Roberto Metere

University of York Lecturer in Cyber Security and Privacy

Research Interests

Throughout my research career, I have developed expertise in the formal verification of security properties for cryptographic constructions, algorithms, and protocols. My focus lies in mechanizing these constructions to ensure security properties in both the computational and symbolic models — two widely recognized and rigorous mathematical models in the field of security.
In recent times, I have extended my application of formal models to assess cybersecurity in cyber-physical systems.
My work ultimately aims to analyse security properties, enhance reproducibility, simplify understandability, and formalize the correctness of cryptographic constructions, algorithms, and protocols.


  • Aug'24 Paper accepted at SEFM'24 preprint
  • Dec'23 Found potential errata to the specification of the WiFi standard authentication
    • Jan'24 Designated Expert commenting the security of 802.11 standard
    • May'24 Designated Expert to discuss proposed security patches to the 802.11 standard — Approved security patches are yet to appear
  • Jun'23 Joined program committee of ESORICS'23
  • Feb'23 Guest editor of a special issue (cyber security in smart grids) of the journal Energies Journal page
  • Jun'22 Joining the Cyber Security and Privacy Research Group at University of York Research group page
  • Apr'22 Awarded a small research funding by NUCoRE Idea Factory (Cyber Security & Privacy) NUCoREs
  • Apr'22 Joining the project ABC (Active Building Centre Research Programme)
  • Mar'22 Paper accepted at FormaliSE'22 preprint artefact
  • Apr'21 White paper on cybersecurity of the vehicle-to-grid ecosystem white paper
    • May'21 Exchange on the paper with exponents from Ofgem (Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, UK).
    • Jun'21 Consultancy/exchange on ISO15118-20/PLC with CHAdeMO group; exponents from Nissan, TEPCO, Subaru, Panasonic and Mitsubishi Electric were invited too.
    • Jan'22 Exchange on the paper with exponents from OZEV (Office for Zero Emissions Vehicles, UK).
    • Jan'24 Consultancy/exchange with BT.
  • Apr'21 Joined UK-SPS (Cyber Security & Privacy Seminar Series) organizing committee
  • Nov'20 Paper published in Lecture Notes in Theoretical Computer Science preprint
  • May'20 Paper accepted at IEEE Security & Privacy preprint
  • Apr'20 Technical paper technical paper
  • Jun'19 Joining the project e4Future e4Future
  • May'19 Paper accepted at ACM Symposium on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) - poster/short paper preprint poster
  • Jan'19 Paper accepted at Science of Computer Programming preprint
  • Feb'18 Paper accepted at IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS) preprint


My research output can be found at the pages google scholar and dblp computer science bibliography.

Previous projects

I had the pleasure to work as a researcher in two post-doc projects: e4Future and the Active Building Centre Research Programme.
In the e4Future project, I studied the security of communications in a vehicle-to-grid (V2G) ecosystem. Vehicle-to-grid enables electric vehicles with bidirectional energy transfer. My research in e4Future has been jointly organized by the Newcastle University, The Alan Turing Institute, and Innovate UK.
During my research in the Active Building Centre Research Programme, I have been studying the cybersecurity, including but not limiting to privacy and authentication, of remote control and other aspects of smart buildings. The project focuses on those buildings that have added capability of distributed energy generation (active buildings), among other features.

Research projects

Current and past research projects where I worked in, or where my research output directly contributed to.

Active Building Centre Research Programme (ABC)

The Active Building Centre Research Programme is researching and developing innovative tools and technologies that will ensure buildings of all scales contribute to a reduction in carbon emissions and a more sustainable built environment.
I research the cybersecurity aspects of communications in the context of active buildings, under the supervision of Charles Morisset at Newcastle University.


Aggregate commercial EV fleets for energy flexibility services through the V2G technology, leading industry partner is Nissan.
I research the cybersecurity aspects related to the communication protocols used by electric vehicles. My supervisors were Myriam Neaimeh, leading the Vehicle grid integration project at The Alan Turing Institute, London, and Charles Morisset at Newcastle University.

Practical Data-intensive Secure Computation: a Data Structural Approach

Make scientific advances by investigating both data structures and cryptography.
I collaborated in this project during my doctorate, under the supervision of Changyu Dong, principal investigator of the project.


The SEEV project aims to develop a new generation of e-voting called the self-enforcing e-voting system.
I collaborated as a researcher in this project with expertise on formal verification and mechanisation of cryptographic protocols.


Build fully verified and secure hypervisors for embedded systems.
I started my collaboration with researchers working in PROSPER during my ERASMUS+ experience at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, Sweden) in 2015.


UK Security & Privacy Seminar series.
A collaboration between 24 UK Universities with speakers across the globe, and with the aim of sharing world leading research into the current cyber security landscape.

Some other projects

Some of these projects are somehow part of my research, can be unfunded research projects, spare time projects, exercises, hobbies or curiosities.

Presentations in LaTeX beamer

University of York (un)official beamer template.

ProVerif syntax highlight

Syntax highlight support for the applied pi-calculus language of ProVerif in KDE editors (Kate, KWrite, Kile, ...).

One cryptographic design, multiple interpretations!

We explore a novel data-centric approach, to design and model a cryptographic protocol once in a structured specification, and to enjoy its description into multiple target languages.

Globe graph of current Covid-19

Worldwide cases and deaths officially related to Covid-19. Official (raw) data are collected from Today, it is just be a 3D globe graph exercise.


Wanna play? get your entry-level SQL-injection skills right.

Smart building public data

This is a simple, alternatively-rendered, and easy-to-clone version of the Urban Observatory, a 3D model of the Urban Sciences Building at Newcastle University that publishes real-time sensors' data.
(my office was 6.012)

You are the seed

Generate a random password as you surf this page, just move your mouse, scroll or touch. The randomness will depend on your own movements, so that its entropy is augmented according to an additional source of uncertainty.
(all is done locally)

SRS talklets

Booking system of talks, seminars and group discussions given at the Secure and Resilient Systems group at the School of Computing in Newcastle University.

  • Project has been discontinued as I moved to University of York

Academic Service



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