Matthew Dale, Sarah Jenkins, Richard F. L. Evans, Simon O'Keefe, Angelika Sebald, Susan Stepney, Martin Trefzer.
Reservoir Computing with Magnetic Thin Films.

International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 19(1):63-92, 2024


Advances in artificial intelligence are driven by technologies inspired by the brain, but these technologies are orders of magnitude less powerful and energy efficient than biological systems. Inspired by the nonlinear dynamics of neural networks, new unconventional computing hardware has emerged with the potential to exploit natural phenomena and gain efficiency, in a similar manner to biological systems. Physical reservoir computing demonstrates this with a variety of unconventional systems, from optical-based to memristive systems. Reservoir computers provide a nonlinear projection of the task input into a high-dimensional feature space by exploiting the system's internal dynamics. A trained readout layer then combines features to perform tasks, such as pattern recognition and time-series analysis. Despite progress, achieving state-of-the-art performance without external signal processing to the reservoir remains challenging. Here we perform an initial exploration of three magnetic materials in thin-film geometries via microscale simulation. Our results reveal that basic spin properties of magnetic films generate the required nonlinear dynamics and memory to solve machine learning tasks (although there would be practical challenges in exploiting these particular materials in physical implementations). The method of exploration can be applied to other materials, so this work opens up the possibility of testing different materials, from relatively simple (alloys) to significantly complex (antiferromagnetic reservoirs).

  author = "Matthew Dale and Sarah Jenkins and Richard F. L. Evans and Simon O'Keefe
        and Angelika Sebald and Susan Stepney and Martin Trefzer",
  title = "Reservoir Computing with Magnetic Thin Films",
  journal = "International Journal of Unconventional Computing",
  volume = 19,
  number = 1, 
  pages = {63-92},
  year = 2024