Electronic Assistive Technology (EAT) is being more widely deployed to enable people with disabilities and the elderly to increase their independence and quality of life. To do so, however, the EAT must be dependable, performing exactly as expected each time it is called upon. The technology also needs to be designed and installed so that it is actually used, and it must answer the real needs and wishes of its users.
The HEAT workshop is aimed at practitioners, developers, researchers
and users of all kinds of EAT in domestic
settings, such as:
The intention of the workshop is to encourage dialogue and debate
between the various
of people involved in designing, developing, deploying and using EAT in
the home. These will include (but are not limited to):
The workshop programme has been designed to present as broad a range as possible of pertinent issues whilst still allowing plenty of time for open discussions.
A printable version of the programme is available (from here).
Day 1 (16th March)
14:00 Welcome:
Guy Dewsbury (Dept of
Computing, Lancaster University) and Gordon Baxter (Dept. of
Psychology, University of York)
14:10 An introduction to DIRC and the relationship between
dependability and EAT in the home:
Jones (Technical Director,
DIRC project)
14:30 Keynote Talk:
Dependability Issues in Smart House Design:
Dr Roger Orpwood (Bath
Institute of Medical Engineering)
15:30 Tea break
16:00 Panel session: What are the factors that make an
EAT system "good"?
Chaired by Andrew Monk (CUHTec)
Kevin Doughty (CUHTec)
Jenny Jarred (Age Concern York)
Roger Orpwood (Bath Institute of Medical Engineering)
Elizabeth Sergeant (Aberdeen City Social Work Department)
Ian Somerville (Computing Department, Lancaster University)
17:00 Closing comments
19:30 Workshop dinner
Day 2 (17th March)
09:30 Keynote Talk:
Dependability and Electronic Assistive Technology: A Service Provider's
Elizabeth Sergeant
(Social Work Manager, Aberdeen City
Social Work Department)
10:30 Short papers session 1: Making EAT dependable in practice
Development of a
once-off telephone security switch:
Martin (Central Remedial Clinic,
West Midlands
regional strategy for Electronic Assistive Technology: Building a
dependable service delivery model:
P. Palmer,
L. Elliot, J. Gillies
& C. Thursfield (Access
to Communication and Technology, West
Midlands Rehabilitation Centre)
11:15 Coffee break
11:45 Short papers session 2: Methods and tools
Easy for
everyone: Using components to offer specialised interfaces for
Bagnall, G. Dewsbury
& I. Sommerville (Dept. of Computing, Lancaster University)
user research for inclusive design:
S. Keates, J. Clarkson (Engineering Design Centre, Cambridge
University) & J. Cassim (Helen Hamley Research Centre, RCA)
evaluation of the Psychosocial Impact of Assistive Devices Scale:
P. Palmer & A. Negus (Access to
Communication and Technology, West Midlands Rehabilitation Centre)
12:45 Lunch
13:45 Long papers session: The future of EAT
Extending the
role of telecare and assistive technologies in supporting vulnerable
groups in the community:
K. Doughty
requirements to aid the design of virtual companions for later life:
D. Maciuszek, N. Shahmehri & J. Aberg
(Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Linkoping University)
SMS messaging & supporting community care:
K. Cheverst, D. Fitton & M.
Rouncefield (Dept. of Computing, Lancaster University)
15:15 Tea break
15:45 Short papers session 3:
Automated care
Using support
dogs to inform assistive technology: Towards an artificial seizure
alert system:
S. Lawson (School of
Computing, Napier University), D. Wells (School of Psychology, Queen's
University, Belfast) &
Strong (Support Dogs, Sheffield)
Do you want to
be looked after by a robot?
M. Blythe & D. Reed (CUHTec)
16:30 Closing comments
17:00 Close
The cost for the full workshop (one and a half days) is £95. There
is also a discounted rate
for students and elderly or disabled people of £40 for the full
workshop. Those people who register for the full workshop will also be
given a ticket for the workshop dinner which will be held on the
evening of 16th March.
The daily rates for the workshop are £40 per person for Tuesday 16th
March (half day) and £80 per person for Wednesday 17th March (full day).
The workshop fees includes workshop proceedings,
tea, coffee and lunch (on Wednesday 17th).
Attendance is strictly
limited to 70 people, so places will
be assigned on a first come, first served basis.
Registration for the HEAT Workshop is by downloading and completing
the form
here) and returning it
post to the address on the form. Participants
with special requirements should contact the workshop organisers (for
contact details see under Further
The workshop is being held in the Huntingdon Room at the historical
King's Manor site in central York. See http://www.york.ac.uk/admin/presspr/kmanor/
for more details.
Workshop attendees will be responsible for arranging their own accommodation. Details of accommodation that is regularly used by visitors to the University of York can be found at http://www.york.ac.uk/admin/accom/returner/usefullocal.htm.
More information can be obtained from Gordon Baxter (g.baxter@psych.york.ac.uk)
or Guy Dewsbury (g.dewsbury@lancaster.ac.uk).
We acknowledge the support of for assisting in this