Computing Insights UK Cluster Challenge

Are you interested in learning more about supercomputers? Would you like to try novel computing hardware?

We are forming a York team for the student cluster challenge(SCC). This is a series of online challenges for up to 6 students (undergraduate-PhD) from any subject area to enter the world of high performance computing. They foster team spirit, practical skills in performance optimization and system administration as well as experience with latest supercomputing technologies. SCCs are the perfect opportunity to get in contact with potential employers and enable you to gain new knowledge in a highly motivating and exciting environment together with like-minded peers

A series of training events will be held to bring entrants up to speed on supercomputing hardware and how the various underlying technologies work. This will be expanded upon in hands-on demonstrations and practical experience on test-machines provided by industrial partners, and as such, no previous experience is required.

Teams of up to six students will complete a number of online challenges over the weeks leading up to the conference, followed by a series of in-person challenges during the Computing Insights event on 5-6 December in Manchester. Based on the CIUK competition, a CIUK team will be identified to compete in the International Supercomputing Student Cluster Challenge in Summer 2024. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to participate.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the SCC team get in touch with an email to Peter Byrne(, briefly stating:

If you want to learn more about the SCC, their webpages are available online: