for seniors) and to singing in church on second and fourth Sundays in each month and on major festivals. There is a choir recess during the second half of July and throughout August.
The repertoire of the choir is, for the main part, mainstream Anglican, singing music in any annual programme from each of the last five centuries, together with works and settings by contemporary composers. Currently three contemporary settings of the (ASB) Eucharist are in routine use. Some use is made of responsorial psalm settings as well as Anglican chant.
The choir is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music.
There is an Annual General meeting for senior members, normally held during March.
New members are always welcome. It is not necessary to be a confirmed member of the Church of England.
For further details,
contact Dave Truswell on 01759 302411
The head of department is now Huw Dixon
E-address: hdd1@york.ac.uk
For the Departmental
web pages (where you can find the names of senior officers of the Department
as well as those of all colleagues):Department
of Economics and Related Studies
The Journal of Health Economics welcomes articles on the economics of health and medical care written for a readership of health economists. I and Karl Claxton are the editors with responsibility for all non-US articles. The address to which submissions should be sent is:
Enquiries by e-mail may be made to me on aculyer@iwh.on.ca or Karl on kpc1@york.ac.uk
or to the Journal secretary, Paula Cook on journal-health-econ@york.ac.uk
Visit the Journal's website for details, full text articles, abstracts, etc. on: http://www.elsevier.nl/homepage/sae/econbase/jhe .
tel. 416 927 2027
ext 2118
fax: 416 927 4167
e-mail: aculyer@iwh.on.ca
Co-editor, Journal
of Health Economics
On Editorial Boards of: The Economic Review, Medical law International,
Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing.
He has been Pro-Vice-Chancellor
and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of York. He was Head
of the Department of Economics & Related Studies at York from 1986 to
He was the Chair of the Task Force which in 1994 reported on supporting R&D
in the NHS and was intimately involved in the policy implementation of that
report. He has published many articles and books, mostly on health economics.
Professor A J Culyer, CBE, BA, Hon DEcon, FRSA, FMedSci Present
Academic Status
1 July, 1942
Department of Economics & Related Studies
University of York
Y01 5DD
Tel. +44 (0)1904-433762.
Fax: +44 (0)1904-433759.
Email: ajc17@york.ac.uk
Institute for Work and Health
481 University Avenue
Suite 800
M5G 2E9
Tel. 416 927 2027
ext 2118
Fax. 416 927 4167
Email: aculyer@iwh.on.ca
Married with son and daughter and four grandchildren
Sir William Borlase's
School, Marlow
King's School, Worcester
B.A. (Hons), (Exeter)
Doctor of Economics, honoris causa (Stockholm School of Economics) (1999)
Fellow of the Royal
Society for Arts
Founding Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences
Honorary Fellow. Royal College of Physicians of London
Graduated Exeter
University in 1964 (2(i)) in Economics
Exeter University Leo T. Little Prize for Economics 1964.
1964-5 Graduate Student and Teaching Assistant at the University of California
at Los Angeles (plus Fulbright Travel Scholarship).
1964-65 Teaching Assistant, University of California at Los Angeles
1965-66 Tutor in Economics, University of Exeter
1966-69 Assistant Lecturer in Economics, University of Exeter.
1969-72 Lecturer in Economics, University of York
1971-79 Assistant Director, Institute of Social & Economic Research, University of York
1972-76 Senior Lecturer in Economics, University of York
1976-79 Reader in Economics, University of York
1976 Senior Research
Associate at the Ontario Economic Council
Visiting Professorial Lecturer at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
1979 William Evans
Visiting Professor, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Visiting Fellow, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
1979-82 Deputy Director, Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of York
1979- Professor of Economics, University of York (since 1982 in Department of Economics & Related Studies)
1983-84 Director of the Graduate Health Economics Programme, Department of Economics & Related Studies, University of York
1985-86 Visiting Professor, Trent University, Canada
1986-2001 Head of Department of Economics & Related Studies, University of York
1989-1991 Status-only professor, Department of Health Administration, University of Toronto
1990-91 Visiting
Professor, Institut für Medizinische Informatik und Systemforschung
(Oct-Feb) (Gesellschaft für Strahlen-und Umweltforschung), Munich,
1991 (Apr-Sep) Visiting Professor, Department of Health Administration, University of Toronto
1991-94 Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of York
1994-97 Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of York
1995-96 Director, School of Politics, Economics & Philosophy, University of York
1996 (November) Visiting Professor, Central Institute of Technology, New Zealand
1997-2001 Director of Health Development, University of York
2003 - Chief Scientist, Institute for Work and Health, Toronto
Academy of Medical Sciences, Royal Economic Society, Royal College of Physicians, Health Economists' Study Group,
Appointed Founding
Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (1998)
Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (1999)
Appointed Commander of the British Empire (CBE) 1999
Doctor of Economics (honoris causa), Stockholm School of Economics, 1999
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Hon) 2003
Acting Editor, Assistant Editor, Editorial Board member (various times), Social and Economic Administration, 1966-70.
Founding Co-editor, Journal of Health Economics, 1982-.
Editor, Nuffield/York Portfolios, 1984-85.
Advisory Editor, Social Science and Medicine, 1986-96.
Member, Editorial Board, Bulletin of Economic Research, 1976-84.
Member, Editorial Board, The Economic Review, 1983-.
Member, Editorial Board, Medical Law International, 1992-.
Member, Managing Committee, Journal of Medical Ethics, 1994-2001.
Member, Editorial Board, British Medical Journal, 1995-2000.
Member, Editorial Board, Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing, 1996-.
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Handbook on Research Methods for Evidence Based Health Care, 1998-.
Member, Editorial Board, Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft (German Journal of Risk and Insurance), 1999-.
Founding Organiser, Health Economists' Study Group (HESG), 1970-86.
Member, HESG, 1970-.
Member, Organising Committee of International Seminar in Public Economics, 1977-85.
Convenor, SSRC European Workshop in Health Indicators, 1980-82 (for report, see publications)
Member, Scientific Committee of the International Institute of Public Finance, 1975-76, 1982-83.
Member, Comac-HSR Committee of the European Commission, 1983-87.
Member, Institute of Health Service Management Working Party on Alternative Funding and Delivery of Health Services, 1987-88 (for reports see publications).
Member, Conference of Heads of University Departments of Economics (CHUDE), 1987-2001.
Member, Standing Committee of CHUDE, 1988-93.
Member, Economics Association National Development Group on economics curriculum development, 1991-3.
Council member, Royal Economic Society, 1991-2.
Member, Canadian Institute of Advanced Research (Review Panel on Population Health), 1992.
Member, Advisory Committee of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (Population Health Program) 1992-.
Member, Kenneth J. Arrow Award in Health Economics (Prize Committee), 1992-97.
Member, Institute of Health Services Management's "Future Health Care Options" Working Party, 1992-3.
President, Section F (Economics), British Association, 1994.
Member, ESRC Training Board Economics Area Panel, 1996-7.
Member, Research Advisory Group of Canadian Institute for Health and Work, 1997-2003.
Trustee, The Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, Ottawa 2000-2002.
Honorary Adviser to the Office of Health Economics, 1975-90.
Founding Course Coordinator for the Health Economics option of the Corporate Management Programme of King's Fund College, London, 1979-85.
Director, York MSc. Programme in Health Economics, 1983-84.
Member, College Committee of the King's Fund College, London, 1989-92.
Member, Methodological Advisory Group on Non-economic Loss, Ontario Workers' Compensation Board, 1989-92.
Member, Research Advisory Group of the Institute for Work and Health (Toronto, Canada), 1990-4, 1997-
Member of Editorial Policy Committee, OHE, 1990-97.
Member, Editorial Board, OHE, 1990-97.
World Health Organisation Adviser (economics of schistosomiasis control in Kenya), 1992.
Member, Advisory Committee for Centre for Health and Society, University College, London, 1992-.
Member, British Council Health Advisory Committee, 1995-97.
Member, Academic Advisory Council, University of Buckingham, 1996-.
Member of World Health Organisation two-person mission to Kazakhstan on the privatisation and reform of health care services, February 1997.
Vice Chairman, Office of Health Economics, 1997-.
