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I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. - A. Einstein

I am a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Computer Science within the Department of Computer Science at the University of York, UK. I received a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Cyprus (2010), and an MSc in Software Engineering (2011) and a PhD in Computer Science (2016) both from the University of York, UK.


Looking for a PhD?

I am looking for PostDoctoral researchers and PhD candidates in Software Engineering and AI for Trustworthy Robotics and Autonomous Systems. If you are interested, read this first and get in touch.

Research Interests

The engineering of trustworthy software for autonomous systems through the development of rigorous tool-supported approaches using model-based analysis, testing and formal verification.

Key Research Areas
  • Responsible & Trustworthy AI
    Develop techniques that enable establishing the trustworthiness of Artificial Intelligence and drive its use in critical autonomous systems

  • Resilient autonomous systems
    Devise approaches for trustworthy adaptation in robotics and autonomous systems using lightweight formal methods and model-driven engineering

  • Search-based software engineering
    Address software engineering problems and tame their large decision spaces through methods that employ evolutionary algorithms

Latest News


Nature Communications Engineering paper on Bayesian learning for the robust verification of autonomous robots      

AAAI24 paper on Robust Uncertainty Quantification using Conformalised Monte Carlo Prediction  

SOPRANO (Horizon Europe project) on Socially-Acceptable and Trustworthy Human-Robot Teaming for Agile Industries

AI4Work (Horizon Europe project) on Human-centric Digital Twin Approaches to Trustworthy AI and Robotics for Improved Working Conditions