BibTeX reference

@incollection {lncs4105-2006meng,
   author = {Meng, Hongying and Pears, Nick and Bailey, Chris},
   affiliation = {Department of Computer Science, The University of York, York, YO10 5DD UK},
   title = {Human Action Classification Using SVM_2K Classifier on Motion Features},
   booktitle = {Multimedia Content Representation, Classification and Security},
   series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
   editor = {Gunsel, Bilge and Jain, Anil and Tekalp, A. and Sankur, Bülent},
   publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
   pages = {458-465},
   volume = {4105},
   url = {},
   note = {10.1007/11848035_61},
   year = {2006}