Chair, Office of Health Economics Editorial Board, 1997-.
External Reviewer, Southampton University Strategic review of the Wessex Institute of Health R&D and the Institute of Health Policy, 1998.
Consultancies (various) to DHSS, DH, OECD, WHO (Europe, Africa), Ontario Economic Council.
Adviser to governments: European Commission, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Province of Ontario, Sweden, Swedish County Councils, Taiwan, Mauritius.
Woodward Lecturer, University of British Columbia, 1986.
Perey Lecturer, McMaster University, 1990.
Champlain Lecturer, Trent University, 1990.
Francis Fraser Lecturer, 1994 (British Postgraduate Medical Federation).
Member, DHSS Research Liaison Groups (several), 1975-84.
Member, Northallerton Health Authority, 1982-90.
Non-executive member, Northallerton Health Authority, 1990-92
Member, Central Research and Development Committee for the National Health Service, 1991-2001.
Member, Yorkshire Health Research and Development Committee, 1992-94.
Member, Central R&D Committee Mental Health National Steering Group (Goldberg Committee), 1992-93.
Member, CRDC Standing Group on Health Technology, 1992-7.
Chair, CRDC HTA Methodology Panel, 1993-7.
Member, Review Advisory Committee on the London Special Health Authorities. (The "Thompson Report", Special Health Authorities: Research Review, London, HMSO, 1993, chaired by Sir Michael Thompson)
Chair, NHS Research Task Force on R&D to Review the Funding and Support of Research and Development in the NHS, 1993-4. (The "Culyer Report": Supporting Research and Development in the NHS: A Report to the Minister of Health, London, HMSO, 1994)
Deputy chairman and non-executive member, North Yorkshire Health Authority (reappointed to new Authority in 1996)
Member, Northern & Yorkshire Regional Research Advisory Group, 1995-2001.
Member, Northern and Yorkshire Regional Universities Group for R&D, 1995-2001.
Special Adviser, High Security Psychiatric Services Commissioning Board, 1995-1998.
Member, R&D Committee of the HSPSCB, 1995-1999.
Member, R&D Commissioning Sub Group of the HSPSCB, 1995-1997.
Member, Central R&D Committee Sub-Group on the Strategic Framework, 1996.
Member, National Working Group on R&D in Primary Care (Mant Committee), 1996-7.
Chair, Department of Health Expert Workshop on DH Guidelines for Pharmacoeconomic studies, 1997-98.
Adviser, Department of Health Comprehensive Spending Review Group on "Non front-line services", 1997-98.
Special Adviser to NHS Director of R&D, 1997-2000.
Chair, Central R&D Committee Sub-Group on Budget 1 Allocations to Trusts, 1997-98.
Member, Healthcare Sector Group, Department of Trade and Industry and Department of Health Overseas Trade Services, 1998-2001.
Member, NHS R&D Exceptional Cases Advisory Group, 1998-2000.
Member, NHS R&D Strategic Review Sub Group, 1998-2000.
Member, NHS R&D Evaluation Strategy Steering Group, 1998-2000.
Vice-Chair, National Institute for Clinical Excellence, 1999-2003.
1976 Senior Research
Associate at the Ontario Economic Council and Visiting Professor, Economics
Department, Queen’s University
Visiting Professor, Trent University , Canada
Woodward Lecturer, University of British Columbia
Adjunct Professor, Department of Health Administration, University of Toronto
Member, Methodological Advisory Group on Non-economic Loss, Ontario Workers'
Compensation Board
(Apr-Sep) Visiting Professor, Department of Health Administration, University
of Toronto
Commissioned to write paper on Equity in Health for Ontario Premier’s
Council on Health, Well-Being and Social Justice
Perey Lecturer, McMaster University
Champlain Lecturer, Trent University
Member, Research Advisory Committee, Institute for Work and Health
Member, Advisory Committee of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
Population Health Program
Trustee, The Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, Ottawa
Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Institute for Work and Health
Member, External Review Team for Cancer Care Ontario Research
Adjunct Professor, Department of Health Policy , Management and Evaluation,
University of Toronto
Adviser, Canada Health Council
Member, Onario Health Technology Advisory Committee
Member, Canadian Institutes for Health Research Michael Smith Prize in Health
Research Committee
Member, Advisory Council of Alberta Bone and Joint Institute
Sinclair Lecturer, Queen’s
University, Kingston
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of York, 1991-94.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, 1994-7.
Director of Health Development, University of York, 1997-2001.
Member, Health Sector Group of the CVCP, 1994-9.
Representative of University of York on Court and Council of Leeds University, 1978-85. At various times member of General Academic Board, Professorial Board, Graduate Studies Committee, Staff Committee, Finance Committee, Secretarial and Clerical Committee (Chair for 3 years), Joint Negotiating Committee (Joint chair) with NALGO, Court, Council, Appointments to Court and Council, Vacancies Review Panel, Planning Committee, Administrative Planning Committee, Policy and Resources Committee, Equipment Subcommittee (minor spenders), VC's Advisory Group, VC's advisory committees on Academic Plan, Discretionary Salary Awards, Promotions Committee, Premature Retirement Committee, Leave of Absence Committee, Research Committee (chair), Awards Sub-Committee (chair), Health Liaison Group (chair), Board for Graduate Schools (chair), Undergraduate Admissions Committee (chair), Special Cases Committee (chair), Medical Services Committee (chair), Library Advisory Committee (chair), Joint Committee with AUT (chair), Heslington Lectures Committee (chair), University Committee (chair), King's Manor Resources Group (chair), Disciplinary Advisory Committee, IT Strategy Committee, Panel for Admin Library Computing and Other Related Staff (chair), Post-1995 Institutional Planning Group, Careers Advisory Group (chair), CVCP (in lieu of VC), Search Committee for new VC (1992), chair of any of the above chaired by VC in his absence. University and University College of Ripon & York St John Health Collaboration Steering Group (co-chair).
Durham (economics), Leeds (health economics), London School of Economics (Chair in Social Policy), London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (health economics) (twice), Newcastle (health sciences), Oslo (health economics), Toronto (health economics), Southampton (health policy), Northallerton Health Authority (Chief Executive), Office of Health Economics (deputy director), King's Fund (Chief Executive), National Institute for Clinical Excellence (Director of Appraisals), North Yorkshire Health Authority (Director of Primary Care).
1989 Economics Department, McMaster University
1993 London Special Health Authorities (member of Thompson Committee)
1998 Wessex Institute, Southampton University (with Charles Florey)
1999 McMaster University Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis (CHEPA)
At various times have given lectures and seminars in Advanced Economic Theory (micro and macro), the Economics of Human Resources, the Economics of Social Policy, Health Economics, Social Policy Analysis, and given graduate classes on Social Policy to students of Social Administration. Supervised MSc, MPhil and DPhil thesis students. PhD external examiner at various Universities in the UK and overseas.
At various times have given first year introductory lectures in Economics; second year lectures in Price Theory, Welfare Economics, Macroeconomics, and Investment Appraisal; third year lectures and seminars in Economics of the Social Services, Economics of Human Resources, Health Economics, Applied Economics, and Advanced Economic Theory. External examining.
Health Economics
Economics of Social Policy
Equity and Social Justice
Research and Development
Who's Who in Economics: A Biographical Dictionary of Major Economists 1700-1981 (ed. Blaug and Sturges), Wheatsheaf, 1983 (and subsequent 2nd and 3rd editions)
Who's Who
Who's Who in Education
Who’s Who in the World
The Academic Who's Who
The Universities' Who's Who
The International Authors' and Writers' Who's Who
People of Today
Church music: Organist and Choir Director in an Anglican rural parish church, chairman of the York District of the Royal School of Church Music 1983-95, chairman of North East Area Committee of the Royal School of Church Music 1995-. Member of the York Diocesan Liturgy and Music Advisory Group 1995-. Various roles in local Church of England (at various times Parochial Church Council member, Lay Chairman of Parochial Church Council, Deanery Financial Adviser, Member York Diocesan Church Urban Fund, etc.). Music generally. Gardening when necessity commands and time permits.
"Methodological error in regional planning: the South West Strategy", Social and Economic Administration, 1968, 2, 23-30.
