Graphic description: VenUS II Figure 3

This is line graph with one line. The horizontal scale shows Time in days, labelled 0, 100, 200, 300, 400. The vertical scale shows Proportion healed, labelled 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0. There is a line which runs horizontally from time = 0 and proportion healed = 0 to time = 40 and proportion healed = 0. The line then rises to time = 140 and proportion healed = 0.4. The line then rises less steeply to time = 365 and proportion healed = 0.67.

There is a horizontal line through proportion healed = 0.5, labelled "Median". There is a vertical line through time = 140, labelled "Planned". There is a vertical line through time = 230, labelled "Observed".

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This page is maintained by Martin Bland
Last updated: 13 March, 2009.