Projects for 2001/2002
Richard Paige
Note: I am joining the Department of Computer Science, University of York,
in March 2001, though I won't be physically in England on a regular basis
until July 2001 (it's complicated, and a little surreal, isn't it?).
The best way to contact me between now and July is by email:
We can arrange a phone conversation too.
RFP/1 - Extending a BON CASE Tool
(Suitable for CS/MEng PR4)
A CASE tool for drawing, manipulating, and storing object-oriented models in the BON
modelling language has been constructed. BON, effectively, is equivalent to an Eiffel
profile of UML, and supports modelling of static structure (e.g., via class diagrams that
show classes, packages, interfaces, and relationships) and dynamic structure. The tool,
implemented in Java/Swing using the GEF framework of the University of Southern
California, currently supports static modelling (including interfaces), generates XML and
JML code, and implements most of the BON metamodel.
A number of projects are possible, related to studying, evaluating, extending, and improving
the CASE tool:
- adding dynamic modelling capabilities, e.g., interaction/sequence diagrams,
following the BON reference manual. This should implement the BON metamodel
as well, i.e., objects should be instances of existing classes, etc. The potential for adding a code generator for producing test scripts also exists.
- add a new code generator. A code generation design pattern has been used, designed
to make addition of new generators reasonably straightforward. Of particular interest
would be a generator for Java (based on the existing generator for JML), Eiffel, Ada, or
even UML models represented using XMI or MOF.
- usability testing of the CASE tool. A detailed user evaluation or heuristic evaluation of
the tool, perhaps in comparison with a commercial tool like ISE's EiffelCASE, would serve
to suggest improvements to the user interface.
- a reverse engineering tool, which produces BON models from Java code, could be
implemented. This would require an implementation of a graph layout algorithm (a number
of Java packages exist that could be reused). This project would be more challenging,
from an implementation perspective, than the preceding ones.
A key challenge with these projects is understanding an existing, substantial
system. Adding new features and functionality to the CASE tool should not be
overly difficult, given the extendible nature of its design.
K. Walden and J.-M. Nerson, Seamless Object-Oriented Software Architecture,
Prentice-Hall, 1995.
G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh, I. Jacobsen, The UML Reference Guide, Addison-Wesley, 1999.
The Argo/UML Tool documentation, available from (the BON
CASE tool is constructed using the framework of Argo/UML)
G. Leavens et al. Preliminary Design of JML, Iowa State Technical Report,
available from
RFP/2 - Object-Oriented Modelling in PVS
(Suitable for CS/MEng PR4)
The PVS system is an industrially applicable theorem prover and type checker based on higher order logic. It is strongly typed and provides semi-automatic support for reasoning. It has been successfully
applied to a number of industrial verification tasks, e.g., microprocessor verification, software
verification, compiler verification, etc. This project examines the use of the PVS specification language
for object-oriented modelling. PVS provides no object-oriented constructs (e.g., classes, associations,
objects, etc.) so the project will focus on designing an encoding of object-oriented models in PVS. In
particular, the project can take two approaches:
- express BON, a simple object-oriented modelling language (wherein the only modelling abstractions are classes and package, and all relationships are directed) in PVS. This should consider modelling abstractions, associations, aggregations, inheritance, method overriding, and constraints,
i.e., pre- and postconditions as well as class invariants.
- express a core subset of UML (e.g., class diagrams and a dynamic diagram) in PVS. Constraints written in OCL need not be considered.
Based on the mapping, a tool could be constructed (perhaps within the BON CASE tool framework
discussed in RFP/1, above) to automate the generation of PVS theories from BON or UML models.
The main challenge with this project is to devise the mapping from the modelling
language into PVS. This is primarily a theoretical exercise; implementing a
code generator for the translation should be mechanical. I forsee particular
challenges in translating inheritance and method overriding into PVS. Thus,
the theoretical aspects of this project offer more challenges than other
projects that I offer. I do recommend that you have some experience with
logic and functional programming if you choose to take up this project.
K. Walden and J.-M. Nerson, Seamless Object-Oriented Software Architecture,
Prentice-Hall, 1995.
G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh, I. Jacobsen, The UML Reference Guide, Addison-Wesley, 1999.
S. Owre et al., The PVS Specification Language, CSL-SRI Technical Report, September 1999. Available from
RFP/3 - Redesigning a Compiler in Java
(Suitable for CS/MEng PR4)
A compiler (written in C) for a small imperative programming
language is to be redesigned and rewritten in Java.