"Holidays on the move", New Society, 11 April, 1968.
"University teachers and the PIB", Social and Economic Administration, 1969, 3, 127-139 (with D. C. Corner).
"The holiday industry" in British Association, Exeter and its Region, University of Exeter. 1969, 244-258 (with F. M. M. Lewes and G. A. Brady).
"Pricing policies" in G. Teeling-Smith (ed.), Economics and Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry, OHE, London, 1969, 35-50.
"The economics of health systems" in The Price of Health, Office of Health Care Finance, Melbourne, 1969, 36-62 (reprinted as ch.7 in J. R. G. Butler and D. P. Doessel (eds.), Health Economics: Australian Readings, Australian Professional Publications, Sydney, 1989, 145-66).
"An economic assessment of some aspects of the organisation of the NHS" in BMA, Health Services Financing, BMA, London, 1970, 187-250 (with M. H. Cooper).
"A utility-maximising view of universities", Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 1970, 17, 349-68.
"The costs of dangerous drugs legislation in England and Wales", Medical Care, 1970, 8, 501509 (with A. K. Maynard).
"An economic survey of the nature and intent of the British National Health Service", Social Science and Medicine, 1971, 5, 1-13 (with M. H. Cooper).
"Ethics and economics in blood supply", Lancet (i) March 1971.
"Social scientists and blood supply", Lancet (i) June 1971.
"The nature of the commodity 'health care' and its efficient allocation", Oxford Economic Papers, 1971, 23, 189-211 (reprinted as Ch. 2 in A. J. Culyer and M. H. Cooper (eds.), Health Economics, London, Penguin, 1973).
"Medical care and the economics of giving", Economica, 38, 1971, 295-303 (reprinted as Ch. 18 in M. Ricketts (ed.), Neoclassical Microeconomics, Vol. 2, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1989, pp. 310-18).
"A taxonomy of demand curves", Bulletin of Economic Research, 1971, 23, 3-23.
"Calculus of health", New Society, 23 September, 1971.
"Social indicators: health", Social Trends, No. 2, 1971, pp. 31-42 (with Alan Williams and R. J. Lavers). (reprinted as ‘Health indicators’ in Andrew Shonfield and Stella Shaw (eds.) Social Indicators and Social Policy, London, Heinemann, 1972, 000-000).
"Merit goods and the welfare economics of coercion", Public Finance, 26, 1971, 546-72.
"Appraising government spending on health services: The problems of 'need' and 'output'", Public Finance, 27, 1972, 205-11.
"On the relative efficiency of the National Health Service", Kyklos, 25, 1972, 266-287.
"The market versus the state in medical care: a minority report on an empty academic box", in G. McLachlan (ed.), Problems and Progress in Medical Care, 7, London, OUP, 1972, 132.
"Equality in the NHS: intentions, performance and problems in evaluation", in M. M. Hauser (ed.), The Economics of Medical Care, London, Allen and Unwin, 1972, 47-57 (with M. H. Cooper).
"Social indicators: health" in A. Shonfield and S. Shaw (eds.) Social Indicators and Social Policy, London, Heinemann, 1972, 000-000 (with Alan Williams and R. J. Lavers) (reprint of 1971 article in Social Trends).
"Comment on ‘Problems of Efficiency’", in M. M. Hauser, op. cit., 42-46
"The War and public expenditure on mental health - the postponement effect", Social Science and Medicine, 6, 1972, 35-56 (with P. Jacobs).
"Indicators of health: an economist's viewpoint ", in Evaluation in the Health Services, London, Office of Health Economics, 1972, 23-28.
"L’efficienza relativo del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale Brittanico", Citta e Societa, March/April, 1972, 35-53.
"Social policy and government spending", Local Government Finance, 76, 1972, 353-357.
"Economic analysis - its practice and pitfalls", Local Government Finance, 76, 1972, 385-389.
"Pareto, Peacock and Rowley, and the public regulation of natural monopoly", Journal of Public Economics, 2, 1973, 89-95.
"Should social policy concern itself with drug 'abuse'?", Public Finance Quarterly, 1, 1973, 449-456.
"Hospital waiting lists", New Society, 16 August, 1973.
"Is medical care different?", in A. J. Culyer and M. H. Cooper (eds.) Health Economics, London, Penguin, 1973, 49-74 [reprint with changes of 1971 article in Oxford Economic Papers].
"Hospital waits", New Society, 6 December, 1973.
"Quids without quos - a praxeological approach", in A. A. Alchian et al. The Economics of Charity, London, IEA, 1973, 35-61.
"The economics of giving and selling blood", in A. A. Alchian et al. The Economics of Charity, London, IEA, 1973 (with M. H. Cooper), 111-143.
"Private patients in NHS hospitals: subsidies and waiting lists", in M. Perlman, The Economics of Health and Medical Care, Int. Ec. Assoc., London, Macmillan, 1974, 108-116 (with J. G. Cullis).
"Economics, social policy and disability", in Dennis Lees and Stella Shaw (eds.), Impairment, Disability and Handicap, London, Heinemann for the SSRC, 1974, 17-29.
"Dialogue on blood 1", New Society, 24 March, 1974.
"Hospitals", New Society, 20 June, 1974.
"Introduction" to University Economics, (3rd Ed.) by A. A. Alchian and W. R. Allen, Prentice-Hall International, 1974.
"On the economic surplus and the value of life", Bulletin of Economic Research, 26, 1974, 6378 (with R L Akehurst)
"The economics of health" in R. M. Grant and G. K. Shaw (eds.), Current Issues in Economic Policy, London, Philip Allan, 1975, 151-173.
"Value for money in health", New Society, March 1975.
"Hospital waiting lists and the supply and demand of inpatient care", Social and Economic Administration, 9, 1975, 13-25 (with J. G. Cullis).
"Charity and public policy in the U.K.: the law and the economics", Social and Economic Administration, 10, 1976, 32-50 (with J. Wiseman and J. Posnett).
"Some economics of hospital waiting lists in the NHS", Journal of Social Policy, 5, 1976, 239264 (with J. G. Cullis).
"Discussion of 'Health Costs and Expenditures in the U.K.' by M. H. Cooper", in International Health Costs and Expenditures, Ed. by The-wei Hu, U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare, Washington D.C., 1976, 109-113.
"Alternatives to price rationing: some unsolved riddles for British health economists", in R. D. Fraser (ed.), Health Economics Symposium, Proceedings of the First Canadian Conference, Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University, Kingston (Ontario), 1976, 66-74.
"Public economics and the concept of human resources", in Human Resources and Public Finance (eds. Victor Halberstadt and A. J. Culyer), Paris, Cujas, 1977, 13-29 (with Jack Wiseman).
"Blood and altruism: an economic review", in D. B. Johnson (ed.), Blood Policy - Issues and Alternatives, Washington D.C., American Enterprise Institute, 1977, 39-58.
"The quality of life and the limits of cost-benefit analysis", in L. Wingo and A. Evans (eds.), Public Economics and the Quality of Life, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 1977, 141-153.
"Drugs and Pareto - a methodological abuse", Public Finance Quarterly, July 1977, 5, 393396.
"Need, values and health status measurement", in A. J. Culyer and K. G. Wright (eds.), Economic Aspects of Health Services, London, Martin Robertson, 1978, 9-31.
"Financing medical education - interrelationships between medical school and teaching hospital expenditure", in A. J. Culyer and K. G. Wright (eds.), Economic Aspects of Health Services, London, Martin Robertson, 1978, 123-140 (with M. F. Drummond).
"What accounts for the higher costs of teaching hospitals?", Social and Economic Administration, 12, 20-30, 1978 (with J. Wiseman, M. F. Drummond and P. A. West).
"Economics and the health services: missionary role of economists", Surgical News, No. 5, Summer 1978, 2-4.
"Editorial", Epidemiology and Community Health, Vol. 33, No. 1, March 1979.
Comment on "Theories and Measurement in Disability" by R. G. A. Williams, Epidemiology and Community Health, Vol. 33, No. 1, March 1979.
"Into the valley: review article of 'Charge' by A. Seldon", Social Policy and Administration, Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring 1979, 65-68.
