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The deduction process involves matching terms in the goal against
terms in head of the rule, and terms in the body of the rule
against other terms, either in the head of other rules or against
facts. The matching process used is termed unification.
Briefly, it works as follows:
- to unify, two terms must be of the same arity - that is, they
must take the same number of arguments.
- if this condition is satisfied, then unification reduces ultimately
to a matching of the basic terms in a compound expression. Basic
terms unify as follows:
- identical constants unify (e.g. chas and chas).
- a constant and a variable unify (e.g. chas and
X) - and as a side-effect, the variable becomes instantiated
to the value of the constant. (So from the point of unification on,
the variable ceases to be a variable.)
- two variables unify.
(X and Y will become the same variable).
Assume the following Prolog program, with four facts and one
parent(phil, chas).
parent(liz, chas).
The goal:
is evaluated like this:
|?- mother(liz,chas).
1 1 Call: mother(liz,chas) ?
2 2 Call: female(liz) ?
2 2 Exit: female(liz) ?
3 2 Call: parent(liz,chas) ?
3 2 Exit: parent(liz,chas) ?
1 1 Exit: mother(liz,chas) ?
In this case the terms in the consequent of the rule matched
immediately against facts in the database. Let's add the following
fact and rules to those given above
grandmother(GM, C):-
mother(GM, P),
parent(P, C).
The goal grandmother(liz,harry)
evaluates as follows:
|?- grandmother(liz,harry).
1 1 Call: grandmother(liz,harry) ?
2 2 Call: mother(liz,_732) ?
3 3 Call: female(liz) ?
3 3 Exit: female(liz) ?
4 3 Call: parent(liz,_732) ?
4 3 Exit: parent(liz,chas) ?
2 2 Exit: mother(liz,chas) ?
5 2 Call: parent(chas,harry) ?
5 2 Exit: parent(chas,harry) ?
1 1 Exit: grandmother(liz,harry) ?
As before, Prolog first tries to prove the leftmost term in the
antecedent, but this requires that it search further, since
is not a fact. Only when it has successfully
concluded this subproof (via female/1 and parent/2)
does it continue to attempt the second clause in the definition of
Note that this version of Prolog (like most), renames the variables
you supply it with. In this case C has become _732. This
is to avoid accidental clashes of variable-names. Note also that
when GM unifies with the constant liz, Prolog only uses
the constant in its subsequent search.
Next: Exercises
Up: complete2
Previous: Goals and queries
Steve Harlow