Yorkshire Bach Choir
Conductor - Peter Seymour

Concert Series 2001/2002
St Michael-le-Belfrey, York
3 November 2001 at 7.30pm
£12.00 (concessions £10.00)
The North German Baroque and the Church’s Year
with Yorkshire Baroque Soloists
JS Bach Cantata
61: Nun komm, der heiden Heiland (Advent)
Cantata: Hosianna dem Sohne David (Advent)
Buxtehude Cantata: Das neugeborne Kindelein
Buxtehude Cantata: Jesu, meine Freude
JS Bach Cantata
4: Christ lag in Todesbanden (Easter)
Buxtehude and Tunder established the style of the north German Baroque
cantata. This concert sets their work alongside that of their younger
contemporary Bach in a programme that explores different responses to the
liturgical year.
With financial assistance from Yorkshire Arts.
Financially supported by Making Music from funds provided by Yorkshire
1 December 2001 at 7.30pm
£15.00 (concessions £12.00)
Handel - Messiah
Yvonne Seymour - soprano
James Bowman - counter tenor
Joseph Cornwell - tenor
David Thomas - bass
Yorkshire Baroque Soloists
Some of Handel’s best-loved music is found in Messiah, from
the grandeur of the Hallelujah Chorus to the anguish of ‘He was despised’.
Now inextricably connected with the Christmas season, Messiah should
form part of everyone’s celebrations.
Supported by Barclays
2 February 2002 at 7.30pm
£10.00 (concessions £8.00)
Music of the Iberian Peninsula and the New World
Victoria - Requiem and motets by Guerrero, Morales, Lobo, Padilla,
Iberia and its New World colonies saw a flowering of magnificent
choral music in the service of the Church. Bringing together
Victoria's masterpiece, Requiem: Missa pro defunctis, with works
by other composers from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, this concert
will be a feast of stunning sound.
9 March 2002 at 7.30pm
£15.00 (concessions £12.00)
Mozart - Requiem
Haydn - Nelson Mass
Emma Kirkby - soprano
Jeanette Ager - contralto
Joshua Ellicott - tenor
Thomas Thomaschke - bass
Yorkshire Baroque Soloists
We need - and offer - no excuse for performing two of our favourite
works together. Both Mozart's final work, heard here in the completion
Duncan Druce made for Yorkshire Bach Choir in 1990, and Haydn's Nelson
Mass are works of profound depth and marvellous invention.
25 May 2002 at 7.30pm
£10.00 (concessions £8.00)
Music & Politics
This programme explores repertoire occasioned by political events or making
political comment and composers featured include Byrd, Lassus, Gombert
and Schütz. From the subtle Catholic recusancy and comment of some
of Byrd's motets to the flattering swagger of Schütz as he celebrates
various events and treaties from the 30 Years' War, we explore the intimate
relationship between music and politics.
Sponsored by Denison Till
22 June 2002 at 7.30pm
£12.00 (concessions £10.00)
Spectacular psalms and motets from Selve morale e spirituale (1641)
including Gloria à 7, Dixit Dominus à 8, Beatus Vir
à 6 and Magnificat à 8
The splendours of Renaissance Italy come brilliantly to life in the church
music of Claudio Monteverdi, much of it written for St Mark’s in Venice.
For sheer splendour of vocal sound and breathtaking originality, these
psalms and motets are the equal of the composer’s famed 1610 Vespers.
Sponsored by Yorkshire Television
Yorkshire Bach Choir receives generous financial support from Arts Council
of England, National Federation of Music Societies and Yorkshire Arts (with
funds provided by the Arts Council of England).
Yorkshire Bach Choir acknowledges with thanks the generous sponsorship
of Yorkshire Television and of Denison Till Solicitors, and the financial
support of Barclays Bank, R.M. Burton Charitable Trust, the Trustees of
the Earl of Harewood's Charitable Settlement and Sessions of York.
Booking Details
Subscribe and save more than 20%!
Subscription tickets for the six concerts of the 2001-2002 season cost
only £59.00 - you SAVE MORE THAN 20% on the price of single
tickets! Those entitled to concessions - students, people with pensions
and most benefit claimants - pay just £47.50.
Half Season (any three concerts) - choose any THREE concerts, add up the
cost and deduct 15%.
Youth and Music: 50p off the concession rate (single tickets). £2
off subscription rates.
Student Stand-by: at the door, £2.00
Children under 16: Free
All seats are unreserved. Regular patrons often bring a cushion!
Season tickets (£59; £47.50 concessions), individual tickets
and details of special ‘early booking’ offers are available from:
Anna Fitzgerald (Ticket Secretary),
Glebe Cottage, Church End, Sheriff Hutton, York YO60 6SY (please send SAE
Telephone: (01347) 878180
Single Tickets may be purchased at the door, or from:
Ticket World, 6 Patrick Pool, York (01904 644194)
Yorkshire Bach Choir gives concerts, both unaccompanied and with instrumentalists,
for Music Societies and other groups, and welcomes enquiries from organisers.
If you wish to be included on our freemailing list, please contact:
Yorkshire Bach Choir Administration, 11 Bootham Terrace, York, Y030 7DH
Registered Charity No. 700412
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