Graph description: Figure 7. Arm lymphatic flow in rheumatoid arthritis with oedema

A scatter diagrams.

The horizontal axis shows Group, a categorical variable with three categories: "No RA, no oedema", "RA", and "RA + oedema". There are two columns of points for each group, one for Right arm and the other for Left arm. In every case, the two columns are similar and will be described together.

The vertical axis shows "Activity after two hours" and is numbered 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20.

For the No RA, no oedema group the points form a vertical column from Activity = 2 to Activity = 11. For the RA group the points form a vertical column from Activity = 2 to Activity = 17. For the RA + oedema group the points form a vertical column from Activity = 0 to Activity = 5. In each of these columns of points, there are more points near the bottom than near the top, where they are quite sparse.

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This page maintained by Martin Bland.
Last updated: 15 January, 2020.