"What do health services do for people?", Search, Vol. 10, Nos. 7-8, 1979, 262-268.
"Frameworks for evaluating economic effects of budget and financial transfers in the EEC", in Study Group on the Economic Effects of Budget and Financial Transfers in the Community, Part II, Brussels, Commission of the European Communities, 1979 (with J. Wiseman).
"Cost-sharing: financial aspects and policies", in B. Abel-Smith (ed.), Sharing Health Care Costs, National Center for Health Services Research; U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington D.C., 1980, 18-19.
"Economics and the health services", in R. M. Grant and G. K. Shaw (eds.), Current Issues in Economic Policy, 2nd ed., London, Philip Allan, 1980, 164-186.
"Treating ulcers with Cimetidine can be more cost-effective than surgery", Medeconomics, 1, No. 8, 1980, 12-14 (with A. K. Maynard).
"Externality models and health: a Rückblick over the last twenty years", in P. M. Tatchell (ed.), Economics and Health: Proceedings of the First Australian Conference of Health Economists, Canberra, Australian National University Press, 1980, 139-157. (reprinted with changes in The Economic Record, 56, 222-30, 1980).
"Discussion of ‘Universality and Selectivity in the Targeting of Government Health/Welfare Programs’ by D. Dixon" in P. M. Tatchell (ed.), Economics and Health: Proceedings of the First Australian Conference of Health Economists, Canberra, Australian National University Press, 1980, 11-17. (reprint of article in Tatchell 1980).
"Externality models and health: a Rückblick over the last twenty years", The Economic Record, September 1980 (with Heather Simpson) Vol. 56, No. 154, 222-30. [Reprint with changes of article in Tatchell (1980)]
"Report on financial aspects and policies" in A. Brandt, B. Horisberger and W. P. von Wartburg (eds.), Cost-Sharing in Health Care, Heidelberg, Springer, 1980 (with M. Pfaff and H. Hauser).
"Cost-effectiveness of duodenal ulcer treatment", Social Science and Medicine, 15C, 3-11, 1981 (with A. K. Maynard). (Reprinted in shortened form in Bernard S. Bloom (ed.), Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Policymaking. Cimetidine as a Model, New York, Biomedical Information Corporation, 1982, 128-31).
"The 1EA's unorthodoxy", in R. Harris and A. Seldon (eds.), The Emerging Consensus ...?, London, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1981, 99-119.
"Acht Trugschlüsse über das britische Gesundheitswesen", Medita, 6, 1981, 22-27.
"European workshop on health indicators: a draft report", Revista Internacional de Sociologi, 1981, 39, 151-171.
"Economics, social policy and social administration: the interplay between topics and disciplines", Journal of Social Policy, Vol. 10, Part 3, July 1981, 311-29.
"Health, economics and health economists" in J. Van de Gaag and M. PerIman (eds.), Health Economics and Health Economists, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1981.
"Economics, health and health services" in R. Clara et al, Health and Economy, Part 1, Antwerp, Antwerp University Press, 1981, 19-33.
"Cost-effectiveness of duodenal ulcer treatment", in Bernard S. Bloom (ed.) Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Policymaking: Cimetidine as a Model, New York, Biomedical Information Corporation, 1 , 128-131 (with A. K. Maynard) (reprint of 1981 Social Science and Medicine article).
"Alternative systems of health care provision: an essay on motes and beams" in Mancur Olson (ed.), A New Approach to the Economics of Health Care, Washington and London, American Enterprise Institute, 1982, 131-150 (with Alan Maynard and Alan Williams).
"Revenue allocation by regression: a rejoinder", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, Vol. 145, Part 1, 1982, 127-33 (with J. Wiseman, M. F. Drummond and P. A. West).
"Health services in the mixed economy" in Lord Roll of Ipsden (ed.), The Mixed Economy, London, Macmillan, 1982, 128-144. (reprinted in Magyar as "Egeszsegugyi szolgaltatasok a vegyes gazdasagban", Esely, 9113, 1991, 37-48).
"Joint products and multi-jurisdictional spillovers", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 97, No. 4, 1982, 707-716 (with T. Sandler).
"Assessing cost-effectiveness", in H. D. Banta (ed.), Resources for Health: Technology Assessment for Policy Making, Praeger, 1982, 107-120.
"The NHS and the market: images and realities", in G. McLachlan and A. Maynard (eds.), The Public/Private Mix for Health: the Relevance and Effects of Change, London, Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, 1982, 25-55.
"Health care and the market: a British lament", Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 1, No. 3 (1982), 299-303.
"Joint products and multi-jurisdictional spillovers: some public goods geometry", Kyklos, 35 (4), 1982, 702-9 (with T. Sandler).
"A Hatekonysag Keresese a Kozuleti Szektorban: Kozgadzak contra dr. Pangloss" (trs. from English by Otto Gado), Penziigyi Szemle, 27, 1983, 378-384.
"Introduction" to Health Indicators, ed. A. J. Culyer, London, Martin Robertson, 1983, 1-22.
"Conclusions and recommendations" in Health Indicators, ed. A. J. Culyer, London, Martin Robertson, 1983, 186-193.
"Effectiveness and efficiency of health services", Effective Health Care, vol. 1, No. 1, 1983, 7-9.
"Cost-effectiveness of foam elastomer and gauze dressings in the management of open perineal wounds", Social Science and Medicine, vol. 17, No. 15, 1983, 1047-53 (with J. MacFie and A. Wagstaff).
"Public or private health services: a skeptic's view", Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, vol. 2, No. 3, 1983, 386-402.
"The marginal approach to saving lives", Economic Review, 1, 1983, 21-23.
"Economics without economic man?", Social Policy and Administration, 17, 1983, 188-203.
"Medical and economic evaluation: a postscript" in A. J. Culyer and B. Horisberger (eds.), Economic and Medical Evaluation of Health Care Technologies, Heidelberg, Springer, 1983, 347-358 (with B. Horisberger). (Also published separately by the same publishers in German).
"La contribución del Análisis Económico a la Pólitica Social ", in J-J. Artells (ed.), Primeres Jornades d’Economia dels Serveis Socials, Barcelona, Impres Layetana, 1983, 17-34.
"Marco para la evaluación multidisciplinaria de los servicios sociales", in J-J. Artells (ed.), Primeres Jornades d’Economia dels Serveis Socials, Barcelona, Impres Layetana, 1983, 35-39.
"Foam elastomer and gauze dressings in the management of open perineal wounds: a cost-effectiveness study", British Journal of Clinical Practice, 38, 7/8, 1984, 263-8 (with A. Wagstaff and J. MacFie).
"Profit regulation in the drug industry: a bitter pill?", Economic Review, 2, 1, 1984, 19-21 (with J. Posnett).
"The quest for efficiency in the public sector: Economists versus Dr. Pangloss (or why conservative economists are not nearly conservative enough)", in H. Hanusch (ed.), Public Finance and the Quest for Efficiency, Proceedings of the 38th Congress of the UPF, Copenhagen, Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1984, 39-48.
"Would you choose the Welfare State?", Economic Affairs, 5, 2, 1985, pp. 40-42 (with J. Posnett).
"What's wrong with economics textbooks?", Economics, 21, 1, 1985, 15-17.
"A health economist on medical sociology: reflections by an unreconstructed reductionist, Social Science and Medicine, 20, 10, 1985, 1013-21.
"On being right or wrong about the welfare state", in P. Bean, J. Ferris and D. Whynes (eds.), In Defence of Welfare, London, Tavistock, 1985, 122-41.
"Discussion" in N. Wells (ed.), Pharmaceuticals Among the Sunrise Industries, London, Croom Helm, 1985, 218-224.
"Caring for the elderly: a European perspective on today and tomorrow", Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 10, 3, 1985, 469-87 (with S. Birch).
"What dangers from medical monopoly?", Economic Affairs, 6, 5, 1986, 56-7.
"The scope and limits of health economics (with reference to economic appraisals of health services)" in Oekonomie des Gesundheitswesen, Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Neue Folge Band 159, 1987, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 31-53.
