Next: append/3
Up: Recursion and lists
Previous: Recursion
A classical example of recursion in list-processing is identifying
whether some item is an element of a list. This predicate is
commonly called member/2. It is true if the item is on the
list, and false otherwise. The base is that situation where we
can be sure that we have found the item in question on the list.
The limiting case here would be if the item sought is the first
one on the list. We can generalise from this to the following
member(Item, List):-
List = [Item|Rest].
This is OK if the item sought is indeed the first item, but what
if it isn't? In that case, we need to ignore the first item
and proceed to check the remainder (i.e. the tail) of the list (note
the use of the anonymous variable for the item we aren't interested
member(Item, [_|Tail]):-
member(Item, Tail).
If the item sought is on the list, this procedure will find it,
and Prolog will respond with 'yes'; if not, it will fail, and
Prolog will respond with 'no'.
Note that, as usual with many Prolog predicates, member/2
can be used to generate solutions; if the second argument is
instantiated to a list and the first is a variable, the predicate
can to used to select items off the list:
|?- member(X, [a, b, c]).
X = a ? ;
X = b ? ;
X = c ? ;
Next: append/3
Up: Recursion and lists
Previous: Recursion
Steve Harlow