Module L212 Firthian Prosodic Analysis

This document contains links to lecture notes used on L212 FPA. It is taught over 9 weeks in one term, three hours a week. Half the time is given over to lectures, the other half to a seminar.

The notes are available in rtf format. They were prepared using Microsoft Word 5 on a Macintosh.

Please feel free to use these notes, but please acknowledge their source. If you have any comments or feedback, that's welcome too!

Course outline


An extensive bibliography of work in the FPA tradition.

Lecture 1

Introduction and background to FPA

Lecture 2

Terminology 1, including "prosody"

Lecture 3

Terminology 2, including polysystems

Lecture 4

Phonetic exponency 1: separation of levels

Lecture 5

Phonetic exponency 2: exponency relations, and constraints on exponency

Lecture 6

Congruence of levels: relations to grammar

Lecture 7

Modern FPA: modern interpretations of FPA

Lecture 8

FPA and other phonological theories.

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