"The future of health economics in the U.K. ", in Health Economics: Prospects for the Future, ed. G. Teeling Smith, London, Croom Helm, 1987, 15-32.
"Assessing the costs and benefits of pharmaceutical research", in G. Teeling Smith (ed.), Costs and Benefits of Pharmaceutical Research, London, Office of Health Economics, 1987, 25-27.
"Health service efficiency, appraising the appraisers - a critical review of economic appraisal in practice", Social Science and Medicine, 25, 5 (1987), 461-72 (with C. Blades and A. Walker).
"Technology assessment in Europe: its present and future roles", in E E H. Rutten and S. J. Reiser (eds.), The Economics of Medical Technology, Berlin, Springer, 1987, 54-79.
"Health economics: the topic and the discipline", in J. M. Horne (ed.), Proceedings of the Third Canadian Conference on Health Economics, 1986, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Manitoba, 1987, 1-18.
"Discussion of R. G. Evans et al, ‘Toward efficient aging: rhetoric and evidence’", in R. M. Horne (ed.), Proceedings of the Third Canadian Conference on Health Economics, 1986, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Manitoba, 1987, 170-1.
"Inequality of health services is, in general, desirable", in D. Green (ed.), Acceptable Inequalities?, Institute of Economic Affairs, London, 1988, 31-47.
"The radical reforms the NHS needs - and doesn't", Minutes of Evidence Taken before the Social Services Committee, London, HMSO, 1988, 238-242.
Comments on "Public Hospital Performance Assessment" by Arthur Andersen and Co., in Response From the Hospital Boards' Association of New Zealand to "Unshackling the Hospitals" the Report of the Hospital and Related Services Taskforce, Hospital Boards' Association, New Zealand, 1988.
"Medical care and the economics of giving", in M. Ricketts (ed.) Neoclassical Micreconomics, vol. 2, Aldershot, Edward Elgar, 1988, 310-318 (reprint of 1971 article in Economica).
"The normative economics of health care finance and provision", Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 5, 1, 1989, 34-58. (reprinted with changes in A. McGuire, P. Fenn and K. Mayhew (eds.) Providing Health Care: The Economics of Alternative Systems of Finance and Delivery Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1991, 65-98.)
"Commodities, characteristics of commodities, characteristics of people, utilities and the quality of life", in S. Baldwin, C. Godfrey and C. Propper (eds.), The Quality of Life: Perspectives and Policies, London, Routledge, 1989, 9-27.
"The economics of health systems", in R. G. Butler and D. P. Doessel (eds.) Health Economics: Australian Readings, Sydney, Australian Professional Publications, 1989, 145-166 (reprint of 1969 article in The Price of Health).
"Implications of the Ministerial Review of the NHS", in Opportunities for the Independent Sector: Articles from the NHS Review, Annual Conference Review, Independent Hospitals Association, 1989, 6-9.
"A glossary of the more common terms encountered in health economics", in M. S. Hersh-Cochran and K. P. Cochran (eds.), Compendium of English Language Course Syllabi and Textbooks in Health Economics, Copenhagen, WHO, 1989, 215-234.
"Cost containment in Europe", Health Care Financing Review, Annual Supplement, 1989, 2132. (reprinted in Health Care Systems in Transition, Paris, OECD, 1990.)
"Competition and markets in health care: what we know and what we don't, Part I", Cardiology Management, 3, 2, 1990, 15-18.
"Competition and markets in health care: what we know and what we don't, Part I ", Cardiology Management, 3, 3, 1990, 36-38.
"Cost containment in Europe", in Health Care Systems in Transition, Paris, OECD, 1990, 000-000. (Reprint of 1989 article in Health Care Financing Review ).
"Socioeconomic evaluations: an executive summary ", in Culyer (ed.), Standards for Socioeconomic Evaluation of Health Care Products and Services, Berlin, Springer, 1990, 1-12 (with B. Luce and A. Elixhauser).
"Hospital behaviour and competition", (with J. W. Posnett) in A. J. Culyer, A. K. Maynard and J. W. Posnett (eds.), Competition in Health Care: Reforming the NHS, London, Macmillan, 1990,12-47.
"Reforming health care: an introduction to the economic issues", (with A. K. Maynard and J. W. Posnett) in A. J. Culyer, A. K. Maynard and J. W. Posnett (eds.) Competition in Health Care: Reforming the NHS, London, Macmillan, 1990, 1-11.
"Funding the future", in The White Paper and Beyond: One Year On, (eds. E. J. Beck and S. A. Adam), Oxford, OUP (Oxford Medical Publications), 1990, 58-69.
"Incentivos: para qué? Para quién? De qué tipo?", in Associatión de Economia de la Salud, Reforma Sanitaria e Incentivos, Assoc. de Econ. de la Salud, Barcelona, 1990, 39-53.
"The promise of a reformed NHS: an economist’s angle", British Medical Journal, 302, 1991, 1253-1256. (reprinted in Professional Judgment and Decision Making, Offprints (4), Milton Keynes, Open University Press, 1992, 19-22).
"The normative economics of health care finance and provision", in A. McGuire, P. Fenn and K. Mayhew (eds.) Providing Health Care: the Economics of Alternative Systems of Finance and Delivery, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1991, 65-98 (reprint with changes of 1989 article in Oxford Review of Economic Policy).
"Conflicts between equity concepts and efficiency in health: a diagrammatic approach", Osaka Economic Papers, 40, 1991, 141-154. [reprinted in A. M. El-Agraa (ed.) Public and International Economics, New York, St Martins Press, 42-58.]
"Egéazségügyi szolgáltatások a vegyes gazdaságban", Esély, 91/3, 1991, 37-48 (reprint in Magyar of "Health services in the mixed economy" in The Mixed Economy, 1982).
"Incentives: for what? For whom? What Kind?", in G. Lopez-Casasnovas (ed.), Incentives in Health Systems, Berlin, Springer, 1991, 15-23 (reprint in English of article in Spanish in Reforma Sanitaria e Incentivos, 1990),
"Reforming health services: frameworks for the Swedish review", in A. J. Culyer (ed.) International Review of the Swedish Health Care System, Studiefoerbundet Naeringsliv och Saemhalle (Center for Business and Policy Studies), Stockholm, 1991, 1-49.
"The promise of a reformed NHS: an economist’s angle", in J. Dowie (compiler) Professional Judgment and Decision Making, Offprints (4), Milton Keynes, Open University Press, 1992, 19-22 (reprint of 1991 article in British Medical Journal).
"Hospital competition in the UK: a (possibly) useful framework for the future" in R. B. Deber and G. G. Thompson (eds.), Restructuring Canada’s Health Services System: How Do We Get There From Here?, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1992, 317-330.
"The morality of efficiency in health care - some uncomfortable implications", Health Economics, 1, 1, 1992, 7-18. (Reprinted in A. King, T. Hyclak, S. McMahaon and R. Thornton (eds.), North American Health Care Policy in the 1990s, Chichester, Wiley, 1993, 1-24).
"Utilisation as a measure of equity by Mooney, Hall, Donaldson and Gerard: Comment", Journal of Health Economics, 11, 1, 1992, 93-98 (with Eddy van Doorslaer and Adam Wagstaff).
"Need, greed and Mark Twain's cat", in A. Corden, E. Robertson and K. Tolley (eds.) Meeting Needs in an Affluent Society, Aldershot, Avebury, 1992, 31-41 (ISBN 1-85628-257-0).
"Sjukvård och sjukvårdsfinansiering i Sverige" ("Health care and health care financing in Sweden"), in A. J. Culyer et al. Svensk Sjukyvård - Bäst i Världen? (Swedish Health Care - the Best in the World?), Stockholm. SNS Förlag, 1992, 9-31.
"Att reformera sjukvärden: ramar för den svenska genomgången" ("Reforming health services: Frameworks for the Swedish Review"), in A. J. Culyer et al. Svensk Sjukyår - Bäst i Världen? (Swedish Health Care - the Best in the World?), Stockholm, SNS Förlag, 1992, 3265.
"Evaluation des technologies médicales: progrés des techniques et progrès de la science économique", in J-R Moatti and C. Mawas (eds.), Evaluation des Innovations Technologiques et Décisions en Santé Publiques, Paris, Coll. Analyse et Prospective, Eds INSERM, 1992, 3747.
