- Introduction
- What's new
- Running CorpusSearch
- The command file
- The node
- The query
- Search-terms
- Wild cards
- Logical operators
- Logical operator AND
- Same-instance
- Prefix indices
- Logical operator NOT
- Logical operator OR
- Output
- Preface
- Body
- Summary
- Search-functions
- exists
- precedes
- iPrecedes
- anyPrecedes
- iDominates
- iDomsOnly
- iDomsNumber#
- iDomsLast#
- Search-functions (cont)
- domsWords#
- domsWords<#
- domsWords>#
- iDomsTotal#
- iDomsTotal<#
- iDomsTotal>#
- inID
- column
- Commands
Preference files
- Search commands
- node:
- query:
- ignore_nodes:
- add_to_ignore:
- define:
- iDoms_conj_switch:
- iDoms_first_conj and iDoms_subseq_conj
- Printing commands
- nodes_only:
- remove_nodes:
- print_complement:
- print_indices:
- begin_remark: end_remark
- print_ur_text:
- only_ur_text:
- set_margin:
- The lexicon function
- Coding
- The coding file