Ian Toyn, Susan Stepney
Characters + Mark-up = Z Lexis.

In Didier Bert, Jonathan P. Bowen, Martin C. Henson, Ken Robinson, editors, ZB2002: Second International Conference of B and Z Users, Grenoble, France, January 2002 . Volume 2272 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 100--119. Springer, 2002.


The mathematical symbols in Z have caused problems for users and tool builders in the past---precisely what is allowed? ISO Standard Z answers this question. This paper considers the Z notation at the level of the individual characters that make up a specification. For Z authors: it reviews the internationalisation of Z, discusses what characters can be used in forming names, and summarises the changes made to LaTeX mark-up in ISO Standard Z. For Z tool builders: it explains the sequence of processing that is prerequisite to the lexing of a Standard Z specification, and considers in detail the processing of LaTeX mark-up.

  author = "Ian Toyn and Susan Stepney",
  title = "Characters + Mark-up = {Z} Lexis",
  pages = "100--119",
  crossref = "ZB-02"

  title = "ZB2002: Second International Conference of B and Z Users,
           Grenoble, France, January 2002",
  booktitle = "ZB2002: Second International Conference of B and Z Users,
               Grenoble, France, January 2002",
  editor = "Didier Bert and Jonathan P. Bowen and Martin C. Henson and Ken Robinson",
  series = "LNCS",
  volume = 2272,
  publisher = "Springer",
  year = 2002