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Dept. of Physics, P.O. Box 351560,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1560, USA
An Overview of the Transactional Interpretation
J. G. Cramer

Published in the International Journal of Theoretical Physics 27, 227 (1988).
The transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics is summarized and
various points concerning the transactional interpretation and its
relation to the Copenhagen
interpretation are considered. Questions concerning mapping the
transactional interpretation onto the Copenhagen
interpretation, of
advanced waves as solutions to proper wave equations, of collapse and the quantum
formalism, and of the relation of quantum mechanical interpretations to
experimental tests and results are discussed.
- Introduction
- Summary of the Transactional Interpretation
- Differences between the Transactional and the Copenhagen
- Equivalence Mapping of Interpretations
- Advanced Waves and the Appropriateness of Wave Equations
- Collapse and the Quantum Mechanics Formalism
- Experimental Tests and the Transactional Interpretation
- References
- About this document ...
John G. Cramer
Tue Apr 30 12:12:30 PDT 1996
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