The English Parsed Corpora Series
1.3 million words
Anthony Kroch, Ann Taylor
The York-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Poetry
78,000 words
Susan Pintzuk, Leendert Plug
The York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose
1.5+ million words
Ann Taylor, Anthony Warner, Susan Pintzuk, Frank Beths
The Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Early Modern English
1.5 million words (in production)
Anthony Kroch, Beatrice Santorini
The Parsed Corpus of Early English Correspondance
2 million words (starts production May 2003)
Ann Taylor, Anthony Warner, Susan Pintzuk (York)
Terttu Nevalainen, Arja Nurmi and members of the Sociolinguistics and
Language History Project Team (Helsinki)
The Penn Treebank (Modern English)
2.5+ million words
Mitch Marcus,