The project involves two significant parts:
- formulating an object-oriented design for the compiler,
given an existing functional/imperative design
- implementing the design in Java
The compiler consists of several components: a lexical analyzer,
a table-driven LL(1) parser, a symbol table, a type checker and
scope controller, a code generator, and a small Virtual Machine.
Each component may have to be redesigned and will have to be
implemented in the chosen language. The C code for the compiler is
about 10000 lines.
There are a number of degrees of freedom with this project,
for example:
- redesign the LL(1) parser to an LALR(1) parser, and
make use of parser generating tools, e.g., JavaCC,
ANTLR, JavaYacc, etc.
- change the target language. The target language is a
small machine language that has some similarity to Java
byte code. In particular, the target language could become
Java byte code.
- modify the source language to include new features, such
as classes, modules, or concurrency.
I see this project as being of moderate difficulty, given the wealth of
compiler-writing tools that are available. The second option, wherein
the target language for the compiler is changed, is more challenging
and will require experience with Java and an understanding of the
Java VM.
- any Java reference book, e.g., the Java Programming Language
from Sun.
- Aho, Sethi, Ullman: "Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools"
- Fischer and Leblanc: "Crafting a Compiler in C"
- Appel: "Modern Compiler Implementation in Java"
RFP/4 - Performance Analysis of Generics in Java, Eiffel, and C++
(Suitable for CS/MEng PR4)
Generic types (also known as templates) are a language facility that is
available in C++ (in the form of templates, as in the STL) and Eiffel (in the
form of generic classes), and, soon, Java (as offered by the proposal GJ).
This project will involve quantitative comparison of the generic
techniques offered in C++, Eiffel, and Java. In particular, the following
generic techniques will be quantitatively compared:
- C++ templates as available in the GNU-C++ implementation of the STL
- A "fast" implementation of C++ STL from SGI:
- Eiffel generic classes
- Generic classes in the proposed Generic-Java from Sun.
Small programs will be written in each of the languages, using the generic
techniques offered by the language. Time and space requirements for the programs
will be gathered (e.g., using a profiler), and the languages compared, with the
intent of discovering how each approach differs. In particular, analysis
should look at memory footprint and how use of generics impacts on the
time spent in garbage collection in Java and Eiffel (and, for example,
in C++ instrumented with a collector like BDW).
A key challenge with this project is in identifying suitable benchmarks
and in interpreting the results of the performance analysis.
- standard language references for C++, Eiffel, and Java (e.g.,
Stroustrup, Meyer, and Gosling)
- R. Jones, Garbage Collection, Wiley, 1996.
- web references for STL and Generic Java (see above and
RFP/5 - Expressing OCL in PVS
(Suitable for CS/MEng PR4)
The Object Constraint Language is part of standard UML. It is used for writing constraints
that can be applied to models, for example:
- pre- and postconditions for methods
- invariant clauses for classes
- general constraints on classifiers or modelling elements, e.g., constraints that are
applied to packages
Tool support is need for manipulating and reasoning about OCL constraints. This project
will study the feasibility of using the PVS language for specifying OCL, and using the PVS
theorem prover for reasoning about OCL constraints.
The project will involve:
- identifying a core subset of OCL for expressing in PVS, e.g., basic expressions and
terms, and forAll quantifiers and collections.
- expressing flattened collections in PVS. OCL is not based on standard set theory; for
example, sets of sets cannot be expressed - rather, sets of sets are flattened. PVS sets
are not flattened, thus a theory of flattened collections needs to be developed. Potentially,
this could be founded on Hehner's bunch theory (a simple set theory for unstructured,
unordered datatypes - see the reference below).
- expressing basic OCL quantifiers in PVS
- reasoning about OCL expressions, e.g., satisfiability, totality, equality of two OCL
expressions, etc.
I expect this to be a challenging project. The semantics of OCL are unclear
in many places, and there are likely many pitfalls in mapping it to a
well-founded language like PVS. However, the potential for making a
contribution to the UML development and to our understanding of OCL is
great (this may lead to publishable work). I think the main challenge in
this project will be in considering the alternatives for mapping OCL to
PVS, and weighing the pros and cons of each.
J. Warmer and A. Kleppe, The Object Constraint Language, Addison-Wesley, 1999.
S. Owre et al, The PVS Specification Language, CSL SRI Technical Report, Sept 1999,
available from
E.C.R. Hehner, A Practical Theory of Programming, Springer-Verlag, 1993.