Susan Stepney.
Critical Critical Systems.

In Ali E. Abdallah, Peter Ryan, Steve Schenider, editors. Formal Aspects of Security: FASec 2002, Royal Holloway, London, UK, December 2002 . Volume 2629 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 62--70. Springer, 2003

[ Invited talk ]


I discuss the view of communication networks as self-organised critical systems, the mathematical models that may be needed to describe the emergent properties of such networks, and how certain security hygiene schemes may push a network into a super-critical state, potentially leading to large scale security disasters.

  author = "Susan Stepney",
  title = "Critical Critical Systems",
  pages = "62--70",
  crossref = "FASEC-02"

  title = "Formal Aspects of Security: FASec 2002, Royal Holloway, London",
  booktitle = "Formal Aspects of Security: FASec 2002, Royal Holloway, London",
  editor = "Ali E. Abdallah and Peter Ryan and Steve Schenider"
  series = "LNCS",
  volume = 2629,
  publisher = "Springer",
  year = 2003