Philip Garnett, Susan Stepney, Ottoline Leyser.
Integrative Hybrid Modelling of Plant Shoot Branching .

In 5th International Workshop on Functional Structural Plant Models: FSPM07, New Zealand , November 2007


The regulation of shoot branching in Arabidopsis involves a complex network of interacting genes, proteins, hormones, and environmental influences. As our knowledge of the molecular biology of the individual processes increases, it becomes increasingly difficult to understand and visualise the system as a whole. We propose that techniques used in computer science for the development of complex software systems can be combined or integrated with existing computational biology techniques to produce new computer models of the shoot branching process.

  author = "Philip Garnett and Susan Stepney and Ottoline Leyser",
  title = "Integrative Hybrid Modelling of Plant Shoot Branching ",
  pages = "9.1--9.5",
  crossref = "FPSM07"

  title = "5th International Workshop on Functional Structural Plant Models:
            FSPM07, New Zealand",
  booktitle = "5th International Workshop on Functional Structural Plant Models:
            FSPM07, New Zealand",
  month = nov,
  year = 2007