"The Appleton International Conference: developing guidelines for decisions to forgo life-prolonging medical treatment", Journal of Medical Ethics, 18 (Supplement), 1992, 3-22 (with 34 others).
"Access, utilisation and equity: a further comment", Journal of Health Economics, 11, 2, 1992, 207-210 (with Eddy van Doorslaer and Adam Wagstaff).
"Health, health expenditures, and equity", in E. van Doorslaer, A. Wagstaff and F. Rutten (eds.) Equity in the Finance and Delivery of Health Care: an International Perspective, Oxford, Oxford University Press (Oxford Medical Publications), 1993, 299-319,
"The United Kingdom: effective, efficient, equitable?", Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 17, 4, 1993, 667-688 (with A. Meads).
"Health care insurance and provision", in N. Barr and D. Whynes (eds.) Current Issues in the Economics of Welfare, Macmillan, Houndmills, 1993, 153-175.
"The morality of efficiency in health: some uncomfortable implications", in A. King, T. Hyclak, S. McMahon and R. Thornton (eds.) North America Health Care Policy in the 1990s, Chichester, Wiley, 1993, 1-24 (reprinted from Health Economics, 1992).
"QALYs versus HYEs", Journal of Health Economics, 12, 1993, 311-323 (with Adam Wagstaff).
"Conflicts between equity concepts and efficiency in health: a diagrammatic approach", in A. M. El-Agraa (ed.) Public and International Economics, New York, St Martin's Press, 1993, 42-58 (reprinted from Osaka Economic Papers, 1991).
"EI mercado interior: un medio aceptable para conseguir un fin deseable", Hacienda Pública Española, 126, 1993, 39-49.
"Equity and equality in health and health care", Journal of Health Economics, 12, 1993, 431-457 (with Adam Wagstaff) (reprinted in N Barr (ed.) Economic Theory and the Welfare State, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2001, 231-257).
"Introduction", European Journal of Cancer, 29A, Suppl 7, 1993, S1-S2 (with B Horisberger, B. Jonsson and F. F. F. M. Rutten).
"Ought cancer treatments to be immune from socio-economic evaluation? An epilogue", European Journal of Cancer, 29A, SuppI 7, 1993, S31-S32 (with B. Jonsson)
"NHS reforms: a challenge or a threat to NHS values?", The Health Business Summary, No. 11, October 1994, 3-4.
"Finding answers to simple questions", Parliamentary Brief, 1994, 3, 1, 62, 64.
"A proposal for a checklist of reputable economics journals for the UK profession", Royal Economic Society Newsletter, 87, October 1994, 16-17.
"The Culyer report" (letter), The Lancet, 344, December 24/31, 1994, 1774.
"Economics and the incomplete case for public support for research" (letter), Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 29, January/February 1995, 72.
"Cure at a cost", Times Higher Education Supplement, (supplement, Synthesis: Medicine), January 20, 1995, i.
"Need: the idea won't do - but we still need it", (Editorial) Social Science and Medicine, 40, 1995, 727-730.
"Supporting research and development in the NHS - Key points from the Culyer Report ", Refocus, Winter 1995, 4-5.
"Supporting research and development in the National Health Service", Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 29, 1995, 216-224.
"Supporting R&D in the NHS - some unresolved issues" in House of Lords, Minutes of Evidence Taken Before the Select Committee on Science and Technology, HL Paper 12-iv, London, HMSO, 1995, 168-176.
Evidence before House of Lords Select Committee on Science & Technology, Minutes of Evidence Taken before the Select Committee on Science and Technology, HL Paper 12-iV, London, HMSO, 1995, 183-195 (passim)
"QALYs versus HYEs: A reply to Gafni, Birch and Mehrez", Journal of Health Economics, 14, 1995, 39-45 (with Adam Wagstaff).
"Preface: all is a flux yet all is the same!", in International Developments in Health Care, ed. Roger Williams, London, Royal College of Physicians, 1995, vii-x.
"Chisels or screwdrivers? A critique of the NERA proposals for the reform of the NHS", in A. Towse (ed.) Financing Health Care in the UK: A Discussion of NERA's Prototype Model to Replace the NHS, London, Office of Health Economics, 1995, 23-37.
"Taking advantage of the new environment for research and development" in M. Baker and S. Kirk (eds.) Research and Development for the NHS: Evidence. Evaluation and Effectiveness, Oxford, Radcliffe Medical Press, 1995, 37-49. (reprinted with changes in Baker and Kirk 1998).
"Fundamentals for promoting health gain efficiently and equitably in Northern Ireland: some reactions to the Consultation Document Regional Strategy for Health and Social W11being, 1997-2002", in Northern Ireland Economic Council, Health and Personal Social Services to the Millennium, Belfast, NIEC, 1995, 45-65.
"The NHS reforms - a challenge or a threat to NHS values?" in A. J. Culyer and Adam Wagstaff (eds.) Reforming Health Care Systems: Experiments with the NHS, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 1996, 1-14.
"Mark Pauly on welfare economics: normative rabbits from positive hats", Journal of Health Economics, 15, 2, 1996, 243-251 (with R. G. Evans)
"A personal perspective on progress in research and development", in K. Aspinall (ed.) The York Symposium on Health, University of York, York, 1996, 33-44.
"The principal objective of the NHS ought to be to maximise the aggregate improvement in the health status of the whole community", British Medical Journal, 314, 667-669, 1997. (Reprinted with changes in New (ed.) 1997).
"0 impacta da economia da saude nas politicas publicas", Nota Economicas, 7, 38-48, 1997.
"Maximising the health of the whole community: the case for", in B. New (ed.), Rationing: Talk and Action, London, King’s Fund and BMJ, 1997, 95-100. (reprint with changes of BMJ 1997 article).
"A rejoinder to John Harris", in B. New (ed.), Rationing: Talk and Action, London, King’s Fund and BMJ, 1997, 106-107.
"Altruism and economics", in A. Nordgren and C-G. Westrim (eds.), Altruism, Society, Health Care, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 1998, 51-66.
"Health and welfare resources at the University of York", Health-Care Focus, February 1998, 13-14.
"Need - is a consensus possible?", Journal of Medical Ethics, 24, 1998, 77-80 (Guest Editorial).
"Foreword", in M. Baker and S. Kirk (eds.) Research and Development for the NHS, Abingdon, Radcliffe Medical Press, 1998, vi-x.
"Taking advantage of the new environment for research and development" in Baker and Kirk (eds.), 1998, 53-66. (reprint with changes of 1996 edition).
"How could anyone imagine R&D’s trial test is better patient care?", Health Services Journal, 9 April 1998, 18 (letter).
"The NHS - an assessment", in L Mackay, K Soothill and K Melia (eds.), Classic Texts in Health Care, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann, 1998, 316-321 [Reprint of chapter 11 from Need and the National Health Service, 1976].
"How ought health economists to treat value judgments in their analyses?", in M L Barer, T E Getzen and G L Stoddart (eds) Health, Health Care and Health Economics, Chichester, Wiley, 1998, 363-371.
"An input-outcome paradigm for NHS research in forensic mental health", Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 1999, 9, 355-371.
"Economics and public policy: research and development as a public good" in P C Smith (ed.) Reforming Markets in Health Care: An Economic Perspective, Buckingham, Open University Press, 2000, pp. 117-137.
"Equity and equality in health and health care", in N Barr (ed.) Economic Theory and the Welfare State, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2000 (with Adam Wagstaff). (Reprinted from Journal of Health Economics, 12, 1993, 431-457).
"Economics and ethics in health care" (editorial), Journal of Medical Ethics, 27, 2001, 217-222.
"Equity - some theory and its policy implications", Journal of Medical Ethics, 27, 2001, 275-283.
"Values, policy impact and the credibility of health economists", in W R Swan and P Taylor (eds.) Forward to Basics: Promoting Efficiency While Preserving Equity (Proceedings of the 7th Canadian Conference on Health Economics, CHERA/ACRES, Carleton University, Ottawa, 2001, 37-47.
