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Programming languages can be classified in a variety of ways. One
major division is between procedural languages and
declarative languages. Procedural languages require the
programmer to specify in some detail the steps the program must
execute in order to accomplish its intended task. In declarative
languages, on the other hand, the programmer provides in the program a
definition of the task to be accomplished, but is not concerned with
the details of how the computer will use the definition.
Most conventional programming languages (Basic, C, Fortran, Pascal
etc.) are procedural. Prolog belongs to the class of declarative
programming languages. It gets its name (PROgramming in LOGic)
because it is modelled on first order logic and (in principle)
requires the programmer to give a logical model of the task to
be undertaken. This makes programming in Prolog a rather different
experience to programming in a procedural language.
In introducing Prolog, I have followed Pereira and Shieber (1987)
in breaking it down into three stages. The first, Database
Prolog, is a restricted subset which allows us to exemplify some
of the basic ideas. The second, Pure Prolog, is an extension
of the first which maintains a purely logical semantics but introduces
arithmetic, recursion and lists. The final extension, to Full
Prolog, takes us into the range of extra-logical constructs,
such as input and output, negation and flow of control.
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Steve Harlow