2 The Structure of an HTML Page

2.1 Markup Tags

As we've already mentioned, HTML is a markup language which means it contains tags to describe its content. In HTML these tags are contained within a pair of angled brackets. We use <TAG> to define the start of the region the tag is applied to, and </TAG> to define the end, like this:
HTML tags are not case-sensitive, so it doesn't matter whether you use TAG, tag, tAg or any other mixture that takes your fancy.

2.2 HTML Document Structure

Every HTML document starts with the tag <html> and ends with </html>, to tell the browser that the text is in fact HTML; this might seem obvious, but most browsers will handle a wide variety of document types. Next is the <head>...</head> section. Data in the header of the document is not usually displayed, but it can contain a lot of meta-data, i.e. data about the document itself, such as its author, the date it was written, related keywords etc. Probably the most useful entry here is the <title>...</title> line, which sets the title of the page. Like all header information this title is not displayed on the page itself, but it is displayed on the title line of the browser window.

After the header comes the main body of the document, and this is enclosed in <body>...</body> tags. This is where the bulk of the information is contained; within this region all of your text, links, images, tables and lists are described.

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