“Introduction: Ought NICE to have a cost-effectiveness threshold?”, in A Towse, C Pritchard and N Devlin (eds.) Cost-Effectiveness Thresholds – Economic and Ethical Issues, London, Office of Health Economics, 2002, 9-14.
“Developing the revised NICE appraisal technical guidance to manufacturers and sponsors: opportunity or threat?” PharmacoEconomics, 20, 2002, 1031-1038 (with R S Taylor and J Hutton).
“National Institute for Clinical Excellence and its value judgements”, British Medical Journal, 329, 2004, 224-22 (with Michael Rawlins) “
NICE clinical guidelines: Maybe health economists should participate in guideline development”, British Medical Journal, 329, 2004, 571 (letter) (with Peter Littlejohns, Gillian Leng, and Michael Drummond).
”NICE and its value judgments: Authors' reply”, British Medical Journal, 329, 2004, 741 (with Michael Rawlins).
“Rationing health care in Europe – the United Kingdom”, in J-Matthias Graf von der Schulenburg and M Blanke (eds.) Rationing of Medical Services in Europe: An Empirical Study - A European Survey, Berlin: IOS Press, 2004, 255-305 (with Adriana Castelli).
“Involving stakeholders in healthcare decisions – the experience of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in England and Wales”, Healthcare Quarterly, 8, 3, 2005, 56-60.
“The inequity of informal payments for health care: the case of Hungary”, Health Policy, xxx, 2005, xx (with A Szende).
“Both clinical epidemiology and population health perspectives can define the role of health care in reducing health disparities”, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2005, 58, 757-752 (with Anderson GM, Bronskill SE, Mustard CA, Alter DA and Manuel DG).
“Can we model the impact of increased drug treatment expenditure on the U.K. drug market?” In Bjorn Lindgren and Michael Grossman (eds.) Substance Use: Individual Behaviour, Social Interactions, Markets and Politics, Vol. 36 in Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2005, 257-275 (with Christine Godfrey, Steve Parrott, Gail Eaton and Cynthia McDougall)
“Egészség-gazdaságtan, egészségügyi közgazdászok, és az egészségpolitikai döntéshozás politikája” (“Health economics, health economists and the politics of policy making”) . In László Gulácsi (Ed.) Egészég-Gazdaságtan, Budapest: Medicina Könyvkiadó Rt, 2005, 35-44.
“The inequity of informal payments for health care: the case of Hungary”,
Health Policy, 75, 3, 2006, 262-271 (with Agate Szende).
“Discounting and cost-effectiveness in NICE - stepping back to sort out
a confusion”, Health Economics, 15, 1, 2006, 1-4 (with Karl Claxton,
Mark Sculpher, Chris McCabe, Andrew Briggs, Ron Akehurst, Martin Buxton and
John Brazier).
“NICE's use of cost-effectiveness as an exemplar of a deliberative process”,
Health Economics, Policy and Law, 1, 3, 2006, 299-318.
“Paying for performance: neither the end of the beginning nor the beginning of the end”, HealthcarePapers, 2006, 6, 6, 34-38.
“Merit goods and the welfare economics of coercion”. Forthcoming in Wilfried Ver Eecke (Ed.) Merit Goods: The Birth of a New Concept. The Unfinished Ethical Revolution in Economic Theory, Purdue University Press, 2006 (reprinted from Public Finance, 1971, 26, 546-572).
“Wickedness or folly? The ethics of NICE’s decisions”, Journal of Medical Ethics, 2006, 37, 2, 373-378, (with Karl Claxton).
“Deliberative processes and evidence-informed decision-making in health care – do they work and how might we know?” Evidence and Policy, 2006, 2, 3, 357-371 (with Jonathan Lomas).
“Need - an instrumental view” in Richard Ashcroft, Angus Dawson, Heather Draper and John McMillan (Eds.) Gillon’s Principles of Health Care Ethics, 2006 (under revision).
“Evidence, economics and values in coverage decisions”, in Steve Morgan (Ed.) Toward a National Pharmaceuticals Strategy, Vancouver: Centre for Health Services and Policy Research UBC, 2006, 10-11.
“The bogus conflict between efficiency and equity”, Health Economics, 14, 2006, 000-000 (Editorial).
“Paying for performance: neither the end of the beginning nor the beginning of the end”. Forthcoming in HealthcarePapers 6, 2006, 34-38.
“The Effectiveness of Occupational Health and Safety Management System Interventions: A Systematic Review”, forthcoming in Safety Science., 2006 (with Judy Clarke; Kim Cullen; Amber Bielecky; Colette Severin; Philip Bigelow; Emma Irvin and Quenby Mahood).
“Rationing health care - Alan Williams’ decision-maker, the authority, and Pareto” forthcoming in Be Reasonable: Following the Williams Way, Proceedings of a Conference to Celebrate the Work of Alan Williams, London: Office of Health Economics, 2007.
“What is a little more health and safety worth?” forthcoming in The Economics Evaluation of Workplace Health and Safety Interventions, 2007 (with Ben Amick III and Audrey LaPorte).
“Lessons from health technology assessment” forthcoming in The Economic Evaluation of Workplace Health and Safety Interventions, 2007 (with Mark Sculpher).
“Searching for a threshold, not setting one: the role of the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence”, forthcoming January 2007 in Journal of Health Service Research and Policy, 2007, 00, 000-000 (with Christopher McCabe, Andrew H Briggs, Karl Claxton, Martin Buxton, Ron L Akehurst, Mark Sculpher, John Brazier).
“Welfarism vs Extra-welfarism”, with W Brouwer, N. Job A. van Exel and Frans F.H. Rutten (under revision for Journal of Health Economics)
“Pareto vs. extra-welfarism – some head-to-head comparisons”, forthcoming in Budapest…
"Private funding of cancer chemotherapy" Forthcoming in Oncology Exchange, 2006.
“Privatization – assessing strategies in a central Asian republic”,
in H. Zöllner, G. Stoddart and C. Selby Smith (Eds.) Learning to live
with Health Economics, Copenhagen: WHO, 2006, III-95 - III-105 (copyrighted
2003) (with Richard B Saltman).
The Holiday Industry of Devon and Cornwall, London, HMSO, 1970 (with F. M. M. Lewes and G. A. Brady), x + 263.
Health Economics, London, Penguin Books, 1973 (ed. with M. H. Cooper), pp. 396.
The Economics of Social Policy, Martin Robertson, London, 1973 (Japanese ed. 1976), xii + 268.
Benham's Economics, Pitman, London, 1973 (ed. with F. W. Paish), xiv + 562.
Economic Policies and Social Goals: Aspects of Public Choice, (ed.), Martin Robertson, 1974, vii + 349.
Need and the National Health Service: Economics and Social Choice, London, Martin Robertson, 1976,xii + 163. [chapter 11 reprinted as ch 55 in Classic Texts in Health Care, 1998, eds. Mackay, Soothill & Melia]
An Annotated Bibliography of Health Economics, London, Martin Robertson, 1977 (with J. Wiseman and A. Walker), xvii + 361.
Human Resources and Public Finance, ed., Paris, Cujas, 1977 (with V. Halberstadt), viii + 309.
Economic Aspects of Health Services (introduction and edited with K. G. Wright), Martin Robertson, London, 71978, ix + 190.
Measuring Health: Lessons for Ontario, Toronto, University of Toronto Press for the Ontario Economic Council, 1978, vii + 189.
The Political Economy of Social Policy, Oxford, Martin Robertson, 1980 (revised edition 1983), xii + 340. (reprinted by Gregg Revivals, 1991).
Health Indicators: An International Study for the European Science Foundation (editor), London, Martin Robertson, 1983 (also New York, St. Martin's Press, 1983), xii + 223.
Economic and Medical Evaluation of Health Care Technologies, Heidelberg, Springer, 1983 (Ed. with B. Horisberger) (trans. as: Technologie in Gesundheitswesen: Medizinische und Wirtschaftliche Aspekte, Heidelberg, Springer, 1984), xxvi + 405.
Economics, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1985, xxii + 737.
Public Finance and Social Policy, Detroit, Wayne State UP, 1985 (ed. with G. Terny), xviii + 370.
