Next: Operators
Up: Recursion and lists
Previous: append/3
Hint: in all of the following, the base involves the case where
the first list argument is the empty list.
Define a predicate delete/3 whose arguments are 1) a
term, 2) a list and 3) another list consisting of the second argument
minus the first occurrence of the term, if it occurs. For example,
delete(b, [a,b,c,a,b], X) should give X = [a,c,a,b].
Note also that delete/3 should not fail; if the item to be
deleted is not on the list, the original list should be returned as
the value of the third argument. E.g. delete(a, [b,c,d], X)
should give X = [b,c,d]
Define a predicate delete_all/3, like delete/3 except
that the third argument is minus all occurrences of the first
argument. E.g. delete_all(b, [a,b,c,a,b], X)
should give X = [a,c,a]. delete_all/3 should
behave like delete/3 if its first argument is not on the list.
Define a predicate reverse/2 whose arguments are both
lists, the second being the mirror image of the first. E.g.
reverse([a,b,c], X) should give X=[c,b,a]. Hint: you
will find it useful to use append/3 in the recursive clause
of reverse/2.
Write a recursive definition that will translate a string of
English words into their French (or German or Swedish or
counterparts). You will need a set of 2-place facts giving the
English and French counterparts, and a two-place recursive rule
that works its way down a list, looking up the word-translations
item by item, and putting the resulting translation into the
second argument. The predicate should produce the following kind
of result:
|?- translate(['John', is, an, idiot], French).
French = [Jean,est,un,imbecile] }
Next: Operators
Up: Recursion and lists
Previous: append/3
Steve Harlow