Artificial Intelligence Group (page under redevelopment)
AISB'11 Convention (Chair)
ILP 2019 (Chair)
About me:
Research team and topics
Publications (York Research Database: 1996-2021)
Publications (old list: 1993-2018)
Google Scholar page
Full CV (June 2020)
Brief CV (PDF)
Intelligent Systems 3: Probabilistic and Deep Learning
Evolutionary and Adaptive Computing
Current projects:
- AI and Telemedicine for Covid-19 (Principal investigator)
Current PhD students:
- Hani Elgabou: Arabic dialects and Natural Language Processing
- Noof Alfear: Automated text simplification
- Fakher Raza: Modelling anomalies in pipeline transport networks
- Chris Solomou: AI in Health
- Can Erten: Machine Learning and Ontologies for Mining Financial Data
- Zainab Almugbel: AI for Medical Terminology in Arabic
- Tianda Sun: Open Relation Extraction from Text
- Sorush Lajevardi: Recommendation Systems
- Charmaine Barker: Automating Fair Hiring Decisions
- Taghreed Alqaisi: Dependency-based Bilingual Word Embeddings (submitted)
Recent PhD alumni:
- Haizhou Qu: Financial forecasting using online news
- Nurul Qomariyah: Machine Learning of Ontologies for Recommender Systems
- Mudita Sharma: Population-based Local Search Algorithms
- Matthew Butler: Computational Intelligence for Analysis Concerning Financial Modelling and the Adaptive Market Hypothesis
PhD applications in Machine Learning and Optimisation, Computational Linguistics, AI in Finance are welcome.