The International Bibliography of Health Economics (2 vols.), Brighton, Wheatsheaf, 1986 (compiled with C. Blades, J. Wiseman and A. Walker), vol. 1, xviii + 658; vol. 2, xiv + 434.
Public and Private Health Services: Complementarities and Conflicts, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1986 (ed. with B. Jonsson), vii + 242.
Health Care Expenditures in Canada: Myth and Reality; Past and Future, Canadian Tax Paper No. 82, Toronto, Canadian Tax Foundation, 1988, ix + 110,
Standards for Socioeconomic Evaluation of Health Care Products and Services, Heidelberg, Springer, 1990 (ed. with introduction), xi + 184.
Competition in Health Care: Reforming the NHS, London, Macmillan, 1990 (ed. with introduction), vii + 255 (with A. K. Maynard and J. W. Posnett).
The Economics of Health, Aldershot, Edward Elgar, 1991 (ed. with Introduction), 2 vols., xiii + 402; xiii + 407.
The Political Economy of Social Policy, Aldershot, Gregg Revivals, 1991, xiii + 340 (reprint of 1983 book).
Some Recent Developments in Health Economics, published as vol. 34, No. 9 of Social Science and Medicine, 1992 (ed. with M. L. Barer and G. Mooney), pp. 123.
Svensk Sjukyård: Bäst i Världen? (Swedish Health Care: Best in the World?), Stockholm, SNS Förlag, 1992 (with R. G. Evans, J-M. von der Schulenburg, W. P. M. M. van de Ven and B. A. Weisbrod), ISBN 91-7150-430-3, pp. 211. (translation of two 1991 reports listed in section C).
Reforming Health Care Systems: Experiments with the NHS, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 1996, xii + 177 (ed. with Adam. Wagstaff)
Being Reasonable About the Economics of Health: Selected Essays by Alan Williams, (editor and compiler), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1997, xvi + 371 (with Alan Maynard)
Handbook of Health Economics, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2000, xxiii + xxvi + 1,190 (ed. with J Newhouse)
The Dictionary of Health Economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2005, pp. xi4 + 390.
The Transport of Holiday makers in Devon and Cornwall, University of Exeter, 1966 (with F. M. M. Lewes and G. A. Brady), pp. 63.
The Price of Blood, Institute of Economic Affairs, London, 1968 (with M. H. Cooper), pp. 47.
Economic Aspects of Student Unrest, Institute of Economic Affairs, London, 1969 (with A. T. Peacock), pp. 23.
The Pharmaceutical Industry, London, Dun and Bradstreet and Economists' Advisory Group, 1973 (with M. H. Cooper), 43 + xvi.
Some Major Issues in Health Policy, Dublin, National Economic and Social Council (with A. K. Maynard), 1977, pp. 94.
Expenditure on Real Services: Health, Milton Keynes, Open University Press, 1979, pp. 59.
The Economics of Universities, University of Otago Discussion Paper 8103, Dunedin, New Zealand (with M H Cooper).
The Withering of the Welfare State? and Whither the Welfare State?, 1985 E. S. Woodward Lectures, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 1986, pp. 41.
Health Service Ills: the Wrong Economic Medicine, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, 1986, Discussion Paper 16, pp. 30.
Alternatives for Funding Health Services in the U.K., Institute of Health Services Management, Working Paper No. 2, 1988 (with C. Donaldson and K. Gerard), pp. 26.
Financial Aspects
of Health Services: Drawing on Experience, Institute of Health Services
Management, Working Paper No. 3, London, 1988 (with C. Donaldson and K. Gerard),
pp. 73.
Alternatives for Organising the Provision of Health Services in the U.K., Institute of Health Services Management, Working Paper No. 4, London, 1988 (with J. Brazier), pp. 30.
Organising Health Service Provision: Drawing on Experience, Institute of Health Services Management, Working Paper No. 5, London, 1988 (with J. Brazier and 0. O'Donnell), pp. 76,
Working Party on Alternative Delivery and Funding of Health Services: Final Report, (with others under the Chairmanship of Barbara S. Young), Institute of Health Services Management, London, 1988, pp. 54.
Perspectives on the Future of Health Care in Europe, (ed. with Anne Mills), York, Centre for Health Economics, 1989, Occasional paper, pp. ii + 150.
Cost-containment in Europe, Centre for Health economics, University of York, 1989, Discussion Paper 62, pp. 42.
Competition and Markets in Health Care: What we Know and What we Don't, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, 1989, NHS White Paper Occasional Paper 3, pp. 29.
The Internal Market: An Acceptable Means to a Desirable End, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, 1990, Discussion Paper 67, pp. 25.
Ethics and Efficiency in Health Care: Some Plain Economic Truths, Centre For Health Economics and Policy Analysis, McMaster University, Canada, 1991, Health Policy Commentary Series C91-1, pp. 27.
Health, Health Expenditures and Equity, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, 1991, Discussion Paper 83, pp. 34.
Need. Equality and Social Justice (with Adam Wagstaff), Centre for Health Economics, University of York, 1991, Discussion Paper 90, pp. 16; also in Report No 92.14 of Institute for Medical Technology Assessment, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 1992.
Health Care and Health Care Finance in Sweden: The crisis that never was, the tensions that ever will be (and how to ease them), Studiefoerbundet Naeringsliv och Sarnhaelle (Center for Business and Policy Studies), Stockholm, Occasional Paper 33, 1991, pp. 30. (Published in Swedish as Svensk Sjukvård - Bäst i Världen?, Stockholm, SNS, 1992).
International Review of the Swedish Health Care System, (ed.), Studiefoerbundet Naeringsliv och Sarnhaelle (Center for Business and Policy Studies), Stockholm, Occasional Paper 34, 1991, pp. 198. (Published in Swedish in Sjukvård - Bäst i Världen?, Stockholm, SNS 19921
Need, Equity and Equality in Health and Health Care, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, 1992, Discussion Paper 95, pp. 29 (with Adam Wagstaff); also in Report No 92.14 of Institute for Medical Technology Assessment, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 1992.
Equity in Health Care Policy, Premier's Council on Health, Well-Being and Social Justice, Toronto, 1992, pp. 31.
Special Health Authorities: Research Review, a Report by the Review Advisory Committee (The Thompson Report), London, HMSO, pp. 56, 1993 (with other members of the Committee)
Supporting Research and Development in the NHS, a Report to the Minister of Health by a Research and Development Task Force chaired by A. J. Culyer, London, HMSO, 1994 (pp. 85).
Funding Research
in the NHS, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, Discussion
Paper 125, 1994, pp. 30.
Equality of What in Health Policy: Conflicts Between the Contenders, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, Discussion Paper 142, 1995, pp. 21.
Swedish Health Care Revisited (with J-M. Graf von der Schulenburg, and W. P. M. M. van de Ven), SNS, Stockholm, Occasional Paper 71, 1995, pp. 26.
Economics and Public Policy - NHS Research and Development as a Public Good, University of York, Centre for Health Economics, DP163 (The York Series on the NHS White Paper - A Research Agenda), 1999, pp21.
The Economic and Social Costs of Class A Drug Use in England and Wales, 2000, Home Office Research Study 249, Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, London, 2002 (with Christine Godfrey, Gail Eaton and Cynthia McDougall (pp. 62).
Economic and Social Cost of Substance Misuse in the United Kingdom – Review of the methodological and empirical studies of the economic and social costs of illicit drugs, (a report to the Home Office), University of York and Home Office, Centre for Criminal Justice Economics & Psychology, Research Series Report 03-01, 2002, pp. 117 (with Gail Eaton, Christine Godfrey, Harry Koutsolioutsos and Cynthia McDougall).
The Effectiveness of Occupational Health and safety Management Systems: A Systematic Review (Full Report), Toronto: Institute for Work & Health, 2005, pp.153 (with Lynda Robson, Judy Clarke, Kimberley Cullen, Amber Bielecky, Colette Severin, Philip Bigelow, Emma Irvine and Quenby Mahood).
and Combining Evidence for Health System Guidance. Ottawa:
Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, 2005, pp.38. (with Jonathan Lomas,
Chris McCutcheon, Laura McAuley and Susan Law)