Next: About this document ...
Up: Introduction to the Linux
Previous: Plotting Data
- man and info
Help pages.
- cd
Change directory; cd .. will take you to the parent
directory, cd to your home directory and cd - back
to wherever you were before.
- pwd
Print the working (current) directory.
- ls
List files and directories.
- mv, cp and rm
Move, copy and remove files.
- mkdir and rmdir
Make and remove directories.
- ln -s
Create a link to a file.
- df
Find out how much disk space is free.
- du
Find out how much disk space is being used by this directory.
- quota -v
Find out how much disk space is being used by you on an NFS filesystem.
- cat
Concatenate files or write to the terminal.
- echo
Write a text string or variable to the terminal.
- find
Search for a file.
- grep
Search for text within a file.
- more and less
Look at a file.
- head and tail
Look at the top or bottom of a file.
- vi and emacs
Edit a file.
- bash and csh
Start a new bash or csh shell.
- alias and unalias
Create or remove your own aliases to commands.
- ps and top
Find out what processes are running.
- nice and renice
Set or change the niceness of a process.
- fg and bg
Make a suspended process run in the foreground or background.
- kill
Stop a running process.
- mount and umount
Put a devices files at a specified mount point.
- finger
Find out who someone is.
- chmod, chown and chgrp
Change permissions and ownership of files.
- ssh, scp and sftp
Log into and transfer files to or from a remote machine.
- gnuplot and xmgrace
Plot data.
- ooffice
General suite of office applications.
Next: About this document ...
Up: Introduction to the Linux
Previous: Plotting Data
Phil Hasnip