Dear Colleague,


Physics and Electronics Practicals Plus

Due to popular demand the Physics and Electronics Departments join forces to provide sixth formers, from lower or upper sixth, with the opportunity to gain some 'hands-on' practical experience in the University teaching labs.

In addition, there will be 2 short talks on some interesting applications of Physics and Electronics.

Provisional programme:-

10:00 am Arrival and coffee

Opening talk (30 minutes)

Laboratory Experiments (over 3 hours in the teaching labs). The intention is that all students will do most of the experiments, with the assistance of demonstrators. The experiments will be taken from the areas of:

Closing talk (30 minutes)

Talks: The following talks have been provisionally arranged, but we cannot guarantee that there will be no change:

Monday: Science Fiction, Medical Imaging of the Heart, Tuesday: Physics of Flight, Ferro-Fluids,

Wednesday: Medical Imaging of the Heart, Music Technology. Thursday: Chaos, Media Technology,

Friday: Seeing Atoms, Storms in Space


Over the last 5 years more than 1000 sixth formers have attended PEPP, which is financially supported by The University of York and The Institute of Physics.



Please help:

This event is always oversubscribed. Please help us by directing students to the ‘Open Day’ (see below) if they just want to see the city and the University. It is disappointing if students don’t take up places when we have others on a waiting list.


The University Open Day: 9th May 2001 (for all school students considering entry in 2002 or 2003, further details from the Open day Secretary, University of York, Heslington, YO10 5DD)


Please turn over for more information


Physics and Electronics Practicals Plus


Any Questions?


What is it? A day of 'hands-on' experience for sixth formers in university laboratories


Where? The Physics & Electronics Departments, University of York


When? Five one-day events: Monday 19th - Friday 23rd March 2001


How long? From 10:00 - 16:00


Cost? £3-50 per head


Who for? Upper sixth formers studying 'A' level Physics and/or 'A' level Electronics or Technology. Lower sixth formers studying ‘AS’ level who intend to continue with ‘A2’


Lunch? Students will have 1 hour for lunch which they can buy in the student canteen at Derwent College or they can bring a packed lunch.


Bring? Pen or pencil for completing laboratory work. (A handout is provided for students to keep). A calculator may be useful, but is not essential.

Bookings should be made by phoning
the Physics Departmental Secretary, Mrs Y Cook on (01904) 432201


To avoid overcrowding in the laboratories places are limited - bookings will be confirmed and full details sent prior to the event.

All booked places must be paid for as the number of bookings determines the number of demonstrators hired requiring payment.


Course information, advice, and tours/visits at other times of the year are also available - contact:


Information requested when booking by phone:


1) Number of places for PEPP (all places must be paid for)

2) Day (Indicate first and second choice dates)

3) Your contact details (Name, Telephone, Address (incl. post code))


We will confirm your booking in writing and request payment.